(beliefGroupPercentInRegion ?BG ?N ?R)
(exists (?G1 ?G2 ?P ?P2 ?N1 ?N2)
(located ?P ?R)
(member ?P ?BG)
(member ?P ?G1)
(memberCount ?G1 ?N1)
(located ?P2 ?R)
(member ?P2 ?G2)
(memberCount ?G2 ?N2)
(DivisionFn ?N 100)
(DivisionFn ?N1 ?N2))))) |
People.kif 1528-1539 |
A real number percent of people in a geographic area believe in a belief group if and only if there exist a collection, another collection,, , a physical,, , the physical2,, , the real number1 and the real number2 such that the physical is located at the geographic area and the physical is a member of the belief group and the physical is a member of the collection and the real number1 is a member count of the collection and the physical2 is located at the geographic area and the physical2 is a member of the other collection and the real number2 is a member count of the other collection and the real number and 100 is equal to the real number1 and the real number2 |
(ethnicityPercentInRegion ?BG ?N ?R)
(exists (?G1 ?G2 ?P ?P2 ?N1 ?N2)
(located ?P ?R)
(member ?P ?BG)
(member ?P ?G1)
(memberCount ?G1 ?N1)
(located ?P2 ?R)
(member ?P2 ?G2)
(memberCount ?G2 ?N2)
(DivisionFn ?N 100)
(DivisionFn ?N1 ?N2))))) |
People.kif 1547-1558 |
A real number percent of people in a geographic area are an ethnic group if and only if there exist a collection, another collection,, , a physical,, , the physical2,, , the real number1 and the real number2 such that the physical is located at the geographic area and the physical is a member of the ethnic group and the physical is a member of the collection and the real number1 is a member count of the collection and the physical2 is located at the geographic area and the physical2 is a member of the other collection and the real number2 is a member count of the other collection and the real number and 100 is equal to the real number1 and the real number2 |
(languagePercentInRegion ?L ?N ?R)
(exists (?G1 ?G2 ?P ?P2 ?N1 ?N2)
(located ?P ?R)
(member ?P ?G1)
(speaksLanguage ?P ?L)
(memberCount ?G1 ?N1)
(located ?P2 ?R)
(member ?P2 ?G2)
(memberCount ?G2 ?N2)
(DivisionFn ?N 100)
(DivisionFn ?N1 ?N2))))) |
People.kif 1566-1577 |
A real number percent of people in a geographic area speak a language if and only if there exist a collection, another collection,, , a sentient agent,, , the sentient agent2,, , the real number1 and the real number2 such that the sentient agent is located at the geographic area and the sentient agent is a member of the collection and the language is a speaks language of the sentient agent and the real number1 is a member count of the collection and the sentient agent2 is located at the geographic area and the sentient agent2 is a member of the other collection and the real number2 is a member count of the other collection and the real number and 100 is equal to the real number1 and the real number2 |
(chromosomeNumber ?C ?I)
(part ?N ?C)
(instance ?N CellNucleus)
(instance ?COLL Collection)
(located ?COLL ?N)
(memberType ?COLL Chromosome))
(memberCount ?COLL ?I)) |
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 702-710 |
(haploidNumber ?CELL ?I)
(instance ?CELL Gamete)
(part ?N ?CELL)
(instance ?N CellNucleus)
(instance ?COLL Collection)
(located ?COLL ?N)
(memberType ?COLL Chromosome))
(memberCount ?COLL ?I)) |
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 793-802 |
(instance ?C Crystal)
(attribute ?C MonoCrystalline)
(instance ?SUB Substance)
(attribute ?SUB Solid)
(attribute ?SUB PolyCrystalline)
(instance ?S Substance)
(surface ?S ?SUB)
(part ?C ?S)))
(exists (?CLNT ?X ?MBR)
(instance ?CLNT Collection)
(memberCount ?CLNT ?X)
(greaterThanOrEqualTo ?X 4)
(member ?MBR ?CLNT)
(part ?MBR ?SUB)
(meetsSpatially ?C ?MBR)))))) |
Geography.kif 7142-7162 |
(instance ?CS1 ?CLASS)
(subclass ?CLASS CompoundSubstance)
(exists (?CS2)
(instance ?CS2 ?CLASS)
(part ?CS2 ?CS1))))
(molecularRatio ?ECLASS ?N ?CLASS)
(instance ?G Group)
(member ?E ?G)
(part ?E ?CS1)
(instance ?E ?ECLASS))
(memberCount ?G ?N)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21766-21780 |
(instance ?E Eyebrow)
(attribute ?H Healthy)
(part ?E ?H)
(member ?C ?E))
(memberCount ?E 2)) |
Anatomy.kif 1450-1456 |
(instance ?FLEET Fleet)
(fleetSize ?AGENT ?NUM)
(possesses ?AGENT ?FLEET))
(memberCount ?FLEET ?NUM)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3521-3526 |
(maxRoomCapacity ?ROOM ?NUM)
(instance ?X ?ROOM)
(element ?X
(PropertyFn ?AGENT)))
(exists (?GRP ?PPL)
(instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
(memberCount ?GRP ?PPL)
(lessThanOrEqualTo ?PPL ?NUM)
(stays ?GRP ?X))) Possibility)) |
Hotel.kif 479-490 |
(numberAdultOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
(fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
(exists (?COL)
(instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
(memberType ?COL HumanAdult)
(memberCount ?COL ?NUM)
(potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL)))) |
Hotel.kif 2883-2892 |
(numberChildOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
(fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
(exists (?COL ?SUBCOL)
(instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
(subCollection ?SUBCOL ?COL)
(instance ?SUBCOL GroupOfPeople)
(memberType ?SUBCOL HumanChild)
(memberCount ?SUBCOL ?NUM)
(potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL)))) |
Hotel.kif 2903-2914 |
(numberOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
(fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
(exists (?COL)
(instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
(memberType ?COL Human)
(memberCount ?COL ?NUM)
(potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL)))) |
Hotel.kif 2864-2873 |
(numberOfCustomers ?NUM ?RESERVE)
(fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?RESERVE)
(reservingEntity ?CUST ?RESERVE))
(exists (?GRP)
(potentialCustomer ?GRP ?AGENT)
(instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
(member ?CUST ?GRP)
(memberCount ?GRP ?NUM)))) |
Dining.kif 732-742 |
(numberSeniorOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
(fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
(exists (?COL ?AGE)
(instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
(forall (?X)
(member ?X ?COL)
(instance ?X HumanAdult)
(age ?X
(MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
(greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE 60))))
(memberCount ?COL ?NUM)
(potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL)))) |
Hotel.kif 2925-2940 |
(shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
(instance ?N Integer))
(desires ?A
(exists (?B ?G)
(instance ?B Buying)
(WhenFn ?B) ?T)
(objectTransferred ?B ?G)
(transactionAmount ?B ?C)
(agent ?B ?A)
(instance ?G Collection)
(memberType ?G ?O)
(memberCount ?G ?N)
(possesses ?A ?G))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30980-30995 |
(shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
(instance ?N Integer))
(desires ?A
(exists (?G)
(instance ?G Collection)
(memberType ?G ?O)
(memberCount ?G ?N)
(possesses ?A ?G))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30922-30932 |
(shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
(instance ?N Integer))
(exists (?B ?G)
(instance ?B Buying)
(WhenFn ?B) ?T)
(objectTransferred ?B ?G)
(transactionAmount ?B ?C)
(agent ?B ?A)
(instance ?G Collection)
(memberType ?G ?O)
(memberCount ?G ?N)
(possesses ?A ?G))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30947-30962 |
(breathingRate ?H ?T ?I)
(exists (?C ?M)
(instance ?C Collection)
(memberType ?C Breath)
(memberCount ?C ?I)
(member ?M ?C)
(patient ?M ?H)
(WhenFn ?M) ?T)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10413-10425 |
(capacityByArrangement ?AREA ?PROP ?INT)
(represents ?AREA ?PROP)
(exists (?GRP ?PPL)
(instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
(memberCount ?GRP ?PPL)
(lessThanOrEqualTo ?PPL ?INT)
(located ?GRP ?AREA))) Possibility))) |
Hotel.kif 790-800 |
(coilCount ?WC ?N)
(exists (?C ?C2F)
(instance ?C Collection)
(memberCount ?C ?N)
(forall (?M)
(member ?M ?C)
(attribute ?M ?C2F)
(instance ?C2F ClosedTwoDimensionalFigure)
(part ?M ?WC)
(exists (?M2)
(overlapsSpatially ?M2 ?M)
(member ?M2 ?C)))))))))) |
Cars.kif 3101-3118 |
(heartRate ?H ?T ?I)
(exists (?C ?M)
(instance ?C Collection)
(memberType ?C HeartBeat)
(memberCount ?C ?I)
(member ?M ?C)
(patient ?M ?H)
(WhenFn ?M) ?T)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10372-10384 |
(instance ?B BowlingBall)
(exists (?HOLES)
(instance ?HOLES Collection)
(memberType ?HOLES HoleRegion)
(memberCount ?HOLES 3)
(located ?HOLES ?B)
(hasPurpose ?HOLES
(exists (?FINGER ?HOLE)
(member ?HOLE ?HOLES)
(instance ?FINGER Finger)
(partiallyFills ?FINGER ?HOLE))))))) |
Sports.kif 1126-1139 |
(instance ?B Bus)
(hasPurpose ?B
(exists (?C ?T ?N ?P)
(instance ?C Collection)
(instance ?T Transportation)
(memberCount ?C ?N)
(greaterThan ?N 11)
(member ?P ?C)
(patient ?T ?P)))))) |
Transportation.kif 1972-1983 |
(instance ?PARK ParkingLot)
(exists (?C ?N)
(located ?C ?PARK)
(forall (?SLOT)
(member ?SLOT ?C)
(instance ?SLOT ParkingRegion)))
(memberCount ?C ?N)
(greaterThan ?N 1)))) |
TransportDetail.kif 82-92 |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |