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Sigma KEE - Profession

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint Profession OccupationalTrade) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8316-8316 不相交的 職業 and 職業貿易
(documentation Profession EnglishLanguage "Any occupation that requires at least a bachelor's degree.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 8317-8318
(subclass Profession SkilledOccupation) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8315-8315 子類 職業 and 熟練的職業

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Accountant Profession) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21130-21130 會計 and 職業
(instance Actuary Profession) Biography.kif 352-352 精算師 and 職業
(instance Anthropologist Profession) Biography.kif 361-361 人類學家 and 職業
(instance Archeologist Profession) Biography.kif 369-369 考古學家 and 職業
(instance Architect Profession) Biography.kif 377-377 建築師 and 職業
(instance Astronomer Profession) Biography.kif 384-384 天文學家 and 職業
(instance Attorney Profession) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20994-20994 律師 and 職業
(instance Biologist Profession) Biography.kif 392-392 生物學家 and 職業
(instance Botanist Profession) Biography.kif 613-613 植物學家 and 職業
(instance Chemist Profession) Biography.kif 400-400 化學家 and 職業
(instance Chiropractor Profession) Medicine.kif 3831-3831 Chiropractor and 職業
(instance Cleric Profession) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20912-20912 牧師 and 職業
(instance ComputerScientist Profession) Biography.kif 408-408 電腦科學家 and 職業
(instance Dentist Profession) Mid-level-ontology.kif 18902-18902 牙醫 and 職業
(instance Economist Profession) Biography.kif 416-416 Economist and 職業
(instance Engineer Profession) Biography.kif 424-424 工程師 and 職業
(instance Geographer Profession) Biography.kif 467-467 Geographer and 職業
(instance Geologist Profession) Biography.kif 475-475 Geologist and 職業
(instance Historian Profession) Biography.kif 483-483 Historian and 職業
(instance Journalist Profession) Mid-level-ontology.kif 18977-18977 記者 and 職業
(instance Lawyer Profession) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20993-20993 Lawyer and 職業
(instance Librarian Profession) Biography.kif 560-560 Librarian and 職業
(instance Linguist Profession) Biography.kif 490-490 Linguist and 職業
(instance Mathematician Profession) Biography.kif 498-498 Mathematician and 職業
(instance MedicalDoctor Profession) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21059-21059 醫生 and 職業

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            (instance ?ROLE OccupationalTrade)
            (instance ?ROLE Profession))
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?HUMAN ?ROLE)))
    (exists (?FIELD)
            (subclass ?FIELD FieldOfStudy)
            (holdsDuring ?T1
                (hasExpertise ?HUMAN ?FIELD)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8320-8329

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