ArtisticOccupation |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ArtisticOccupation EnglishLanguage "People in design, education, arts, music and entertainment, whose economic function is to create new ideas, new technology and/ or creative content. [Will be merged with EntertainmentProfession in in Mid-level-ontology.kif using the name ArtisticOccupation, msvarny]") | Biography.kif 668-668 | |
(subclass ArtisticOccupation SkilledOccupation) | Biography.kif 667-667 | 子類 ArtisticOccupation and 熟練的職業 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(instance Composer ArtisticOccupation) | Music.kif 1381-1381 | 例 作曲家 and ArtisticOccupation |
(instance Dancer ArtisticOccupation) | Biography.kif 670-670 | 例 舞蹈家 and ArtisticOccupation |
(instance Designer ArtisticOccupation) | Biography.kif 677-677 | 例 設計師 and ArtisticOccupation |
(instance Draftsman ArtisticOccupation) | Biography.kif 684-684 | 例 製圖者 and ArtisticOccupation |
(instance Painter ArtisticOccupation) | Biography.kif 691-691 | 例 畫家 and ArtisticOccupation |
(instance Sculptor ArtisticOccupation) | Biography.kif 698-698 | 例 Sculptor and ArtisticOccupation |
(instance VoiceActor ArtisticOccupation) | Biography.kif 754-754 | 例 配音演員 and ArtisticOccupation |
(instance Writer ArtisticOccupation) | Biography.kif 705-705 | 例 作家 and ArtisticOccupation |
(subclass Musician ArtisticOccupation) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22240-22240 | 子類 音樂家 and ArtisticOccupation |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ArtisticOccupation "artistic occupation") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 64478-64478 |