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Sigma KEE - restingHeartRate

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation restingHeartRate EnglishLanguage "The heart rate at rest of a human, in beats per minute. ") Medicine.kif 116-117
(domain restingHeartRate 1 Mammal) Medicine.kif 114-114 restingHeartRate 的 1 数量 是 哺乳动物instance
(domain restingHeartRate 2 Integer) Medicine.kif 115-115 restingHeartRate 的 2 数量 是 整数instance
(instance restingHeartRate BinaryPredicate) Medicine.kif 113-113 restingHeartRate二元谓语instance

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage restingHeartRate "the resting heart rate of %1 is %2") Medicine.kif 118-118
(termFormat EnglishLanguage restingHeartRate "baseline heart rate") Medicine.kif 120-120
(termFormat EnglishLanguage restingHeartRate "resting heart rate") Medicine.kif 119-119


        (restingHeartRate ?H ?R)
        (instance ?HEART Heart)
        (part ?HEART ?H))
    (exists (?T)
                (exists (?REC)
                        (instance ?REC RecreationOrExercise)
                        (agent ?REC ?H)
                        (during ?T
                            (WhenFn ?REC)))))
            (instance ?T Minute)
            (heartRate ?H ?T ?R))))
Medicine.kif 122-136

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