Electrocardiogram |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Electrocardiogram EnglishLanguage "The result of Electrocardiography - a graph of activity of the Heart.") | Medicine.kif 3463-3464 | |
(subclass Electrocardiogram FactualText) | Medicine.kif 3462-3462 | 子類 Electrocardiogram and 事實文本 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Electrocardiogram "electrocardiogram") | Medicine.kif 3465-3465 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?EKG Electrocardiogram) (attribute ?EKG EKGAbnormal) (refers ?EKG ?H) (part ?H ?P) (instance ?H Heart)) (modalAttribute (attribute ?P (ImpairedBodyPartFn Heart)) Likely)) |
Medicine.kif 1882-1891 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EKG Electrocardiogram) (attribute ?EKG EKGNormal) (refers ?EKG ?H) (part ?H ?P) (instance ?H Heart)) (modalAttribute (not (attribute ?P (ImpairedBodyPartFn Heart))) Likely)) |
Medicine.kif 1865-1875 | |
(=> (instance ?E Electrocardiogram) (exists (?EP) (and (instance ?EP Electrocardiography) (result ?EP ?E)))) |
Medicine.kif 3467-3472 |