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Sigma KEE - containsFormula

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation containsFormula EnglishLanguage "The analogue to containsInformation for a Formula. The Formula is contained in or expressed by the Physical. This could capture the relation between a stop sign and the fact that it expresses the directive to stop moving momentarily, or that a Waving signifies a friendly greeting.") Merge.kif 1373-1377
(domain containsFormula 1 ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1367-1367 containsFormula, 1 and 內容承載物理
(domain containsFormula 2 Formula) Merge.kif 1368-1368 containsFormula, 2 and Formula
(instance containsFormula BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 1366-1366 containsFormula and BinaryPredicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage containsFormula "%1 contains the formula %2") Merge.kif 1371-1371
(relatedInternalConcept containsInformation containsFormula) Merge.kif 1369-1369 相關的內部概念 包含信息 and containsFormula
(termFormat EnglishLanguage containsFormula "contains formula") Merge.kif 1370-1370


        (subclass ?PLATFORM PartyPlatform)
        (authors ?PARTY ?PLATFORM)
        (instance ?PARTY PoliticalParty)
        (instance ?INST ?PLATFORM)
        (containsFormula ?INST ?P))
    (believes ?PARTY ?P))
Government.kif 2295-2302


        (instance ?DECIDE Deciding)
        (agent ?DECIDE ?A)
        (patient ?DECIDE ?S)
        (instance ?S Set)
        (result ?DECIDE ?X)
        (instance ?X ContentBearingPhysical))
    (containsFormula ?X
                (WhenFn ?DECIDE))
            (exists (?M)
                    (element ?M ?S)
                    (instance ?M IntentionalProcess)
                    (agent ?M ?A))))))
Merge.kif 12092-12108
        (instance ?M Misdiagnosing)
        (agent ?M ?D)
        (refers ?M ?P)
        (instance ?P Human))
    (exists (?DIS)
            (containsFormula ?M
                (attribute ?P ?DIS))
            (instance ?DIS DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (believes ?D
                (attribute ?P ?DIS))
                (attribute ?P ?DIS) False))))
Medicine.kif 4195-4210
        (instance ?TEXT BirthCertificate)
        (instance ?B Birth)
        (instance ?A Human)
        (experiencer ?B ?A))
    (containsFormula ?TEXT
        (exists (?DAY ?P ?N)
                (birthdate ?A ?DAY)
                (instance ?DAY Day)
                (birthplace ?A ?P)
                (instance ?P GeographicArea)
                (represents ?N ?A)
                (instance ?N Name)))))
Biography.kif 250-264
        (instance ?TEXT DeathCertificate)
        (instance ?D Death)
        (instance ?A Human)
        (experiencer ?D ?A))
    (containsFormula ?TEXT
        (exists (?DAY ?P ?N ?PROC)
                (deathdate ?A ?DAY)
                (instance ?DAY Day)
                (deathplace ?A ?P)
                (instance ?P GeographicArea)
                (represents ?N ?A)
                (instance ?N Name)
                (causes ?PROC ?D)
                (instance ?PROC Process)))))
Biography.kif 280-296
        (instance ?TEXT MarriageCertificate)
        (instance ?A Human)
        (instance ?B Human)
        (spouse ?A ?B))
    (containsFormula ?TEXT
        (exists (?DAY)
                (weddingdate ?A ?B ?DAY)
                (instance ?DAY Day)))))
Biography.kif 307-317
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (prohibits ?A ?F))
    (exists (?S ?B ?P)
            (instance ?S Stating)
                (WhenFn ?S) ?T1)
            (agent ?S ?A)
            (containsFormula ?S
                        (agent ?P ?B)
                        (truth ?F True))
                    (punishes ?A ?B))))))
Law.kif 65-78
    (trusts ?A1 ?A2 ?P)
    (believes ?A1
            (exists (?S ?PI ?P)
                    (instance ?S Stating)
                    (containsFormula ?S
                            (instance ?PI ?P)
                            (agent ?PI ?A2)))))
                    (instance ?PI ?P)
                    (agent ?PI ?A2)) Likely))))
Law.kif 400-415

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