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Sigma KEE - Pliable

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Pliable ChineseLanguage "拥有这个 Attribute Object 的形状可以被容易的改变。") chinese_format.kif 3962-3962
(documentation Pliable EnglishLanguage "The shape of an Object with this Attribute can easily be altered.") Merge.kif 17822-17823
(instance Pliable InternalAttribute) Merge.kif 17821-17821 易彎的 and InternalAttribute

appearance as argument number 2

(contraryAttribute Rigid Pliable) Merge.kif 17835-17835 相反的屬性 硬性 and 易彎的
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Pliable "易弯的") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46292-46292
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Pliable "易彎的") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46291-46291
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Pliable "pliable") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46290-46290


        (instance ?HR Reel)
        (instance ?K Keeping)
        (instance ?H CorpuscularObject)
        (attribute ?H LongAndThin)
        (attribute ?H Pliable)
        (instrument ?K ?HR)
        (patient ?K ?H))
    (exists (?P)
            (part ?P ?H)
            (meetsSpatially ?P ?HR))))
Cars.kif 4272-4284
        (instance ?HR Reel)
        (instance ?K Keeping)
        (instance ?H CorpuscularObject)
        (attribute ?H LongAndThin)
        (attribute ?H Pliable)
        (instrument ?K ?HR)
        (patient ?K ?H))
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Rotating)
            (patient ?R ?HR)
            (subProcess ?R ?K))))
Cars.kif 4286-4299
        (instance ?OBJ Object)
        (attribute ?OBJ Pliable))
    (exists (?CHANGE)
            (instance ?CHANGE ShapeChange)
            (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 17825-17832


    (instance ?B Balloon)
    (attribute ?B Pliable))
Cars.kif 3574-3576
    (instance ?BAG Bag)
    (attribute ?BAG Pliable))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4452-4454
    (instance ?D Drivebelt)
    (attribute ?D Pliable))
Cars.kif 2298-2300
    (instance ?H Hose)
    (hasPurpose ?H
        (attribute ?H Pliable)))
Cars.kif 4248-4251
    (instance ?T Tire)
    (attribute ?T Pliable))
Cars.kif 4783-4785
    (instance ?W Wicker)
    (attribute ?W Pliable))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4587-4589
    (instance ?WEAVE Weaving)
    (hasPurpose ?WEAVE
        (exists (?SUB ?WARP ?WEFT ?OBJ)
                (instance ?SUB Substance)
                (attribute ?SUB Pliable)
                (patient ?WEAVE ?SUB)
                (part ?WARP ?SUB)
                (part ?WEFT ?SUB)
                    (equal ?WARP ?WEFT))
                (orientation ?WARP ?WEFT RightAngle)
                (result ?WEAVE ?OBJ)
                (instance ?OBJ Artifact)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4621-4635
    (instance ?X Reel)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?K ?H)
                (instance ?K Keeping)
                (instance ?H CorpuscularObject)
                (attribute ?H LongAndThin)
                (attribute ?H Pliable)
                (instrument ?K ?X)
                (patient ?K ?H)))))
Cars.kif 4260-4270
    (instance ?X SeatBelt)
    (exists (?BELT)
            (part ?BELT ?X)
            (attribute ?BELT Pliable)
            (material Fabric ?BELT))))
Cars.kif 3652-3658

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