subOrganization |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation subOrganization ChineseLanguage "(subOrganization ?ORG1 ?ORG2)的意思是 ?ORG1 是一家 Organization,而它是 Organization ?ORG2 的一部分。注:subOrganization 属于 一种 ReflexiveRelation,所以每一个 Organization 都是他自己的 subOrganization。") | chinese_format.kif 3751-3753 | |
(documentation subOrganization EnglishLanguage "(subOrganization ?ORG1 ?ORG2) means that ?ORG1 is an Organization which is a part of the Organization ?ORG2. Note that subOrganization is a ReflexiveRelation, so every Organization is a subOrganization of itself.") | Merge.kif 16816-16819 | |
(domain subOrganization 1 Organization) | Merge.kif 16814-16814 | |
(domain subOrganization 2 Organization) | Merge.kif 16815-16815 | |
(instance subOrganization PartialOrderingRelation) | Merge.kif 16813-16813 | |
(subrelation subOrganization subCollection) | Merge.kif 16812-16812 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(disjointRelation ancestorOrganization subOrganization) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 24227-24227 | |
(format ChineseLanguage subOrganization "%1 %n 是 %2 Organization 的一部分") | chinese_format.kif 810-810 | |
(format ChineseLanguage subOrganization "%1 %n 是 %2 机构 的一 part") | chinese_format.kif 549-549 | |
(format EnglishLanguage subOrganization "%1 is %n a part of the organization %2") | english_format.kif 554-554 | |
(format EnglishLanguage subOrganization "%1 is %n a part of the organization %2") | english_format.kif 823-823 | |
(format FrenchLanguage subOrganization "%1 est %n une partie de l'organization %2") | french_format.kif 322-322 | |
(format FrenchLanguage subOrganization "%1 est %n une partie de l'organization %2") | french_format.kif 486-486 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage subOrganization "%1 は組織 %2 の part では %n") | japanese_format.kif 2090-2090 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage subOrganization "%1 は組織 %2 の一部では %n") | english_format.kif 824-824 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage subOrganization "%1 e' %n uma &parte da organizacao %2") | portuguese_format.kif 274-274 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage subOrganization "%1 e' %n uma parte da organizacao %2") | portuguese_format.kif 438-438 | |
(format ro subOrganization "%1 %n{nu} este o part%t{parte} a organizaþiei %2") | relations-ro.kif 343-343 | |
(format ro subOrganization "%1 %n{nu} este o parte a organizaþiei %2") | relations-ro.kif 508-508 | |
(subrelation chamberOfLegislature subOrganization) | Government.kif 2024-2024 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage subOrganization "子机构") | chinese_format.kif 550-550 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage subOrganization "子组织") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 55766-55766 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage subOrganization "子組織") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 55765-55765 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage subOrganization "sub organization") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 55764-55764 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (attribute ?ORG UnicameralLegislature) (legislativeBranch ?ORG ?AREA) (instance ?CHAMBER1 LegislativeChamber) (subOrganization ?CHAMBER1 (GovernmentFn ?AREA)) (instance ?CHAMBER2 LegislativeChamber) (subOrganization ?CHAMBER2 (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) (equal ?CHAMBER1 ?CHAMBER2)) |
Government.kif 1941-1949 | |
(=> (and (diplomaticRepresentativeInRole ?AGENT1 ?PERSON ?POSITION ?AGENT2) (instance ?AGENT1 Nation) (instance ?ORG DiplomaticOrganization) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AGENT1)) (occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?POSITION ?ORG) (instance ?AGENT2 GeopoliticalArea)) (agentOperatesInArea ?ORG ?AGENT2)) |
Government.kif 4475-4483 | |
(=> (and (equal ?DEP (DepartmentOfFn ?COMP ?PHYS)) (subOrganization ?DEP2 ?COMP) (not (equal ?DEP ?DEP2)) (instance ?I ?PHYS) (inScopeOfInterest ?DEP ?I) (equal ?P1 (ProbabilityFn (agent ?P ?DEP))) (equal ?P2 (ProbabilityFn (agent ?P ?DEP2)))) (greaterThan ?P1 ?P2)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18370-18385 | |
(=> (and (equal ?DEP (DepartmentOfPreventingFn ?COMP ?PHYS)) (subclass ?PHYS Process) (subOrganization ?DEP ?COMP)) (inhibits ?DEP ?PHYS)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18428-18433 | |
(=> (and (executiveBranch ?BRANCH ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea) (subOrganization ?ORG ?BRANCH)) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) |
Government.kif 1277-1282 | |
(=> (and (instance ?CAB GovernmentCabinet) (subOrganization ?CAB (GovernmentFn ?AREA)) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)) (hasPurpose ?CAB (exists (?ADVICE ?LEADER) (and (instance ?ADVICE Stating) (agent ?ADVICE ?CAB) (patient ?ADVICE ?LEADER) (leader ?LEADER (GovernmentFn ?AREA)))))) |
Government.kif 1477-1488 | |
(=> (and (instance ?COURT SupremeCourt) (subOrganization ?COURT (GovernmentFn ?COUNTRY)) (instance ?COUNTRY Nation)) (instance ?COURT (SupremeCourtFn ?COUNTRY))) |
Government.kif 2155-2160 | |
(=> (and (instance ?GOV Government) (subOrganization ?ORG ?GOV)) (instance ?ORG GovernmentOrganization)) |
Merge.kif 16762-16766 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOINT JointForces) (subOrganization ?FORCE1 ?JOINT) (instance ?FORCE1 AirForce)) (leaderPosition ?FORCE1 JointForcesAirCommander)) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 371-376 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOINT JointForces) (subOrganization ?FORCE1 ?JOINT) (instance ?FORCE1 Army)) (leaderPosition ?FORCE1 JointForcesLandCommander)) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 393-398 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOINT JointForces) (subOrganization ?FORCE1 ?JOINT) (instance ?FORCE1 CoastGuard)) (leaderPosition ?FORCE1 JointForcesMaritimeCommander)) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 425-430 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOINT JointForces) (subOrganization ?FORCE1 ?JOINT) (instance ?FORCE1 NavyBranchOfService)) (leaderPosition ?FORCE1 JointForcesMaritimeCommander)) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 417-422 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOINT JointForces) (subOrganization ?FORCE1 ?JOINT) (instance ?FORCE1 SpecialOperationsForces)) (leaderPosition ?FORCE1 JointForcesSpecialOperationsCommander)) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 446-451 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOINT JointForces) (subOrganization ?FORCE1 ?JOINT) (leaderPosition ?FORCE1 ?COMMANDER1) (leaderPosition ?JOINT ?JOINTCOMMANDER)) (subordinatePosition ?JOINT ?COMMANDER1 ?JOINTCOMMANDER)) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1751-1757 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOINT JointForces) (subOrganization ?FORCE1 ?JOINT) (subOrganization ?FORCE2 ?JOINT) (not (equal ?FORCE1 ?FORCE2)) (leaderPosition ?JOINT ?JOINTCOMMANDER)) (and (leaderPosition ?FORCE1 ?JOINTCOMMANDER) (leaderPosition ?FORCE2 ?JOINTCOMMANDER))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1736-1746 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG JudicialOrganization) (subOrganization ?ORG ?GOV) (instance ?GOV GovernmentOrganization)) (instance ?ORG GovernmentOrganization)) |
Government.kif 2049-2054 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG LegislativeOrganization) (subOrganization ?ORG ?GOV) (instance ?GOV GovernmentOrganization)) (instance ?ORG GovernmentOrganization)) |
Government.kif 1894-1899 | |
(=> (and (instance ?UNIT SecurityUnit) (subOrganization ?UNIT ?ORG)) (holdsObligation (exists (?MAINTAIN) (and (instance ?MAINTAIN Maintaining) (agent ?MAINTAIN ?UNIT) (patient ?MAINTAIN ?ORG))) ?UNIT)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8553-8563 | |
(=> (and (judicialBranch ?BRANCH ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea) (subOrganization ?ORG ?BRANCH)) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) |
Government.kif 2094-2099 | |
(=> (and (subOrganization ?ORG ?GOV) (instance ?GOV GovernmentOrganization)) (instance ?ORG GovernmentOrganization)) |
Merge.kif 16768-16772 |
consequent |
(<=> (instance ?ORG GovernmentOrganization) (or (instance ?ORG Government) (exists (?GOV) (and (instance ?GOV Government) (subOrganization ?ORG ?GOV))))) |
Government.kif 108-115 | |
(=> (and (diplomaticOrganizationType ?AGENT1 ?TYPE ?AGENT2) (instance ?AGENT1 Nation) (instance ?AGENT2 GeopoliticalArea)) (exists (?ORG) (and (instance ?ORG ?TYPE) (located ?ORG ?AGENT2) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AGENT1))))) |
Government.kif 4612-4621 | |
(=> (and (diplomaticOrganizationType ?AGENT1 ?TYPE ?AGENT2) (instance ?AGENT1 Organization) (instance ?AGENT2 GeopoliticalArea)) (exists (?ORG) (and (instance ?ORG ?TYPE) (located ?ORG ?AGENT2) (subOrganization ?ORG ?AGENT1)))) |
Government.kif 4622-4631 | |
(=> (and (diplomaticRepresentativeInRole ?AGENT1 ?PERSON ?POSITION ?AGENT2) (instance ?AGENT1 Nation)) (exists (?ORG) (and (instance ?ORG DiplomaticOrganization) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AGENT1)) (occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?POSITION ?ORG)))) |
Government.kif 4434-4442 | |
(=> (and (element ?ROOM (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (attribute ?ROOM AnnexRoom) (instance ?ROOM HotelRoom)) (exists (?BLDG1 ?BLDG2 ?FRNT) (and (subOrganization ?FRNT ?HOTEL) (instance ?FRNT HotelFrontDesk) (located ?FRNT ?BLDG1) (element ?BLDG1 (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (element ?BLDG2 (PropertyFn ?HOTEL)) (part ?ROOM ?BLDG2) (not (equal ?BLDG1 ?BLDG2))))) |
Hotel.kif 1127-1140 | |
(=> (and (executiveBranch ?BRANCH ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea) (subOrganization ?ORG ?BRANCH)) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) |
Government.kif 1277-1282 | |
(=> (and (executiveBranch ?BRANCH ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)) (subOrganization ?BRANCH (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) |
Government.kif 1271-1275 | |
(=> (and (executiveBranch ?BRANCH ?ORG) (instance ?ORG Organization)) (subOrganization ?BRANCH ?ORG)) |
Government.kif 1265-1269 | |
(=> (and (governmentType ?PLACE ?TYPE) (instance ?PLACE GeopoliticalArea) (subAttribute ?TYPE ParliamentaryGovernment)) (exists (?ORG) (and (instance ?ORG Parliament) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?PLACE))))) |
Government.kif 256-264 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EV Evacuation) (agent ?EV ?A) (experiencer ?EV ?P)) (exists (?C ?CA) (and (instance ?C Classifying) (subProcess ?C ?EV) (experiencer ?C ?P) (or (subOrganization ?CA ?A) (member ?CA ?A) (equal ?CA ?A)) (agent ?C ?CA)))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2609-2623 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EV Evacuation) (agent ?EV ?A) (origin ?EV ?O)) (exists (?T ?TA) (and (instance ?T Translocation) (subProcess ?T ?EV) (origin ?T ?O) (or (experiencer ?T ?TA) (agent ?T ?TA)) (or (subOrganization ?TA ?A) (member ?TA ?A) (equal ?TA ?A))))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2627-2643 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EV Evacuation) (experiencer ?EV ?P) (agent ?EV ?A)) (exists (?M ?MA) (and (instance ?M TherapeuticProcess) (subProcess ?M ?EV) (or (subOrganization ?MA ?A) (member ?MA ?A) (equal ?MA ?A)) (agent ?M ?MA) (experiencer ?M ?P)))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2591-2605 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EV Evacuation) (origin ?EV ?O) (agent ?EV ?A)) (exists (?M ?MA) (and (instance ?M Maintaining) (eventLocated ?M ?O) (subProcess ?M ?EV) (or (subOrganization ?MA ?A) (member ?MA ?A) (equal ?MA ?A)) (agent ?M ?MA)))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2573-2587 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EV Evacuation) (origin ?EV ?O) (agent ?EV ?A)) (exists (?T ?TA) (and (instance ?T Transportation) (destination ?T ?O) (or (subOrganization ?TA ?A) (member ?TA ?A) (equal ?TA ?A)) (or (agent ?T ?TA) (patient ?T ?TA))))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2554-2569 | |
(=> (and (instance ?M OrganizationalMerging) (patient ?M ?ORG1) (patient ?M ?ORG2) (not (equal ?ORG1 ?ORG2))) (and (holdsDuring (BeginFn (WhenFn ?M)) (not (exists (?S1) (and (subOrganization ?ORG1 ?S1) (subOrganization ?ORG2 ?S1))))) (holdsDuring (EndFn (WhenFn ?M)) (exists (?S2) (and (subOrganization ?ORG1 ?S2) (subOrganization ?ORG2 ?S2)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16332-16351 | |
(=> (and (judicialBranch ?BRANCH ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea) (subOrganization ?ORG ?BRANCH)) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) |
Government.kif 2094-2099 | |
(=> (and (judicialBranch ?BRANCH ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)) (subOrganization ?BRANCH (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) |
Government.kif 2088-2092 | |
(=> (and (judicialBranch ?BRANCH ?ORG) (instance ?ORG Organization)) (subOrganization ?BRANCH ?ORG)) |
Government.kif 2082-2086 | |
(=> (and (legislativeBranch ?ORG ?AGENT) (instance ?AGENT Organization)) (subOrganization ?ORG ?AGENT)) |
Government.kif 1987-1991 | |
(=> (and (legislativeBranch ?ORG ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)) (subOrganization ?ORG (GovernmentFn ?AREA))) |
Government.kif 1993-1997 | |
(=> (and (subEchelon ?MUClass1 ?MUClass2) (instance ?MU1 ?MUClass1)) (exists (?MU2) (and (instance ?MU2 ?MUClass2) (subOrganization ?MU1 ?MU2)))) |
Military.kif 693-700 | |
(=> (and (subclass ?PUB JointPublication) (instance ?ONE ?PUB) (containsInformation ?ONE ?CONTENT) (authors ?JORG ?PUB)) (exists (?ORG) (and (subOrganization ?ORG USMilitary) (confersObligation ?CONTENT ?JORG ?ORG)))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 940-949 | |
(=> (attribute ?U ExpeditionaryForce) (hasPurpose ?U (exists (?B ?C ?FC) (and (subOrganization ?U (GovernmentFn ?C)) (instance ?B Battle) (agent ?B ?U) (instance ?FC Nation) (located ?B ?FC) (not (equal ?C ?FC)))))) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 712-724 | |
(=> (businessUnit ?BU ?ORG) (subOrganization ?BU ?ORG)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2559-2561 | |
(=> (hostileForces ?U1 ?U2) (exists (?WAR ?A1 ?A2) (and (instance ?WAR War) (contestParticipant ?WAR ?A1) (contestParticipant ?WAR ?A2) (subOrganization ?U1 (GovernmentFn ?A1)) (subOrganization ?U2 (GovernmentFn ?A2))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8454-8462 | |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 | ||
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
appearance as argument number 0 |