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Sigma KEE - Alga
Ascophyllum, Ascophyllum_nodosum, Bacillariophyceae, Bangiaceae, Chara, Characeae, Charales, Charophyceae, Chlamydomonadaceae, Chlamydomonas, Chlorococcales, Chlorococcum, Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta, Chondrus, Chondrus_crispus, Chrysophyceae, Chrysophyta, Cryptophyceae, Cryptophyta, Cyclosporeae, Desmidiaceae, Desmidium, Diatomophyceae, Euglenaceae, Euglenophyceae, Euglenophyta, Fucaceae, Fucales, Fucus_serratus, Fucus_vesiculosus, Gigartinaceae, Heterokontae, Heterokontophyta, Heterotrichales, Irish_moss, Laminaria, Laminariaceae, Laminariales, Nitella, Oedogoniaceae, Oedogoniales, Oedogonium, Phaeophyceae, Phaeophyta, Phytomastigina, Porphyra, Rhodophyceae, Rhodophyta, Rhodymenia...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Alga ChineseLanguage "这主要是含有叶绿素的水生植物,它们不会在发育过程中制造胚胎,也 没有血管组织。") chinese_format.kif 3384-3385
(documentation Alga EnglishLanguage "A chiefly aquatic plant that contains chlorophyll, but does not form embryos during development and lacks vascular tissue.") Merge.kif 14470-14471
(externalImage Alga " 7/ 7d/ Laurencia.jpg/ 747px_Laurencia.jpg") pictureList.kif 26-26
(subclass Alga NonFloweringPlant) Merge.kif 14469-14469 Alga is a subclass of non flowering plant

appearance as argument number 2

(disjointDecomposition NonFloweringPlant Alga Fern Moss) Merge.kif 14465-14465 Non flowering plant is disjointly decomposed into alga, fern, and moss
(subclass Seaweed Alga) Food.kif 3385-3385 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Alga "藻类") chinese_format.kif 968-968 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Alga "alga") english_format.kif 1143-1143 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Alga "algue") french_format.kif 645-645 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat Hindi Alga "shEvaala") terms-hindi.txt 176-176 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Alga "Alga") terms-it.txt 179-179 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Alga "藻") japanese_format.kif 2329-2329 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Alga "Alga") portuguese_format.kif 597-597 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat cz Alga "alga") terms-cz.txt 213-213 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat ro Alga "algã") relations-ro.kif 666-666 Seaweed is a subclass of alga
(termFormat tg Alga "Damong dagat") terms-tg.txt 180-180 Seaweed is a subclass of alga


    (instance ?ALGA Alga)
    (exists (?WATER)
            (inhabits ?ALGA ?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER Water))))
Merge.kif 14473-14478


    (instance ?LICH Lichen)
    (exists (?ALGA)
            (instance ?ALGA Alga)
            (part ?ALGA ?LICH))))
Geography.kif 6302-6307

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