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Sigma KEE - Bolt

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Bolt EnglishLanguage "Any AttachingDevice that is designed to mate with a MechanicalNut thereby Attaching two Objects. This includes nuts with hexagonal heads that must be held or turned by a Wrench or Screwdriver as well as those that have round heads but some non-round feature that is designed to catch on the material being attached, and therefore prevent rotation, as in a carriage bolt. Bolts are distinguished from Screws in that screws must create a mating surface by gouging a thread into material, whereas bolts are designed to slip through a hole and are held in place by a nut at the opposite end from the head of the bolt. This includes threaded rods that may have nuts as spacers for freely rotating items.") Cars.kif 4147-4155
(subclass Bolt AttachingDevice) Cars.kif 4145-4145 子類 Bolt and 附著裝置

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Bolt "bolt") Cars.kif 4146-4146


    (instance ?B Bolt)
    (hasPurpose ?B
        (exists (?A ?N)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (instance ?N MechanicalNut)
                (instrument ?A ?B)
                (instrument ?A ?N)))))
Cars.kif 4157-4165


    (instance ?MT MechanicalTap)
    (hasPurpose ?MT
        (exists (?M ?B)
                (instance ?M Making)
                (instance ?B Bolt)
                (instrument ?M ?MT)
                (result ?M ?B)))))
Cars.kif 4190-4198
    (instance ?N MechanicalNut)
    (hasPurpose ?N
        (exists (?A ?B)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (instance ?B Bolt)
                (instrument ?A ?B)
                (instrument ?A ?N)))))
Cars.kif 4176-4184
    (instance ?W WasherForBolt)
    (hasPurpose ?W
        (exists (?B)
                (instance ?B Bolt)
                (contains ?W ?B)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4292-4298

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