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Sigma KEE - Carbohydrate

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Carbohydrate ChineseLanguage "这是活细胞的一种元素,也是 Animal 能量的来源。这 个类别既包括简单的 Carbohydrate 如糖,也包括复合的 Carbohydrate, 即是淀粉。") chinese_format.kif 3453-3454
(documentation Carbohydrate EnglishLanguage "A compound of living cells and a source of energy for Animals. This class includes both simple Carbohydrates, i.e. sugars, and complex Carbohydrates, i.e. starches.") Merge.kif 14746-14748
(externalImage Carbohydrate " e/ ee/ Alfa-d-glucose.png") pictureList.kif 4581-4581
(subclass Carbohydrate CompoundSubstance) Merge.kif 14745-14745 子類 Carbohydrate and CompoundSubstance
(subclass Carbohydrate Nutrient) Merge.kif 14744-14744 子類 Carbohydrate and Nutrient

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Cellulose Carbohydrate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9247-9247 子類 纖維素 and Carbohydrate
(subclass Starch Carbohydrate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9250-9250 子類 澱粉 and Carbohydrate
(subclass Sugar Carbohydrate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9254-9254 子類 and Carbohydrate
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Carbohydrate "碳水化物") chinese_format.kif 1008-1008
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Carbohydrate "carbohydrate") english_format.kif 1228-1228
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Carbohydrate "hydrate de carbone") french_format.kif 685-685
(termFormat Hindi Carbohydrate "kaarbohaaidreta") terms-hindi.txt 216-216
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Carbohydrate "Carboidrato") terms-it.txt 219-219
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Carbohydrate "炭水化物") japanese_format.kif 2369-2369
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Carbohydrate "Carbohidrato") portuguese_format.kif 637-637
(termFormat cz Carbohydrate "carbohydrate") terms-cz.txt 253-253
(termFormat ro Carbohydrate "carbohidrat") relations-ro.kif 706-706
(termFormat tg Carbohydrate "pagkaing nakapagpabigat") terms-tg.txt 220-220

appearance as argument number 3

(disjointDecomposition Nutrient Protein Carbohydrate Vitamin) Merge.kif 14728-14728 不相交分解 Nutrient, Protein, Carbohydrate and Vitamin


    (instance ?F Fermentation)
    (exists (?C ?M)
            (instance ?C Carbohydrate)
            (instance ?M Microorganism)
            (instrument ?F ?M)
            (resource ?F ?C))))
Food.kif 3547-3554

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