geographicSubregion |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation geographicSubregion ChineseLanguage "(geographicSubregion ?PART ?WHOLE)的 意思是 GeographicArea ?PART 是 GeographicArea ?WHOLE 的一部分。") | chinese_format.kif 1438-1439 | |
(documentation geographicSubregion EnglishLanguage "(geographicSubregion ?PART ?WHOLE) means that the GeographicArea ?PART is part of the GeographicArea ?WHOLE.") | Merge.kif 14095-14097 | |
(domain geographicSubregion 1 GeographicArea) | Merge.kif 14093-14093 | |
(domain geographicSubregion 2 GeographicArea) | Merge.kif 14094-14094 | |
(instance geographicSubregion AsymmetricRelation) | Merge.kif 14090-14090 | |
(instance geographicSubregion BinaryPredicate) | Merge.kif 14088-14088 | |
(instance geographicSubregion TransitiveRelation) | Merge.kif 14089-14089 | |
(subrelation geographicSubregion located) | Merge.kif 14092-14092 | |
(subrelation geographicSubregion properPart) | Merge.kif 14091-14091 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage geographicSubregion "%1 %n 是 %2 的 geographic 次要地区") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 1097-1097 | |
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage geographicSubregion "%1 %n 是 %2 的 geographic 次要地區") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 1096-1096 | |
(format EnglishLanguage geographicSubregion "%1 is %n a geographic subregion of %2") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 1095-1095 | |
(subrelation geopoliticalSubdivision geographicSubregion) | Merge.kif 14135-14135 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage geographicSubregion "地理分区域") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 25776-25776 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage geographicSubregion "地理分區域") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 25775-25775 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage geographicSubregion "geographic subregion") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 25774-25774 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?AREA GeographicArea) (geographicSubregion (ElevationHighPointFn ?AREA) ?AREA) (elevation (ElevationHighPointFn ?AREA) (MeasureFn ?ELEV1 ?UNIT))) (not (exists (?OTHER ?ELEV2) (and (geographicSubregion ?OTHER ?AREA) (not (equal ?OTHER (ElevationHighPointFn ?AREA))) (elevation ?OTHER (MeasureFn ?ELEV2 ?UNIT)) (greaterThan ?ELEV2 ?ELEV1))))) |
Geography.kif 1964-1975 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AREA GeographicArea) (geographicSubregion (ElevationLowPointFn ?AREA) ?AREA) (instance ?U UnitOfLength) (elevation (ElevationLowPointFn ?AREA) (MeasureFn ?ELEV1 ?U))) (not (exists (?OTHER ?ELEV2) (and (geographicSubregion ?OTHER ?AREA) (not (equal ?OTHER (ElevationLowPointFn ?AREA))) (elevation ?OTHER (MeasureFn ?ELEV2 ?U)) (lessThan ?ELEV2 ?ELEV1))))) |
Geography.kif 1940-1954 | |
(=> (and (instance ?NATION Nation) (or (geographicSubregion ?NATION NorthAmerica) (geographicSubregion ?NATION SouthAmerica) (geographicSubregion ?NATION WesternEurope))) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?NATION) (nationalHoliday ?NATION ChristmasDay))) |
Media.kif 349-357 | |
(=> (and (instance ?SYSTEM InlandWaterSystem) (instance ?WATER1 WaterArea) (instance ?WATER2 WaterArea) (not (equal ?WATER1 ?WATER2)) (not (connected ?WATER1 ?WATER2)) (geographicSubregion ?WATER1 ?SYSTEM) (geographicSubregion ?WATER2 ?SYSTEM)) (exists (?WATER3) (and (instance ?WATER3 WaterArea) (not (equal ?WATER3 ?WATER1)) (not (equal ?WATER3 ?WATER1)) (part ?WATER3 ?SYSTEM) (connects ?WATER3 ?WATER1 ?WATER2)))) |
Geography.kif 5380-5395 | |
(=> (and (locatedAtTime ?OBJ ?TIME ?PLACE) (geographicSubregion ?PLACE ?REGION)) (locatedAtTime ?OBJ ?TIME ?REGION)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23439-23443 | |
(=> (and (naturalHazardTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE) (geographicSubregion ?AREA ?COUNTRY) (instance ?COUNTRY Nation)) (naturalHazardTypeInArea ?COUNTRY ?TYPE)) |
Geography.kif 2264-2269 | |
(=> (and (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?SUBAREA) (instance ?SUBAREA GeographicArea) (geographicSubregion ?SUBAREA ?AREA)) (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?AREA)) |
Geography.kif 507-512 | |
(=> (and (postCity ?PLACE ?CITY) (geographicSubregion ?CITY ?AREA) (instance ?AREA StateOrProvince)) (postDistrict ?PLACE ?AREA)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24779-24784 | |
(=> (and (postCity ?PLACE ?CITY) (geographicSubregion ?CITY ?AREA) (or (instance ?AREA Nation) (instance ?AREA DependencyOrSpecialSovereigntyArea))) (postCountry ?PLACE ?AREA)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24786-24793 | |
(=> (and (postNeighborhood ?PLACE ?NEIGHBORHOOD) (geographicSubregion ?NEIGHBORHOOD ?CITY) (instance ?CITY City)) (postCity ?PLACE ?CITY)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24740-24745 | |
(=> (and (postNeighborhood ?PLACE ?NEIGHBORHOOD) (geographicSubregion ?NEIGHBORHOOD ?STATE) (instance ?STATE StateOrProvince)) (postDistrict ?PLACE ?STATE)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24747-24752 | |
(=> (and (postPostcodeArea ?PLACE ?AREA) (geographicSubregion ?AREA ?CITY) (instance ?CITY City)) (postCity ?PLACE ?CITY)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24854-24859 | |
(=> (and (postPostcodeArea ?PLACE ?AREA) (geographicSubregion ?AREA ?GEO) (instance ?GEO StateOrProvince)) (postDistrict ?PLACE ?GEO)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24861-24866 |
consequent |
(=> (and (arableLandArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?FRACTION ?UNIT)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.0) (totalArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?TOTAL ?UNIT)) (instance ?UNIT UnitOfArea)) (exists (?ARABLE) (and (instance ?ARABLE ArableLand) (geographicSubregion ?ARABLE ?REGION) (measure ?ARABLE (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?FRACTION ?TOTAL) ?UNIT))))) |
Geography.kif 2092-2106 | |
(=> (and (holdsDuring ?T1 (and (attribute ?PERSON DislocatedCivilian) (inhabits ?PERSON ?RESIDENCE) (located ?RESIDENCE ?PLACE))) (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea) (instance ?T1 TimeInterval)) (exists (?T0 ?PRIOR-PLACE ?PRIOR-RES) (and (instance ?T0 TimeInterval) (earlier ?T0 ?T1) (instance ?PRIOR-RES Object) (instance ?PRIOR-PLACE GeopoliticalArea) (located ?PRIOR-RES ?PRIOR-PLACE) (not (equal ?PLACE ?PRIOR-PLACE)) (not (equal ?RESIDENCE ?PRIOR-RES)) (not (geographicSubregion ?PLACE ?PRIOR-PLACE)) (not (geographicSubregion ?PRIOR-PLACE ?PLACE)) (holdsDuring ?T0 (inhabits ?PERSON ?PRIOR-RES))))) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 26-47 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AREA GeographicArea) (geographicSubregion (ElevationHighPointFn ?AREA) ?AREA) (elevation (ElevationHighPointFn ?AREA) (MeasureFn ?ELEV1 ?UNIT))) (not (exists (?OTHER ?ELEV2) (and (geographicSubregion ?OTHER ?AREA) (not (equal ?OTHER (ElevationHighPointFn ?AREA))) (elevation ?OTHER (MeasureFn ?ELEV2 ?UNIT)) (greaterThan ?ELEV2 ?ELEV1))))) |
Geography.kif 1964-1975 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AREA GeographicArea) (geographicSubregion (ElevationLowPointFn ?AREA) ?AREA) (instance ?U UnitOfLength) (elevation (ElevationLowPointFn ?AREA) (MeasureFn ?ELEV1 ?U))) (not (exists (?OTHER ?ELEV2) (and (geographicSubregion ?OTHER ?AREA) (not (equal ?OTHER (ElevationLowPointFn ?AREA))) (elevation ?OTHER (MeasureFn ?ELEV2 ?U)) (lessThan ?ELEV2 ?ELEV1))))) |
Geography.kif 1940-1954 | |
(=> (and (instance ?DIRECTION DirectionalAttribute) (instance ?AREA GeographicArea) (instance (DirectionalSubregionFn ?DIRECTION ?AREA) GeographicArea)) (geographicSubregion (DirectionalSubregionFn ?DIRECTION ?AREA) ?AREA)) |
Geography.kif 493-498 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EV Evacuation) (origin ?EV ?OR) (agent ?EV ?A)) (exists (?P) (and (instance ?P Process) (geographicSubregion ?OR (WhereFn ?P (BeginFn (WhenFn ?EV)))) (causes ?P ?EV) (believes ?A (attribute ?P Dangerous))))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2516-2530 | |
(=> (and (instance ?REGION GeographicArea) (instance (GeographicCenterFn ?REGION) GeographicArea)) (geographicSubregion (GeographicCenterFn ?REGION) ?REGION)) |
Geography.kif 342-346 | |
(=> (and (instance ?X WaterTransportationService) (serviceProvider ?X ?Y) (attribute ?Y CoastalAndGreatLakesFreightTransportation)) (exists (?FREIGHT ?SHIP ?WATER) (and (subProcess ?FREIGHT ?X) (instance ?FREIGHT WaterTransportation) (instrument ?FREIGHT ?SHIP) (instance ?SHIP CargoShip) (eventLocated ?FREIGHT ?WATER) (instance ?WATER WaterArea) (geographicSubregion ?WATER UnitedStates)))) |
naics.kif 8184-8197 | |
(=> (and (instance ?X WaterTransportationService) (serviceProvider ?X ?Y) (attribute ?Y CoastalAndGreatLakesPassengerTransportation)) (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP ?WATER) (and (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X) (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation) (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP) (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip) (eventLocated ?CRUISE ?WATER) (instance ?WATER WaterArea) (geographicSubregion ?WATER UnitedStates) (not (exists (?FERRY) (and (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip) (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY))))))) |
naics.kif 8207-8225 | |
(=> (and (irrigatedLandArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT ?UNIT)) (instance ?UNIT UnitOfArea)) (exists (?IRRLAND) (and (instance ?IRRLAND IrrigatedLand) (geographicSubregion ?IRRLAND ?REGION) (measure ?IRRLAND (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT ?UNIT))))) |
Geography.kif 2239-2249 | |
(=> (and (otherLandUseArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?FRACTION ?UNIT)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.0) (totalArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?TOTAL ?UNIT)) (instance ?UNIT UnitOfArea)) (exists (?OTHER) (and (instance ?OTHER LandArea) (not (instance ?OTHER ArableLand)) (not (instance ?OTHER PermanentCropLand)) (geographicSubregion ?OTHER ?REGION) (measure ?OTHER (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?FRACTION ?TOTAL) ?UNIT))))) |
Geography.kif 2178-2196 | |
(=> (and (permanentCropLandArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?FRACTION ?UNIT)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.0) (totalArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?TOTAL ?UNIT)) (instance ?UNIT UnitOfArea)) (exists (?PERMCROP) (and (instance ?PERMCROP PermanentCropLand) (geographicSubregion ?PERMCROP ?REGION) (measure ?PERMCROP (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?FRACTION ?TOTAL) ?UNIT))))) |
Geography.kif 2138-2152 | |
(=> (instance ?AREA Continent) (geographicSubregion ?AREA PlanetEarth)) |
Geography.kif 3515-3517 | |
(=> (instance ?AREA Hemisphere) (geographicSubregion ?AREA PlanetEarth)) |
Geography.kif 3468-3470 | |
(=> (instance ?AREA PostcodeArea) (exists (?GEO) (geographicSubregion ?AREA ?GEO))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24832-24835 | |
(=> (instance ?PLACE Neighborhood) (exists (?AREA) (geographicSubregion ?PLACE ?AREA))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24720-24723 | |
(=> (instance ?PORT DeepDraftPort) (exists (?HARBOR) (and (instance ?HARBOR DeepDraftHarbor) (geographicSubregion ?HARBOR ?PORT)))) |
Transportation.kif 888-893 | |
(=> (instance ?STORM TropicalCyclonicSystem) (exists (?PLACE) (and (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea) (geographicSubregion ?PLACE Tropics) (origin ?STORM ?PLACE)))) |
Weather.kif 603-609 | |
(=> (instance ?SYSTEM InlandWaterSystem) (exists (?BODY1 ?BODY2) (and (instance ?BODY1 BodyOfWater) (instance ?BODY2 BodyOfWater) (not (equal ?BODY1 ?BODY2)) (geographicSubregion ?BODY1 ?SYSTEM) (geographicSubregion ?BODY2 ?SYSTEM)))) |
Geography.kif 5348-5356 |
appearance as argument number 0 |