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Sigma KEE - BodyCavity
BodyCavity(body cavity)
abdomen, abdominal_cavity, alveolus, cranial_orbit, eye_socket, left_ventricle, orbit, orbital_cavity, pudendal_cleavage, pudendal_cleft, pudendal_slit, rima_pudendi, rima_vulvae, tooth_socket, urogenital_cleft, vulvar_slit

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BodyCavity ChineseLanguage "这是任何含有未填空间的 BodyPart,例如: BodyVessel、心脏的心房和心室、肺部等等。") chinese_format.kif 3514-3515
(documentation BodyCavity EnglishLanguage "Any BodyPart which contains an unfilled space, e.g. BodyVessels, the atria and ventricles of the heart, the lungs, etc.") Merge.kif 15145-15146
(externalImage BodyCavity " 6/ 65/ Illu_body_cavities.jpg") pictureList.kif 1049-1049
(subclass BodyCavity BodyPart) Merge.kif 15144-15144 Body cavity is a subclass of body part

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AuditoryCanal BodyCavity) Anatomy.kif 1558-1558 Auditory canal is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass BodyVessel BodyCavity) Merge.kif 15148-15148 Body vessel is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass EustachianTube BodyCavity) Anatomy.kif 1502-1502 Eustachian tube is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass InnerEar BodyCavity) Anatomy.kif 1594-1594 Auris interna is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass LeftAtrium BodyCavity) Medicine.kif 269-269 Left atrium is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass LeftVentricle BodyCavity) Medicine.kif 285-285 Left ventricle is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass NasalCavity BodyCavity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 6071-6071 Nasal cavity is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass RightAtrium BodyCavity) Medicine.kif 301-301 Right atrium is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass RightVentricle BodyCavity) Medicine.kif 317-317 Right ventricle is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass TympanicCavity BodyCavity) Anatomy.kif 1585-1585 Middle ear is a subclass of body cavity
(subclass Urethra BodyCavity) Anatomy.kif 1535-1535 Urethra is a subclass of body cavity
(termFormat ChineseLanguage BodyCavity "体腔") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11471-11471
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage BodyCavity "體腔") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11470-11470
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BodyCavity "body cavity") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11469-11469

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