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Sigma KEE - EnvironmentalIssue

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EnvironmentalIssue EnglishLanguage "The class of Attributes that stand for issues of environmental concern.") Geography.kif 6819-6820
(subclass EnvironmentalIssue AreaOfConcern) Geography.kif 6818-6818 子類 環境問題 and 關注的區域

appearance as argument number 2

(instance AcidRainIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6823-6823 酸雨問題 and 環境問題
(instance AcidificationIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6822-6822 酸化問題 and 環境問題
(instance AerosolParticulateIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6824-6824 氣溶膠微粒問題 and 環境問題
(instance AgriculturalChemicalsIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6871-6871 農業化學品問題 and 環境問題
(instance AgriculturalExpansionIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6893-6893 農業擴張問題 and 環境問題
(instance AsbestosDisposalIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6889-6889 石棉處理問題 and 環境問題
(instance ClimateChangeIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6857-6857 氣候變化問題 and 環境問題
(instance CoastalDegradation EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6876-6876 沿海退化 and 環境問題
(instance CoastalMarinePollutionIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6878-6878 沿海海洋污染問題 and 環境問題
(instance CoralReefDecayIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6877-6877 珊瑚礁衰變問題 and 環境問題
(instance DeforestationIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6825-6825 砍伐森林問題 and 環境問題
(instance DesertificationIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6834-6834 荒漠化問題 and 環境問題
(instance DriftNetFishingIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6899-6899 漂網捕魚問題 and 環境問題
(instance DroughtIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6896-6896 乾旱問題 and 環境問題
(instance FamineIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6901-6901 飢荒問題 and 環境問題
(instance FarmingPracticesIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6870-6870 農業實踐問題 and 環境問題
(instance FishStockDepletionIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6867-6867 魚類枯竭問題 and 環境問題
(instance ForestDegradation EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6874-6874 森林退化 and 環境問題
(instance IllegalWildlifeTradeIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6890-6890 非法野生動物貿易問題 and 環境問題
(instance InadequateSanitationIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6884-6884 衛生設施不足 and 環境問題
(instance IndigenousPeoplesPreservationIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6897-6897 土著人民保護問題 and 環境問題
(instance InvasiveSpeciesIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6898-6898 入侵物種問題 and 環境問題
(instance LandminesIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6895-6895 地雷問題 and 環境問題
(instance LossOfHabitatIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6892-6892 失去棲息地問題 and 環境問題
(instance MiningPollutionIssue EnvironmentalIssue) Geography.kif 6894-6894 採礦污染問題 and 環境問題

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