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Sigma KEE - appointedPosition

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation appointedPosition EnglishLanguage "(appointedPosition ?PROC ?AGENT ?POS) means that an ?AGENT (can be a Human or an Organization) is appointed, through the Process of Appointing to the Position of ?POS. For example, a person is appointed to a Cleric position in Christianity.") Biography.kif 152-154
(domain appointedPosition 1 Appointing) Biography.kif 149-149 appointedPosition, 1 and 任命
(domain appointedPosition 2 AutonomousAgent) Biography.kif 150-150 appointedPosition, 2 and AutonomousAgent
(domain appointedPosition 3 Position) Biography.kif 151-151 appointedPosition, 3 and Position
(instance appointedPosition TernaryPredicate) Biography.kif 148-148 appointedPosition and TernaryPredicate


        (instance ?ORD Ordaining)
        (patient ?ORD ?X)
        (instance ?X Human)
        (member ?X Christianity))
    (hasPurpose ?ORD
        (exists (?CER ?A)
                (instance ?CER Ceremony)
                (instance ?A Appointing)
                (subProcess ?A ?CER)
                (patient ?A ?X)
                (appointedPosition ?A ?X Cleric)))))
Biography.kif 156-169

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