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Sigma KEE - Helping

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Helping EnglishLanguage "From WordNet: give help or assistance, be of service. Examples: Everyone helped out during the earthquake. Can you help me carry this table? She never helps around the house.") MilitaryProcesses.kif 1415-1417
(subclass Helping SocialInteraction) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1414-1414 子類 幫助 and SocialInteraction

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ForeignInternalDefense Helping) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1906-1906 子類 外國內部防禦 and 幫助
(subclass SupportCI Helping) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1256-1256 子類 支持CI and 幫助
(subclass SupportDC Helping) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1272-1272 子類 supportDC and 幫助
(subclass SupportEPW Helping) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1241-1241 子類 supportEPW and 幫助
(subclass SupportHNAssistance Helping) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1287-1287 子類 支持HW 協助 and 幫助
(subclass SupportIO Helping) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1334-1334 子類 支持IO and 幫助
(subclass UnconventionalWarfare Helping) MilitaryProcesses.kif 132-132 子類 非常規戰爭 and 幫助
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Helping "帮助") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27909-27909
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Helping "幫助") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27908-27908
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Helping "helping") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27907-27907


        (instance ?HELPING Helping)
        (agent ?HELPING ?AGENT)
        (result ?HELPING ?RESULT))
    (exists (?PATIENT)
                (equal ?AGENT ?PATIENT))
                (patient ?HELPING ?PATIENT)
                (experiencer ?HELPING ?PATIENT))
            (wants ?PATIENT ?RESULT))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1419-1431


        (instance ?PP PublicProgram)
        (experiencer ?PP ?PUBLIC))
    (hasPurpose ?PP
        (exists (?HELPING)
                (instance ?HELPING Helping)
                (experiencer ?HELPING ?PUBLIC)
                (instance ?PUBLIC Public)))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1383-1392
        (instance ?SHN SupportHNAssistance)
        (experiencer ?SHN ?HN)
        (instance ?HN HostNation))
    (exists (?OP)
            (instance ?OP MilitaryOperation)
            (instance ?OP Helping)
            (experiencer ?OP ?HN)
            (patient ?SHN ?OP))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1293-1303
    (attribute ?X Concierge)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?HELP)
                (instance ?HELP Helping)
                (agent ?HELP ?X)))))
Hotel.kif 2415-2421

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