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Sigma KEE - AsexualReproduction

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AsexualReproduction ChineseLanguage "这是无性的生物繁殖 Process。") chinese_format.kif 2919-2919
(documentation AsexualReproduction EnglishLanguage "Asexual Processes of biological reproduction.") Merge.kif 10383-10384
(documentation AsexualReproduction JapaneseLanguage "生物学的生殖の無性 Processes 。") japanese_format.kif 1668-1668
(subclass AsexualReproduction Replication) Merge.kif 10381-10381

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint SexualReproduction AsexualReproduction) Merge.kif 10367-10367
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AsexualReproduction "无性繁殖") chinese_format.kif 1085-1085
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AsexualReproduction "asexual reproduction") english_format.kif 1381-1381
(termFormat FrenchLanguage AsexualReproduction "reproduction asexu�") french_format.kif 763-763
(termFormat Hindi AsexualReproduction "alEngika prajanana") terms-hindi.txt 295-295
(termFormat ItalianLanguage AsexualReproduction "RiproduzioneAsessuata") terms-it.txt 298-298
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage AsexualReproduction "無性生殖") japanese_format.kif 2447-2447
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage AsexualReproduction "Reproducao Assexual") portuguese_format.kif 715-715
(termFormat cz AsexualReproduction "asexual reproduction") terms-cz.txt 334-334
(termFormat ro AsexualReproduction "reproducere asexuatã") relations-ro.kif 784-784
(termFormat tg AsexualReproduction "pagtularan ng walang kasarian") terms-tg.txt 299-299


        (instance ?REP AsexualReproduction)
        (result ?REP ?ORGANISM)
        (parent ?ORGANISM ?PARENT1)
        (parent ?ORGANISM ?PARENT2))
    (equal ?PARENT1 ?PARENT2))
Merge.kif 10399-10405

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