IntentionalProcess |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation IntentionalProcess ChineseLanguage "这是一个对于执行的 Agent 有特定目的的 Process。") | chinese_format.kif 2930-2931 | |
(documentation IntentionalProcess EnglishLanguage "A Process that has a specific purpose for the AutonomousAgent who performs it.") | Merge.kif 10522-10523 | |
(documentation IntentionalProcess JapaneseLanguage "Process は、それを実行する Agent に 対し、固有の目的を持つ。") | japanese_format.kif 1681-1682 | |
(subclass IntentionalProcess Process) | Merge.kif 10520-10520 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain OccupationFn 1 IntentionalProcess) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 20515-20515 | |
(domainSubclass FailureFn 1 IntentionalProcess) | ComputingBrands.kif 4514-4514 | |
(domainSubclass distrusts 3 IntentionalProcess) | Law.kif 369-369 | |
(domainSubclass enjoys 2 IntentionalProcess) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 7396-7396 | |
(domainSubclass hasOccupation 2 IntentionalProcess) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 21392-21392 | |
(domainSubclass industryServiceType 2 IntentionalProcess) | Economy.kif 1643-1643 | |
(domainSubclass organizationServiceType 2 IntentionalProcess) | Economy.kif 1661-1661 | |
(domainSubclass trusts 3 IntentionalProcess) | Law.kif 358-358 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (facility ?AGENT ?OBJ) (customer ?CUST ?AGENT) (instance ?X ?OBJ) (desires ?CUST (exists (?PROC) (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (patient ?PROC ?X) (agent ?PROC ?CUST))))) (modalAttribute (confersRight (uses ?X ?CUST) ?AGENT ?CUST) Possibility)) |
Dining.kif 336-350 | |
(=> (and (instance ?M Muscle) (instance ?BM BodyMotion) (instrument ?BM ?M) (instance ?BM IntentionalProcess)) (instance ?M VoluntaryMuscle)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10431-10437 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROC ?AGENT)) (exists (?PURP) (hasPurposeForAgent ?PROC ?PURP ?AGENT))) |
Merge.kif 10525-10530 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROC ?HUMAN) (instance ?HUMAN Animal)) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?PROC) (attribute ?HUMAN Awake))) |
Merge.kif 10539-10544 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (result ?PROC ?DOC) (recordForAgreement ?DOC ?AG) (attribute ?AG Legal)) (exists (?O ?A ?A1 ?A2) (and (instance ?O Offering) (instance ?A ReachingAgreement) (refers ?O ?AG) (refers ?A ?AG) (agent ?O ?A1) (agent ?A ?A2) (earlier (WhenFn ?O) (WhenFn ?A))))) |
Law.kif 526-540 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PROCESS IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT) (instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent) (patient ?PROCESS ?OBJECT)) (inScopeOfInterest ?AGENT ?OBJECT)) |
Merge.kif 2732-2738 | |
(=> (and (partyToAgreement ?A1 ?AG) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (located ?PROC ?LOC) (instance ?LOC GeopoliticalArea) (ageOfMajorityForProcess (MeasureFn ?N YearDuration) ?LOC ?PROC) (result ?PROC ?DOC) (recordForAgreement ?DOC ?AG) (attribute ?AG Legal)) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?PROC) (and (age ?A1 (MeasureFn ?N2 YearDuration)) (greaterThan ?N2 ?N)))) |
Law.kif 573-588 | |
(=> (and (partyToAgreement ?A1 ?AG) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (located ?PROC ?LOC) (instance ?LOC Nation) (located ?PROC ?LOC2) (instance ?LOC2 GeopoliticalArea) (ageOfMajorityForProcess (MeasureFn ?N2 YearDuration) ?LOC ?PROC) (result ?PROC ?DOC) (recordForAgreement ?DOC ?AG) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?PROC) (and (age ?A1 (MeasureFn ?N3 YearDuration)) (greaterThan ?N3 ?N2)))) (attribute ?AG Legal)) |
Law.kif 554-571 | |
(=> (and (partyToAgreement ?A1 ?AG) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (result ?PROC ?DOC) (recordForAgreement ?DOC ?AG) (attribute ?AG Legal)) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?PROC) (attribute ?A1 Sober))) |
Law.kif 515-524 | |
(=> (and (property ?AGREEMENT Contract) (partyToAgreement ?AGENT1 ?AGREEMENT) (partyToAgreement ?AGENT2 ?AGREEMENT) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROC ?AGENT1) (realization ?PROC ?PROP) (not (consistent ?PROP ?AGREEMENT))) (modalAttribute (exists (?LEGAL) (and (instance ?LEGAL LegalAction) (plaintiff ?LEGAL ?AGENT2) (defendant ?LEGAL ?AGENT1))) Possibility)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14176-14190 | |
(=> (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (exists (?AGENT) (and (instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent) (agent ?PROC ?AGENT)))) |
Merge.kif 10532-10537 |
consequent |
(=> (and (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H AVPUVerbalStatus)) (instance ?S Speaking) (destination ?S ?H) (during (WhenFn ?S) ?T)) (exists (?IA) (and (instance ?IA IntentionalProcess) (agent ?IA ?H) (during (WhenFn ?IA) ?T) (causes ?S ?IA)))) |
Medicine.kif 6447-6459 | |
(=> (and (instance ?A AutonomousAgent) (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?A Motionless))) (not (exists (?P) (and (instance ?P BodyMotion) (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (agent ?P ?A) (during (WhenFn ?P) ?T))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30266-30277 | |
(=> (and (instance ?DECIDE Deciding) (agent ?DECIDE ?A) (patient ?DECIDE ?S) (instance ?S Set) (result ?DECIDE ?X) (instance ?X ContentBearingPhysical)) (containsFormula ?X (holdsDuring (FutureFn (WhenFn ?DECIDE)) (exists (?M) (and (element ?M ?S) (instance ?M IntentionalProcess) (agent ?M ?A)))))) |
Merge.kif 12092-12108 | |
(=> (and (instance ?DECIDE Deciding) (agent ?DECIDE ?AGENT) (instance ?S Set) (patient ?DECIDE ?S) (element ?M ?S)) (believes ?AGENT (exists (?CLASS) (and (instance ?M ?CLASS) (subclass ?CLASS IntentionalProcess) (capability ?CLASS agent ?AGENT))))) |
Merge.kif 12060-12072 | |
(=> (and (reservationStart ?TIME1 ?R) (reservationEnd ?TIME2 ?R) (reservingEntity ?CUST ?R) (fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?R)) (modalAttribute (holdsDuring (TimeIntervalFn ?TIME1 ?TIME2) (exists (?P) (and (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (agent ?P ?AGENT) (destination ?P ?CUST)))) Likely)) |
Dining.kif 711-724 | |
(=> (attribute ?A Bored) (exists (?DO) (and (instance ?DO IntentionalProcess) (agent ?DO ?A) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?DO) (desires ?A (not (agent ?DO ?A))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19855-19864 | |
(=> (attribute ?X TourArrangementAndReservationServices) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?PROC ?RESERVE) (and (instance ?RESERVE TourReservation) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROC ?X) (or (result ?PROC ?RESERVE) (patient ?PROC ?RESERVE)))))) |
Hotel.kif 2336-2346 | |
(=> (attribute ?X TravelArrangementAndReservationServices) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?PROC ?RESERVE) (and (instance ?RESERVE TravelReservation) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROC ?X) (or (result ?PROC ?RESERVE) (patient ?PROC ?RESERVE)))))) |
naics.kif 10451-10461 | |
(=> (contestEntry ?ENT ?AGENT ?CONT) (exists (?P ?J) (and (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (agent ?P ?AGENT) (result ?P ?ENT) (instance ?J Judging) (patient ?J ?ENT)))) |
Music.kif 1084-1092 | |
(=> (equal ?S (RemixFn ?M ?A)) (exists (?P) (and (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (patient ?P ?M) (agent ?P ?A) (result ?P ?S) (not (equal ?S ?M)) (not (copy ?S ?M))))) |
Music.kif 889-898 | |
(=> (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H Coma)) (not (exists (?IP) (and (instance ?IP IntentionalProcess) (agent ?IP ?H) (during ?T (WhenFn ?IP)))))) |
Medicine.kif 5215-5224 | |
(=> (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H Conscious)) (holdsDuring ?T (capability IntentionalProcess agent ?H))) |
Medicine.kif 441-445 | |
(=> (inScopeOfInterest ?AGENT ?OBJECT) (exists (?PROCESS) (and (instance ?PROCESS IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT) (patient ?PROCESS ?OBJECT)))) |
Merge.kif 2740-2746 | |
(=> (instance ?ORGANISM GeneticallyEngineeredOrganism) (exists (?PROCESS) (and (instance ?PROCESS IntentionalProcess) (result ?PROCESS ?ORGANISM)))) |
WMD.kif 239-244 | |
(=> (instance ?PM ProcessedMilk) (exists (?P ?M) (and (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (instance ?M CowMilk) (patient ?P ?M) (result ?P ?PM)))) |
Food.kif 2832-2839 | |
(=> (instance ?SUBSTANCE SyntheticSubstance) (exists (?PROCESS) (and (instance ?PROCESS IntentionalProcess) (result ?PROCESS ?SUBSTANCE) (instance ?SUBSTANCE Substance)))) |
Merge.kif 1072-1078 | |
(=> (instance ?SVC WakeUpService) (hasPurpose ?SVC (exists (?WAKE ?CUST ?AGENT ?PROC) (and (agent ?SVC ?AGENT) (experiencer ?SVC ?CUST) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROC ?AGENT) (experiencer ?PROC ?CUST) (instance ?WAKE WakingUp) (experiencer ?WAKE ?CUST) (result ?PROC ?WAKE))))) |
Hotel.kif 1994-2006 | |
(=> (instance ?X AudioRecorder) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?RS ?RECORD ?PROC) (and (instance ?RS RadiatingSound) (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (instrument ?PROC ?X) (patient ?PROC ?RS) (result ?PROC ?RECORD) (instance ?RECORD AudioRecording))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26283-26293 | |
(=> (instance ?X OperatorAssistedTelephoneCommunication) (exists (?ORIGIN ?DEST ?OPERATOR) (and (origin ?X ?ORIGIN) (destination ?X ?DEST) (instance ?OPERATOR Human) (hasPurpose ?OPERATOR (exists (?PROC) (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (agent ?PROC ?OPERATOR) (subProcess ?PROC ?X) (holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?PROC)) (modalAttribute (exists (?COMM) (and (instance ?COMM Communication) (origin ?COMM ?ORIGIN) (destination ?COMM ?DEST))) Possibility)))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 27080-27102 | |
(=> (instance ?X PreparedFood) (exists (?PROC) (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (result ?PROC ?X)))) |
Food.kif 319-324 | |
(=> (instance ?X TapeRecorder) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?AUDIO ?TAPE ?PROC) (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (instrument ?PROC ?X) (result ?PROC ?AUDIO) (instance ?AUDIO AudioRecording) (instance ?TAPE RecordingTape) (holdsDuring ?PROC (connected ?TAPE ?X)) (before (BeginFn (WhenFn ?PROC)) (BeginFn (WhenFn (part ?AUDIO ?TAPE)))))))) |
Media.kif 1336-1350 | |
(=> (instance ?X UniformClothing) (exists (?PROC ?DESIGN) (and (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess) (result ?PROC ?DESIGN) (represents ?X ?DESIGN)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26728-26734 | |
(=> (issuedBy ?CERT ?AGENT) (exists (?P) (and (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (agent ?P ?AGENT) (result ?P ?CERT)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16529-16535 | |
(=> (musicChartBy ?CHART ?AGENT) (exists (?P ?C) (and (instance ?C ?CHART) (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (agent ?P ?AGENT) (result ?P ?C)))) |
Music.kif 1165-1172 |