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Sigma KEE - ViralAgent

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ViralAgent EnglishLanguage "BiologicalAgents that are also a Virus.") WMD.kif 232-232
(subclass ViralAgent ToxicOrganism) WMD.kif 230-230 子類 病毒劑 and 有毒生物
(subclass ViralAgent Virus) WMD.kif 231-231 子類 病毒劑 and Virus

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CrimeanCongoHemorrhagicFeverVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1918-1918 子類 克里米亞剛果出血熱病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass DengueFeverVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1637-1637 子類 登革熱病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass EasternEquineEncephalitisVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1688-1688 子類 東部馬腦炎病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass EbolaVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1195-1195 子類 伊波拉病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass FlexalVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1969-1969 子類 屈曲病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass FootAndMouthVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1186-1186 子類 口蹄疫病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass GuanaritoVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1949-1949 子類 瓜納里託病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass HIVVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1347-1347 子類 HIV病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass HendraVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 2051-2051 子類 亨德拉病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass HepatitisVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1770-1770 子類 肝炎病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass HerpesVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1511-1511 子類 HerpesVirus and 病毒劑
(subclass JapaneseEncephalitisVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1702-1702 子類 日本腦炎病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass JuninVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1924-1924 子類 junin病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass LaCrosseVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1658-1658 子類 拉克羅斯病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass LassaVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1856-1856 子類 拉薩病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass MachupoVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1937-1937 子類 machupo病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass MarburgVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1734-1734 子類 馬爾堡病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass MonkeypoxVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1232-1232 子類 猴痘病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass Myxomatosis ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1402-1402 子類 Myxomatosis and 病毒劑
(subclass NipahVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 2057-2057 子類 尼帕病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass Rotavirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1816-1816 子類 輪狀病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass SabiaVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1959-1959 子類 sabia病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass SaintLouisEncephalitisVirus ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1672-1672 子類 聖路易斯腦炎病毒 and 病毒劑
(subclass VariolaMajor ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1254-1254 子類 天花專業 and 病毒劑
(subclass VariolaMinor ViralAgent) WMD.kif 1259-1259 子類 小天花 and 病毒劑

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        (instance ?VIRUS ViralAgent)
        (instance ?VIRUS ?CLASS)
        (biochemicalAgentSyndrome ?CLASS ?SYNDROME))
    (instance ?SYNDROME ViralDisease))
WMD.kif 1131-1136

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