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Sigma KEE - IndustryAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation IndustryAttribute EnglishLanguage "IndustryAttribute is a class of Attributes which identify an Organization as belonging to a particular industry type. For example, the company Hallmark has the attribute GreetingCardPublishers.") naics.kif 23-25
(subclass IndustryAttribute RelationalAttribute) naics.kif 21-21 子類 行業屬性 and RelationalAttribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance AccommodationAndFoodServices IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 11553-11553 住宿和餐飲服務 and 行業屬性
(instance AdministrativeAndSupportAndWasteManagementAndRemediationServices IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 10298-10298 行政和支持以及廢物管理和補救服務 and 行業屬性
(instance AgriculturalSector IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1142-1142 農業部門 and 行業屬性
(instance AgricultureForestryFishingAndHunting IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 44-44 農業林業捕魚和狩獵 and 行業屬性
(instance AirTransportationIndustry IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 7947-7947 航空運輸業 and 行業屬性
(instance ApparelManufacturing IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 2188-2188 服裝製造業 and 行業屬性
(instance ArtsEntertainmentAndRecreation IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 11264-11264 藝術娛樂和遊藝 and 行業屬性
(instance BarleyFarming IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 6171-6171 大麥種植 and 行業屬性
(instance BeverageAndTobaccoProductManufacturing IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 1824-1824 飲料和煙草製品製造業 and 行業屬性
(instance BuildingMaterialAndGardenEquipmentAndSuppliesDealers IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 7235-7235 建築材料和園藝設備及用品經銷商 and 行業屬性
(instance CerealGrainFarming IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 6154-6154 穀物種植 and 行業屬性
(instance ChemicalManufacturing IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 3119-3119 化學製造業 and 行業屬性
(instance CivilProductAttribute IndustryAttribute) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31016-31016 CivilProductAttribute and 行業屬性
(instance ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 7500-7500 服裝和服飾配件商店 and 行業屬性
(instance CoalIndustry IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1713-1713 煤炭工業 and 行業屬性
(instance ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 5120-5120 計算機和電子產品製造業 and 行業屬性
(instance Construction IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 1074-1074 施工 and 行業屬性
(instance ConsumerGoodsIndustry IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1721-1721 消費品行業 and 行業屬性
(instance CopperIndustry IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1724-1724 銅工業 and 行業屬性
(instance CouriersAndMessengers IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 8729-8729 信使和信使 and 行業屬性
(instance EducationalServices IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 10727-10727 教育服務 and 行業屬性
(instance ElectricalEquipmentApplianceAndComponentManufacturing IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 5414-5414 電氣設備器具和元件製造 and 行業屬性
(instance ElectronicsAndApplianceStores IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 7179-7179 電子和電器商店 and 行業屬性
(instance FabricatedMetalProductManufacturing IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 4219-4219 金屬製品製造 and 行業屬性
(instance FertilizerIndustry IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1737-1737 化肥行業 and 行業屬性

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain industryOfArea 2 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1579-1579 區域產業, 2 and 行業屬性
(domain industryProductType 1 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1600-1600 行業產品類型, 1 and 行業屬性
(domain industryRankByOutput 2 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1587-1587 按輸出排名行業, 2 and 行業屬性
(domain industryServiceType 1 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1642-1642 行業服務類型, 1 and 行業屬性
(domain sectorCompositionOfGDP 2 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1074-1074 行業組成的GDP, 2 and 行業屬性
(domain sectorCompositionOfGDPInPeriod 2 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1057-1057 期間GDP的部門構成, 2 and 行業屬性
(domain sectorValueOfGDP 2 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1120-1120 GDP的行業價值, 2 and 行業屬性
(domain sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod 2 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1096-1096 期間GDP的部門價值, 2 and 行業屬性


        (industryProductType ?INDUSTRY ?TYPE)
        (instance ?INDUSTRY IndustryAttribute)
        (instance ?BUSINESS Organization)
        (attribute ?BUSINESS ?INDUSTRY))
    (organizationProductType ?BUSINESS ?TYPE))
Economy.kif 1633-1639
        (industryServiceType ?INDUSTRY ?TYPE)
        (instance ?INDUSTRY IndustryAttribute)
        (instance ?BUSINESS Organization)
        (attribute ?BUSINESS ?INDUSTRY))
    (organizationServiceType ?BUSINESS ?TYPE))
Economy.kif 1673-1679
        (instance ?ATTR IndustryAttribute)
        (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))
    (instance ?OBJ Organization))
Media.kif 1882-1886

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