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Sigma KEE - ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices
ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices(architectural engineering and related services)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services.") naics.kif 9937-9939
(subAttribute ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices ProfessionalScientificAndTechnicalServices) naics.kif 9935-9935 Architectural engineering and related services is a subattribute of professional scientific and technical services

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute ArchitecturalServices ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9941-9941 Architectural services is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(subAttribute BuildingInspectionServices ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9966-9966 Building inspection services is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(subAttribute DraftingServices ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9960-9960 Drafting services is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(subAttribute EngineeringServices ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9954-9954 Engineering services is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(subAttribute GeophysicalSurveyingAndMappingServices ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9973-9973 Geophysical surveying and mapping services is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(subAttribute LandscapeArchitecturalServices ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9947-9947 Landscape architectural services is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(subAttribute SurveyingAndMappingExceptGeophysicalServices ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9980-9980 Surveying and mapping except geophysical services is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(subAttribute TestingLaboratories ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices) naics.kif 9987-9987 Testing laboratories is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices "建筑工程及相关服务") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8241-8241 Testing laboratories is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices "建築工程及相關服務") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8240-8240 Testing laboratories is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ArchitecturalEngineeringAndRelatedServices "architectural engineering and related services") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8239-8239 Testing laboratories is a subattribute of architectural engineering and related services

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