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Sigma KEE - contestEntry

appearance as argument number 1

(comment contestEntry "Entity is used instead of Object as there are music contest, for instance, where it's the MusicalComposition or LyricalContent (which are Proposition) that is being judged. 09-30-2011" "KJN") Music.kif 1076-1078
(documentation contestEntry EnglishLanguage "(contestEntry ?OBJ ?AGENT ?CONTEST) is used for contests where what is being judged is not the person or his performance of a specific process but whatever he produced. The relation describes how CognitiveAgent ?AGENT entered Entity ?OBJ in Contest ?CONTEST.") Music.kif 1071-1074
(domain contestEntry 1 Entity) Music.kif 1080-1080
(domain contestEntry 2 CognitiveAgent) Music.kif 1081-1081
(domain contestEntry 3 Contest) Music.kif 1082-1082
(instance contestEntry TernaryPredicate) Music.kif 1070-1070

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage contestEntry "%2 entered %1 在 %3 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3082-3082
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage contestEntry "%2 entered %1 在 %3 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3081-3081
(format EnglishLanguage contestEntry "%2 entered %1 in %3") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3080-3080
(termFormat EnglishLanguage contestEntry "contest entry") Music.kif 1075-1075


    (contestEntry ?ENT ?AGENT ?CONT)
    (exists (?P ?J)
            (instance ?P IntentionalProcess)
            (agent ?P ?AGENT)
            (result ?P ?ENT)
            (instance ?J Judging)
            (patient ?J ?ENT))))
Music.kif 1084-1092

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