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Sigma KEE - lethalDose

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation lethalDose EnglishLanguage "(lethalDose ?AGENT ?QUANTITY) means that ?QUANTITY is the lethal dose, or LD50, for the BiochemicalAgent ?AGENT. This is the dose that would result in death for 50% of the exposed human population. Note that ?QUANTITY is generally expressed in micrograms per kilogram (mcg/ kg).") WMD.kif 846-849
(domain lethalDose 2 FunctionQuantity) WMD.kif 844-844 致死劑量, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domainSubclass lethalDose 1 BiochemicalAgent) WMD.kif 843-843 域子類 致死劑量, 1 and 生化劑
(instance lethalDose BinaryPredicate) WMD.kif 842-842 致死劑量 and BinaryPredicate
(relatedInternalConcept lethalDose effectiveDose) WMD.kif 845-845 相關的內部概念 致死劑量 and 有效劑量

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage lethalDose "%2 %n 是 %1 的 lethal 剂量") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1527-1527
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage lethalDose "%2 %n 是 %1 的 lethal 劑量") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1526-1526
(format EnglishLanguage lethalDose "%2 is %n a lethal dose of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1525-1525
(termFormat ChineseLanguage lethalDose "致死剂量") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34157-34157
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage lethalDose "致死劑量") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34156-34156
(termFormat EnglishLanguage lethalDose "lethal dose") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34155-34155


        (instance ?AGENT ?CLASS)
        (lethalDose ?CLASS
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER ?UNIT))
        (greaterThan ?NUMBER 0.0))
    (instance ?AGENT LifeThreateningAgent))
WMD.kif 1017-1023
        (instance ?U McgPerKg)
        (effectiveDose ?AGENT
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER1 ?U))
        (lethalDose ?AGENT
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER2 ?U)))
    (greaterThan ?NUMBER2 ?NUMBER1))
WMD.kif 851-858
    (lethalDose ?AGENT
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER1 ?UNIT1)
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER2 ?UNIT2)))
        (instance ?UNIT1 UnitOfMass)
        (instance ?UNIT2 UnitOfMass)))
WMD.kif 860-867

appearance as argument number 0

(lethalDose AbrinToxin
        (MeasureFn 0.04
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 439-439 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 0.04 and 公克perabrin毒素lethal 劑量
(lethalDose Batrachotoxin
        (MeasureFn 2.0
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 310-310 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 2.0 and 公克perbatrachotoxinlethal 劑量
(lethalDose BotulinumToxin
        (MeasureFn 0.001
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 325-325 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 0.001 and 公克per肉毒桿菌毒素lethal 劑量
(lethalDose Diacetoxyscirpenol
        (MeasureFn 23.0
            (MilliFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 1840-1840 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 23.0 and 公克per二乙酯scirpenollethal 劑量
(lethalDose RicinToxin
        (MeasureFn 3.0
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 431-431 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 3.0 and 公克per蓖麻毒素lethal 劑量
(lethalDose Sarin
        (MeasureFn 100.0
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 586-586 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 100.0 and 公克per沙林lethal 劑量
(lethalDose ShigaToxin
        (MeasureFn 0.002
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 1339-1339 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 0.002 and 公克per志賀毒素lethal 劑量
(lethalDose Soman
        (MeasureFn 64.0
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 582-582 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 64.0 and 公克per梭曼lethal 劑量
(lethalDose StaphylococcalEnterotoxinB
        (MeasureFn 0.02
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 1440-1440 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 0.02 and 公克per葡萄球菌腸毒素blethal 劑量
(lethalDose T2Toxin
        (MeasureFn 5.2
            (MilliFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 1845-1845 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 5.2 and 公克pert2毒素lethal 劑量
(lethalDose VX
        (MeasureFn 15.0
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 599-599 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 15.0 and 公克perVXlethal 劑量

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