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Sigma KEE - Sport
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appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Sport ChineseLanguage "这是需要游戏参加者作出某种程度上的体力消耗的 Game。") chinese_format.kif 3298-3298
(documentation Sport EnglishLanguage "A Game which requires some degree of physical exercion from the participants of the game.") Merge.kif 13424-13425
(externalImage Sport " OHL-Hockey-Plymouth-Whalers-vs-Saginaw-Spirit.jpg") pictureList.kif 6889-6889
(externalImage Sport " Bruno_Senna_2006_Australian_Grand_Prix.jpg") pictureList.kif 7967-7967
(externalImage Sport " Putter_with_flag.jpg") pictureList.kif 7968-7968
(externalImage Sport " Gymnasta.jpg") pictureList.kif 7969-7969
(externalImage Sport " Youth-soccer-indiana.jpg") pictureList.kif 7970-7970
(externalImage Sport " Showjumping_white_horse.jpg") pictureList.kif 7971-7971
(externalImage Sport " Three_point_shoot.JPG") pictureList.kif 7972-7972
(subclass Sport Game) Merge.kif 13423-13423 子類 Sport and Game

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Archery Sport) Sports.kif 89-89 子類 Archery and Sport
(subclass Badminton Sport) Sports.kif 91-91 子類 Badminton and Sport
(subclass Bodybuilding Sport) Sports.kif 772-772 子類 健美運動 and Sport
(subclass Bowling Sport) Sports.kif 1103-1103 子類 Bowling and Sport
(subclass Boxing Sport) Sports.kif 585-585 子類 拳擊 and Sport
(subclass Caving Sport) Sports.kif 226-226 子類 Caving and Sport
(subclass Curling Sport) Sports.kif 95-95 子類 Curling and Sport
(subclass CycleRacing Sport) Sports.kif 97-97 子類 CycleRacing and Sport
(subclass Diving Sport) Sports.kif 103-103 子類 Diving and Sport
(subclass Equitation Sport) Sports.kif 1182-1182 子類 Equitation and Sport
(subclass Fencing Sport) Sports.kif 114-114 子類 Fencing and Sport
(subclass FigureSkating Sport) Sports.kif 116-116 子類 FigureSkating and Sport
(subclass FishingSport Sport) Sports.kif 236-236 子類 FishingSport and Sport
(subclass Golf Sport) Sports.kif 889-889 子類 高爾夫球 and Sport
(subclass Gymnastics Sport) Sports.kif 600-600 子類 體操 and Sport
(subclass HorseRacing Sport) Sports.kif 245-245 子類 HorseRacing and Sport
(subclass IceSkating Sport) Sports.kif 112-112 子類 IceSkating and Sport
(subclass KiteSurfing Sport) Sports.kif 221-221 子類 KiteSurfing and Sport
(subclass Lacrosse Sport) Sports.kif 126-126 子類 Lacrosse and Sport
(subclass MartialArts Sport) Sports.kif 133-133 子類 MartialArts and Sport
(subclass OlympicGames Sport) Sports.kif 1337-1337 子類 奧運會 and Sport
(subclass Racing Sport) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7576-7576 子類 賽跑 and Sport
(subclass Racquetball Sport) Sports.kif 1318-1318 子類 Racquetball and Sport
(subclass Rafting Sport) Sports.kif 232-232 子類 Rafting and Sport
(subclass RockClimbing Sport) Sports.kif 496-496 子類 RockClimbing and Sport

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


        (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA)
        (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete))
    (exists (?GAME)
            (instance ?GAME Sport)
            (contestParticipant ?GAME ?ATHLETE))))
Sports.kif 1364-1371
        (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA)
        (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete))
    (hasSkill Sport ?ATHLETE))
Sports.kif 1358-1362
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG SportingGoodsHobbyBookAndMusicStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?THING Object)
                        (capability Sport instrument ?THING)
                        (capability MakingMusic instrument ?THING)
                        (instance ?THING Book)
                        (instance ?THING MusicRecording)
                        (instance ?THING MusicText))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7600-7618
    (attribute ?X ArtsAndRecreationTicketingServices)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?SELL ?TICKET ?CUST)
                (instance ?SELL Selling)
                (patient ?SELL ?TICKET)
                (agent ?SELL ?X)
                (instance ?TICKET Ticket)
                (destination ?SELL ?CUST)
                (hasPurpose ?TICKET
                        (exists (?WATCH ?PERF)
                                (instance ?WATCH Seeing)
                                (agent ?WATCH ?CUST)
                                (patient ?WATCH ?PERF)
                                    (instance ?PERF Performance)
                                    (instance ?PERF Sport)))) ?X ?CUST))))))
Hotel.kif 2353-2372
    (instance ?G SportsFacility)
    (hasPurpose ?G
        (exists (?S)
                (instance ?S Sport)
                (eventLocated ?S ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7038-7044
    (instance ?GROUND SportsGround)
    (hasPurpose ?GROUND
        (exists (?SPORT)
                (instance ?SPORT Sport)
                (eventLocated ?SPORT ?GROUND)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15704-15710
    (instance ?SS SportServe)
    (exists (?S)
            (instance ?S Sport)
            (subProcess ?SS ?S)
                (WhenFn ?SS)
                (WhenFn ?S)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17097-17103
    (instance ?TEAM SportsTeam)
    (exists (?SPORT)
            (subclass ?SPORT Sport)
            (capability ?SPORT agent ?TEAM))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7555-7560

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