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Sigma KEE - Compressing

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Compressing EnglishLanguage "Forcing some SelfConnectedObject into a smaller space than at the beginning of the action.") Cars.kif 1967-1968
(subclass Compressing Motion) Cars.kif 1965-1965

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Crushing Compressing) Food.kif 962-962
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Compressing "compressing") Cars.kif 1966-1966


        (instance ?AS AutomobileShock)
        (instance ?C Compressing)
        (instance ?H HoleRegion)
        (attribute ?F Fluid)
        (equal ?AS
            (HoleHostFn ?H))
        (contains ?AS ?F)
        (patient ?C ?AS))
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T Transfer)
            (objectTransferred ?T ?F)
            (path ?T ?H)
            (causes ?C ?T))))
Cars.kif 871-885
        (instance ?CPR CPR)
        (instance ?C Compressing)
        (path ?C ?P)
        (subProcess ?C ?CPR)
        (length ?P
            (MeasureFn ?L Centimeter)))
        (greaterThan ?L 5.0)
        (lessThan ?L 6.0)))
Medicine.kif 620-630
        (instance ?SCO SelfConnectedObject)
        (instance ?C Compressing)
        (patient ?C ?SCO)
                (WhenFn ?C))
            (measure ?SCO
                (MeasureFn ?N1 ?V)))
        (instance ?V UnitOfVolume)
                (WhenFn ?C))
            (measure ?SCO
                (MeasureFn ?N2 ?V))))
    (greaterThan ?N1 ?N2))
Cars.kif 1970-1982


    (instance ?C Crushing)
    (exists (?I ?C ?O)
            (instance ?I Impacting)
            (subProcess ?C ?I)
            (instance ?C Compressing)
            (patient ?I ?O)
            (patient ?C ?O)
            (instance ?O Object))))
Food.kif 969-978
    (instance ?CPR CPR)
    (exists (?C ?CH ?O)
            (instance ?C Compressing)
            (patient ?CPR ?O)
            (instance ?CH Chest)
            (part ?CH ?O)
            (patient ?C ?CH)
            (subProcess ?C ?CPR))))
Medicine.kif 609-618
    (instance ?GC GasCompressor)
    (hasPurpose ?GC
        (exists (?C ?G)
                (instance ?C Compressing)
                (attribute ?G Gas)
                (patient ?C ?G)
                (instrument ?C ?GC)))))
Cars.kif 5159-5167
    (instance ?PB PressureBandage)
    (hasPurpose ?PB
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C Compressing)
                (instrument ?C ?PB)))))
Medicine.kif 6024-6030
    (instance ?VCC VaporCompressionCycle)
    (exists (?CMP ?COND ?EV ?CMP2)
            (instance ?CMP Compressing)
            (instance ?COND Condensing)
            (instance ?EV Evaporating)
            (instance ?CMP2 Compressing)
            (subProcess ?CMP ?VCC)
            (subProcess ?COND ?VCC)
            (subProcess ?EV ?VCC)
            (subProcess ?CMP2 ?VCC)
                (WhenFn ?CMP)
                (WhenFn ?COND))
                (WhenFn ?COND)
                (WhenFn ?EV))
                (WhenFn ?EV)
                (WhenFn ?CMP2)))))
Cars.kif 2006-2026
    (instance ?X Paper)
    (exists (?MAKE ?CELL ?PRESS)
            (instance ?MAKE Making)
            (instance ?CELL Cellulose)
            (instance ?PRESS Compressing)
            (resource ?MAKE ?CELL)
            (result ?MAKE ?X)
            (subProcess ?MAKE ?PRESS)
            (patient ?PRESS ?CELL))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3555-3565

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