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Sigma KEE - AirStream
AirStream(air stream)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AirStream ChineseLanguage "气流 AirStream 是一类由空气组成的流动区域 FlowRegion.") Weather.kif 67-67
(documentation AirStream EnglishLanguage "AirStream is the class of FlowRegions that consist of air.") Weather.kif 65-66
(externalImage AirStream " windy_2.png") pictureList.kif 2096-2096
(subclass AirStream Air) Weather.kif 63-63 Air stream is a subclass of air
(subclass AirStream FlowRegion) Weather.kif 62-62 Air stream is a subclass of flow region

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass EyeOfCyclone AirStream) Weather.kif 567-567 Eye of cyclone is a subclass of air stream
(subclass JetStream AirStream) Weather.kif 75-75 Jet stream is a subclass of air stream
(subclass WindFlow AirStream) Weather.kif 82-82 Wind flow is a subclass of air stream
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AirStream "气流") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6276-6276
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage AirStream "氣流") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6275-6275
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AirStream "air stream") domainEnglishFormat.kif 6274-6274


        (instance ?AS AirStream)
        (part ?AIR ?AS))
    (attribute ?AR Gas))
Weather.kif 69-73
        (instance ?CS CyclonicStorm)
        (instance ?AS AirStream)
        (eventLocated ?CS ?AS))
    (shape ?AS Cylinder))
Weather.kif 556-561

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