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Sigma KEE - Cream
Cream(cream)Devonshire_cream, clotted_cream, coffee_cream, cream, double_creme, heavy_cream, heavy_whipping_cream, light_cream, light_whipping_cream, single_cream, whipped_cream, whipping_cream

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Cream EnglishLanguage "Cream is composed of the higher-fat layer skimmed from the top of Milk.[Wikipedia]") Food.kif 3112-3113
(roomTempState Cream Liquid) Food.kif 3111-3111 roomTempState cream and liquid
(subclass Cream DairyArtifact) Food.kif 3110-3110 Cream is a subclass of dairy product

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Cream "cream") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64717-64717


        (instance ?C Cream)
        (part ?C ?O1)
        (instance ?O1 ButterFat)
        (measure ?O1
            (MeasureFn ?X Gram))
        (instance ?M Milk)
        (part ?M ?O2)
        (instance ?O2 ButterFat)
        (measure ?O2
            (MeasureFn ?Y Gram)))
    (greaterThan ?X ?Y))
Food.kif 3124-3136
    (instance ?C Cream)
    (exists (?CH ?M)
            (instance ?CH Separating)
            (patient ?CH ?M)
            (instance ?M Milk)
            (result ?CH Cream))))
Food.kif 3115-3122


    (instance ?C Cream)
    (exists (?CH ?M)
            (instance ?CH Separating)
            (patient ?CH ?M)
            (instance ?M Milk)
            (result ?CH Cream))))
Food.kif 3115-3122

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