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Sigma KEE - CIAAirportLengthClassification
CIAAirportLengthClassification(CIA airport length classification)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CIAAirportLengthClassification EnglishLanguage "CIAAirportLengthClassification is a class of Attributes used to characterize Airports according to the length of their longest usable runway.") Transportation.kif 1381-1384
(subclass CIAAirportLengthClassification AirportClassification) Transportation.kif 1380-1380 CIA airport length classification is a subclass of airport classification

appearance as argument number 2

(instance LongRunwayAirport CIAAirportLengthClassification) Transportation.kif 1440-1440 Long runway airport is an instance of CIA airport length classification
(instance MediumLengthRunwayAirport CIAAirportLengthClassification) Transportation.kif 1421-1421 Medium length runway airport is an instance of CIA airport length classification
(instance ShortRunwayAirport CIAAirportLengthClassification) Transportation.kif 1402-1402 Short runway airport is an instance of CIA airport length classification
(instance VeryLongRunwayAirport CIAAirportLengthClassification) Transportation.kif 1459-1459 Very long runway airport is an instance of CIA airport length classification
(instance VeryShortRunwayAirport CIAAirportLengthClassification) Transportation.kif 1386-1386 Very short runway airport is an instance of CIA airport length classification
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CIAAirportLengthClassification "中情局机场长度分类") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14826-14826
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CIAAirportLengthClassification "中情局機場長度分類") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14825-14825
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CIAAirportLengthClassification "CIA airport length classification") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14824-14824

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