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Sigma KEE - KilowattHour

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation KilowattHour EnglishLanguage "KilowattHour is a UnitOfMeasure for energy that represents 1000 Watts (1 kW) of power expended over one hour (1 h) of time. This is the unit commonly used in commercial power contexts. It is equivalent to 3,600,000 Joules.") Economy.kif 2118-2121
(instance KilowattHour CompositeUnitOfMeasure) Economy.kif 2115-2115 千瓦時 and CompositeUnitOfMeasure

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "kWh" KilowattHour) Economy.kif 2116-2116 千瓦時 是 "kWh" 的簡稱
(termFormat ChineseLanguage KilowattHour "千瓦时") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32587-32587 千瓦時 是 "kWh" 的簡稱
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage KilowattHour "千瓦時") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32586-32586 千瓦時 是 "kWh" 的簡稱
(termFormat EnglishLanguage KilowattHour "kilowatt hour") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32585-32585 千瓦時 是 "kWh" 的簡稱


    (equal ?AMOUNT
        (MeasureFn ?X KilowattHour))
    (equal ?AMOUNT
            (MultiplicationFn 3600000.0 ?X) Joule)))
Economy.kif 2126-2128


    (MeasureFn 1 KilowattHour)
    (MeasureFn 3.6
        (MegaFn Joule)))
Economy.kif 2123-2123 等於 測量 1 and 千瓦時 and 測量 3.6 and 焦耳
    (MeasureFn 1 KilowattHour)
    (MeasureFn 3600000.0 Joule))
Economy.kif 2124-2124 等於 測量 1 and 千瓦時 and 測量 3600000.0 and 焦耳

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