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Sigma KEE - manufacturer

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation manufacturer EnglishLanguage "A relation between a class of Objects and an AutonomousAgent that is responsible for the Manufacture of that object.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 15026-15027
(domain manufacturer 2 AutonomousAgent) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15029-15029 manufacturer, 2 and AutonomousAgent
(domainSubclass manufacturer 1 Object) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15028-15028 域子類 manufacturer, 1 and Object
(instance manufacturer BinaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15025-15025 manufacturer and BinaryPredicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage manufacturer "the maker of %1 is %2") Mid-level-ontology.kif 15030-15030
(termFormat EnglishLanguage manufacturer "manufacturer") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65868-65868


        (deviceOS ?C ?OS)
        (instance ?CI ?C)
        (instance ?OSI ?OS)
        (manufacturer ?C ?ORG))
    (desires ?ORG
            (programRunning ?PROC ?OSI)
            (computerRunning ?PROC ?CI))))
ComputingBrands.kif 734-743
        (instance ?J Jailbreaking)
        (instance ?D Computer)
        (instance ?D ?CLASS)
        (patient ?J ?D)
        (manufacturer ?CLASS ?C))
        (desires ?C
            (exists (?A)
                (agent ?J ?A)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 3476-3486


(exists (?T)
        (subclass ?T HandToolBox)
        (manufacturer ?T SortimoCorp)))
Cars.kif 5117-5120 Object 子類 Object and HandToolBox manufacturer Object and SortimoCorp

appearance as argument number 0

(manufacturer AppleComputer AppleComputerCorporation) ComputingBrands.kif 103-103 manufacturer AppleComputer and 蘋果
(manufacturer AppleSystemManagementController AppleComputerCorporation) ComputingBrands.kif 972-972 manufacturer 系统管理控制器 and 蘋果
(manufacturer ChevroletAutomobile GeneralMotorsCorp) Cars.kif 4975-4975 manufacturer ChevroletAutomobile and GeneralMotorsCorp
(manufacturer CommodoreAutomobile HoldenCorporation) Cars.kif 4516-4516 manufacturer CommodoreAutomobile and HoldenCorporation
(manufacturer CommodoreWheel HoldenCorporation) Cars.kif 4522-4522 manufacturer CommodoreWheel and HoldenCorporation
(manufacturer Corvette GeneralMotorsCorp) Cars.kif 5128-5128 manufacturer Corvette and GeneralMotorsCorp
(manufacturer CosworthEngine CosworthCorp) Cars.kif 5173-5173 manufacturer CosworthEngine and CosworthCorp
(manufacturer FitbitDevice FitbitCompany) Medicine.kif 4463-4463 manufacturer FitbitDevice and FitbitCompany
(manufacturer FordAutomobile FordCorporation) Cars.kif 4922-4922 manufacturer FordAutomobile and FordCorporation
(manufacturer GMLs1V8engine GeneralMotorsCorp) Cars.kif 5124-5124 manufacturer GMLs1V8engine and GeneralMotorsCorp
(manufacturer HarleyDavidsonKnuckleheadEngine HarleyDavidsonCorp) Cars.kif 4589-4589 manufacturer HarleyDavidsonKnuckleheadEngine and HarleyDavidsonCorp
(manufacturer HarleyDavidsonPanheadEngine HarleyDavidsonCorp) Cars.kif 4693-4693 manufacturer HarleyDavidsonPanheadEngine and HarleyDavidsonCorp
(manufacturer HoldenToranaAutomobile HoldenCorporation) Cars.kif 4876-4876 manufacturer HoldenToranaAutomobile and HoldenCorporation
(manufacturer IconHelmet IconMotorcyleEquipmentCorporation) Cars.kif 5163-5163 manufacturer IconHelmet and IconMotorcyleEquipmentCorporation
(manufacturer MiniCooper BritishMotorCorp) Cars.kif 4863-4863 manufacturer MiniCooper and BritishMotorCorp
(manufacturer Pedialyte AbbottLaboratories) Medicine.kif 4813-4813 manufacturer Pedialyte and AbbottLaboratories
(manufacturer PeterbiltTruck PeterbiltCorp) Cars.kif 5021-5021 manufacturer PeterbiltTruck and PeterbiltCorp
(manufacturer Rinvoq AbbVie) Medicine.kif 5554-5554 manufacturer Rinvoq and AbbVie
(manufacturer RoverV8Engine RoverGroup) Cars.kif 4722-4722 manufacturer RoverV8Engine and RoverGroup
(manufacturer SeagullOutboard BritishSeagullCorp) Cars.kif 4746-4746 manufacturer SeagullOutboard and BritishSeagullCorp
(manufacturer SimmonsWheelRim SimmonsCorp) Cars.kif 4852-4852 manufacturer SimmonsWheelRim and SimmonsCorp
(manufacturer SnapOnRatchet SnapOnTools) Cars.kif 4972-4972 manufacturer SnapOnRatchet and SnapOnTools
(manufacturer Valvoline MotorOil) Medicine.kif 3848-3848 manufacturer Valvoline and 機油
(manufacturer Zyrtec JohnsonAndJohnson) Medicine.kif 2988-2988 manufacturer Zyrtec and JohnsonAndJohnson

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners