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Sigma KEE - ContentBearingPhysical
ContentBearingPhysical(content bearing physical)aliyah, radiophoto, radiophotograph

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ContentBearingPhysical ChineseLanguage "任何能表达内容的 ObjectProcess 。这包括有 PropositionObject ,像一本书和同样有 PropositionManualSignLanguage。") chinese_format.kif 1637-1638
(documentation ContentBearingPhysical EnglishLanguage "Any Object or Process that expresses content. This covers Objects that contain a Proposition, such as a book, as well as ManualSignLanguage, which may similarly contain a Proposition.") Merge.kif 1306-1309
(documentation ContentBearingPhysical JapaneseLanguage "コンテンツを表現する任意の Object または Process 。 これは、本のように、Proposition を含む Object をカバーする。 同様に、 ManualSignLanguage も Proposition を含む。") japanese_format.kif 220-222
(documentation ContentBearingPhysical SpanishLanguage "Un Object o Process que expresa contenido. Esto cubre los Objects que contienen una Proposition, como un libro, así como un ManualSignLanguage, por lo que puede contener una Proposition.") spanish_format.kif 261-264
(subclass ContentBearingPhysical Physical) Merge.kif 1304-1304 Content bearing physical is a subclass of physical

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Brand ContentBearingPhysical) Hotel.kif 1280-1280 Brand is a subclass of content bearing physical
(subclass ContentBearingObject ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1328-1328 Content bearing object is a subclass of content bearing physical
(subclass ContentBearingProcess ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1316-1316 Content bearing process is a subclass of content bearing physical
(subclass Icon ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1379-1379 Icon is a subclass of content bearing physical
(subclass LinguisticExpression ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1397-1397 Linguistic expression is a subclass of content bearing physical
(subclass SymbolicString ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1336-1336 Symbolic string is a subclass of content bearing physical
(subclass VisualContentBearingPhysical ContentBearingPhysical) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26238-26238 Visual content bearing physical is a subclass of content bearing physical
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ContentBearingPhysical "内容承载物理") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16944-16944
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ContentBearingPhysical "內容承載物理") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16943-16943
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ContentBearingPhysical "content bearing physical") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16942-16942

appearance as argument number 3

(domain actedIn 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20774-20774 The number 2 argument of acted in is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain containsFormula 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1367-1367 The number 1 argument of contains formula is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain containsInformation 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1357-1357 The number 1 argument of contains information is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain equivalentContentInstance 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4550-4550 The number 1 argument of equivalent content instance is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain equivalentContentInstance 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4551-4551 The number 2 argument of equivalent content instance is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain experimentUpdate 1 ContentBearingPhysical) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2671-2671 The number 1 argument of live experiment update is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain finalExperimentReport 1 ContentBearingPhysical) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2692-2692 The number 1 argument of final experiment report is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain language 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1499-1499 The number 1 argument of language is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain recordForAgreement 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Law.kif 501-501 The number 1 argument of record for agreement is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain subsumesContentInstance 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4577-4577 The number 1 argument of subsumes content instance is an instance of content bearing physical
(domain subsumesContentInstance 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4578-4578 The number 2 argument of subsumes content instance is an instance of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass abbreviatedDisplayTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3137-3137 The number 2 argument of abbreviated display title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass alternativeTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3105-3105 The number 2 argument of alternative title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass displayTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3126-3126 The number 2 argument of display title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass equivalentContentClass 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4494-4494 The number 1 argument of equivalent content class is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass equivalentContentClass 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4495-4495 The number 2 argument of equivalent content class is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass groupingTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3176-3176 The number 2 argument of grouping title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass misspelledTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3198-3198 The number 2 argument of misspelled title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass originalTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3166-3166 The number 2 argument of original title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass referenceTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3155-3155 The number 2 argument of reference title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass sortingTitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3115-3115 The number 2 argument of sorting title is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass subsumesContentClass 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4520-4520 The number 1 argument of subsumes content class is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass subsumesContentClass 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 4521-4521 The number 2 argument of subsumes content class is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass subtitle 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3208-3208 The number 2 argument of subtitle is a subclass of content bearing physical
(domainSubclass titleInLanguage 2 ContentBearingPhysical) Media.kif 3087-3087 The number 2 argument of title in language is a subclass of content bearing physical

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        (instance ?DECIDE Deciding)
        (agent ?DECIDE ?A)
        (patient ?DECIDE ?S)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (result ?DECIDE ?X)
        (instance ?X ContentBearingPhysical))
    (containsFormula ?X
                (WhenFn ?DECIDE))
            (exists (?M)
                    (element ?M ?S)
                    (instance ?M IntentionalProcess)
                    (agent ?M ?A))))))
Merge.kif 12092-12108
    (instance ?OBJ ContentBearingPhysical)
    (exists (?THING)
        (represents ?OBJ ?THING)))
Merge.kif 1311-1314


        (groupingTitle ?STRING ?PRODUCTTYPE ?LANGUAGE)
        (instance ?PRODUCT ?PRODUCTTYPE)
        (member ?OBJ ?PRODUCT))
    (instance ?OBJ ContentBearingPhysical))
Media.kif 3189-3194
        (instance ?PLAN Plan)
        (instance ?PROC Process)
        (represents ?PLAN ?PROC))
    (exists (?PLANNING ?CBO)
            (instance ?PLANNING Planning)
            (instance ?CBO ContentBearingPhysical)
            (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN)
            (result ?PLANNING ?CBO)
                    (WhenFn ?PLANNING))
                    (WhenFn ?PROC)))
                    (WhenFn ?PLANNING))
                    (WhenFn ?PROC))))))
Military.kif 32-44

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