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Sigma KEE - AlemannischLanguage
AlemannischLanguage(alemannisch language)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AlemannischLanguage EnglishLanguage "The AlemannischLanguage is an AlemannicLanguage of Switzerland (Alsatian). SIL code: GSW. ISO 639-2: gem. Population: 4,215,000 in Switzerland, 63.6% of the population (1990 census). Population total all countries: 6,044,000 or more. Region: Central, south central, north central, northeast, and eastern cantons. Also spoken in Austria, France, Germany, Liechtenstein. Alternate names: SCHWYZERDUTSCH. Dialects: BERN (BARNDUTSCH), ZURICH, LUCERNE, BASEL, OBWALD, APPENZEL, ST. GALLEN, GRAUBENDEN_GRISONS (VALSERISCH), WALLIS. Comments: Swiss varieties are High Alemannisch (most) and Highest Alemannisch (several in central Switzerland). Not functionally intelligible to speakers of Standard German. Each canton has a separate variety, many of which are unintelligible to each others' speakers. Only a few of the 20 to 70 varieties are listed as dialects (subdialects). Close to Schwabish in south central Germany. All speakers are actively or passively bilingual in Standard German. Standard German is the language of instruction in school. There is an important literature. Used in some schools and churches. 93.3% of German speakers in Switzerland speak a Swiss German dialect, and 66.4% speak dialect only, and no High German (1990 census). 72% of the entire population of Switzerland speak Schwyzerdutsch every day (1990 census). They have a strong social function, being used to maintain the borders of regions or cantons, or even to keep one village different from another. They also draw the line between Germans, Swiss, and Austrians. Called 'Schwytzertutsch' in Switzerland, and 'Alsatian' in France. Grammar. NT 1984. Also spoken in: Austria. (Language name: ALEMANNISCH.) Population: 300,000 in Austria (1991 Annemarie Schmidt). Alternate names: ALEMANNIC. Dialects: HIGH ALEMANNISCH (HOCHALEMANNISCH). Comments: Similar to Swabian. Called 'Schwyzerdutsch' in Switzerland and 'Alsatian' in southeastern France. NT 1984. See main entry under Switzerland. Also spoken in: France. (Language name: ALEMANNISCH.) Population: 1,500,000 in France (J.A. Hawkins in B. Comrie 1988). Alternate names: ALEMANNIC. Dialects: ALSATIAN (ALSACIEN, ELSAESSISCH). Comments: No standard form of Alsatian, but a variety of village dialects. All speakers do not necessarily understand or read Standard German, but most are bilingual in French. Bilingualism in Standard French varies from 79% to 90% of the population in the different regions. Standard German is taught in some primary schools, and used in local newspapers. Called 'Schwyzerdutsch' in Switzerland and 'Alemannisch' in Austria and parts of Germany. Christian. NT 1984. Also spoken in: Germany. (Language name: ALEMANNISCH.) Alternate names: ALEMANNIC. Dialects: LOW ALEMANNISCH, HIGH ALEMANNISCH. Comments: Varieties in Germany include Low and High Alemannisch. Approximately 40% inherent intelligibility with Standard German. Close to 'Schwyzerdutsch' in Switzerland. 'Alsatian' in northeastern France. Similar to Swabian. Speakers are bilingual in Standard German. NT 1984. Also spoken in: Liechtenstein. (Language name: ALEMANNISCH.) Population: 29,000. Alternate names: ALEMANNIC, SCHWYZERDUTSCH, SCHWYTZERTUETSCH. Dialects: HIGH ALEMANNISCH. Comments: Bilingualism in Standard German. Spoken by the majority of the people in the country. NT 1984.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 7953-7997
(externalImage AlemannischLanguage " commons/ c/ ca/ Alemannisch.png") pictureList.kif 8327-8327
(instance AlemannischLanguage AlemannicLanguage) Languages.kif 7952-7952 Alemannisch language is an instance of alemannic language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage AlemannischLanguage "alemannisch语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6453-6453
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage AlemannischLanguage "alemannisch語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6452-6452
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AlemannischLanguage "alemannisch language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6451-6451

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