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Sigma KEE - contraryAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation contraryAttribute ChineseLanguage "contraryAttribute 是一组 Attribute ,而某一件事物不能同时拥有超过一种这个组里的 Attributes。 举例说: (contraryAttribute Pliable Rigid) 指的是没有一件东西是既 PliableRigid 的。") chinese_format.kif 1504-1506
(documentation contraryAttribute EnglishLanguage "A contraryAttribute is a set of Attributes such that something can not simultaneously have more than one of these Attributes. For example, (contraryAttribute Pliable Rigid) means that nothing can be both Pliable and Rigid.") Merge.kif 459-462
(documentation contraryAttribute JapaneseLanguage "contraryAttribute は Attributes の セットで、これらの複数の Attributes を同時に持つことができない。 例えば、(contraryAttribute Pliable Rigid) とは、PliableRigid の両方が同時に存在できない、という意味である。") japanese_format.kif 68-70
(documentation contraryAttribute SpanishLanguage "Un contraryAttribute es un conjunto de Attributes de tal manera que algo no puede tener más de uno de estos Attributes simultáneamente. Por ejemplo, (contraryAttribute Pliable Rigid) significa que nada puede ser ambos Pliable y Rigid.") spanish_format.kif 78-81
(domain contraryAttribute 1 Attribute) Merge.kif 457-457 相反属性 的 1 数量 是 属性instance
(instance contraryAttribute Predicate) Merge.kif 455-455 相反属性谓语instance
(instance contraryAttribute VariableArityRelation) Merge.kif 456-456 相反属性不定次元关系instance

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage contraryAttribute "%1 %n 是 %2 的相反") chinese_format.kif 283-283
(format EnglishLanguage contraryAttribute "%1 is %n the opposite of %2") english_format.kif 288-288
(format FrenchLanguage contraryAttribute "%1 est %n l'oppos� de %2") french_format.kif 164-164
(format ItalianLanguage contraryAttribute "%1 è %n opposto a %2") relations-it.txt 58-58
(format JapaneseLanguage contraryAttribute "%1 は %2 の disjoint では %n") japanese_format.kif 1984-1984
(format PortugueseLanguage contraryAttribute "%1 e' %n &o oposto de %2") portuguese_format.kif 116-116
(format de contraryAttribute "%1 wird %2 entgegengesetzet %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 367-367
(format hi contraryAttribute "%1 %2 ke vipariita %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 99-99
(format ro contraryAttribute "%1 %n{nu} este opposed%t{opus} lui %2") relations-ro.kif 184-184
(format sv contraryAttribute "%1 är %n{inte} emot %2") relations-sv.txt 171-171
(format tg contraryAttribute "%1 %n ay sinaalungat sa %2") relations-cb.txt 92-92
(termFormat ChineseLanguage contraryAttribute "相反属性") chinese_format.kif 284-284
(termFormat ChineseLanguage contraryAttribute "相反的属性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 17010-17010
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage contraryAttribute "相反的屬性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 17009-17009
(termFormat EnglishLanguage contraryAttribute "contrary attribute") domainEnglishFormat.kif 17008-17008
(termFormat de contraryAttribute "kontraeresAttribut") terms-de.txt 114-114
(termFormat tg contraryAttribute "sinaalungat katangian") relations-tg.txt 133-133


        (contraryAttribute @ROW)
        (equal ?ATTR1
                (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER1))
        (equal ?ATTR2
                (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER2))
            (equal ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2))
        (property ?OBJ ?ATTR1))
        (property ?OBJ ?ATTR2)))
Merge.kif 476-484
        (contraryAttribute @ROW1)
            (ListFn @ROW1)
            (ListFn @ROW2)))
    (contraryAttribute @ROW2))
Merge.kif 470-474
  • 如果 @ROW1 是 的相反 和 (@ROW2) 是 (@ROW1) 的 identical 清单项目,
  • 然后 @ROW2 是 的相反
        (instance ?A Animal)
        (instance ?P
            (BodySideFn ?S ?BPC))
        (contraryAttribute ?S ?SO)
        (attribute ?A Healthy))
    (exists (?PO)
            (instance ?PO
                (BodySideFn ?SO ?BPC))
            (orientation ?P ?PO ?S))))
Merge.kif 15001-15012
        (instance ?ACT BringingGEToFront)
        (patient ?ACT ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
            (BeginFn ?ACT)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW ?STATE))
        (contraryAttribute ?STATE GUE_UncoveredState))
        (EndFn ?ACT)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW ?STATE))))
ComputerInput.kif 2332-2343
        (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?ATTR1)
        (contraryAttribute @ROW)
        (inList ?ATTR1
            (ListFn @ROW))
        (inList ?ATTR2
            (ListFn @ROW))
            (equal ?ATTR1 ?ATTR2)))
        (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?ATTR2)))
Merge.kif 16943-16951
    (contraryAttribute @ROW)
        (inList ?ELEMENT
            (ListFn @ROW))
        (instance ?ELEMENT Attribute)))
Merge.kif 464-468


        (contraryAttribute @ROW1)
            (ListFn @ROW1)
            (ListFn @ROW2)))
    (contraryAttribute @ROW2))
Merge.kif 470-474
  • 如果 @ROW1 是 的相反 和 (@ROW2) 是 (@ROW1) 的 identical 清单项目,
  • 然后 @ROW2 是 的相反
    (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
    (contraryAttribute ?DIR1 ?DIR2))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18142-18144

appearance as argument number 0

(contraryAttribute Above Below) Merge.kif 17095-17095 以上下面 的相反
(contraryAttribute AccountDeactivated AccountActive) ComputingBrands.kif 4475-4475 AccountDeactivatedAccountActive 的相反
(contraryAttribute AcidicPH BasicPH) Food.kif 2803-2803 AcidicPHBasicPH 的相反
(contraryAttribute AppraisalAsBeingDisliked AppraisalAsBeingLiked) emotion.kif 522-522 AppraisalAsBeingDislikedAppraisalAsBeingLiked 的相反
(contraryAttribute Audible Inaudible) Merge.kif 13629-13629 听得见Inaudible 的相反
(contraryAttribute AuthoritarianRegime MultipartyDemocracy) Government.kif 336-336 威权政权多党民主 的相反
(contraryAttribute BroadGauge StandardGauge NarrowGauge DualGauge) Transportation.kif 391-391 宽规标准规 的相反
(contraryAttribute Civilian MilitaryPerson) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22231-22231 平民军人 的相反
(contraryAttribute Clockwise CounterClockwise) Cars.kif 4968-4968 ClockwiseCounterClockwise 的相反
(contraryAttribute Conductivity Resistivity) engineering.kif 675-675 电导率抵抗力 的相反
(contraryAttribute Conscious Unconscious) Medicine.kif 435-435 Conscious无意识 的相反
(contraryAttribute ContainerFull ContainerEmpty) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1638-1638 容器满了空容器 的相反
(contraryAttribute Dead Living) Merge.kif 18115-18115 活的 的相反
(contraryAttribute DeviceDamaged DeviceNormal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 29426-29426 DeviceDamagedDeviceNormal 的相反
(contraryAttribute DeviceOn DeviceOff) ComputingBrands.kif 3644-3644 设备上设备关闭 的相反
(contraryAttribute DeviceOpen DeviceClosed) ComputingBrands.kif 3645-3645 设备打开设备关闭 的相反
(contraryAttribute Dirty Clean) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25571-25571 DirtyClean 的相反
(contraryAttribute Drugged Sober) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8655-8655 下药清醒 的相反
(contraryAttribute Dry Damp) Merge.kif 18013-18013 潮湿 的相反
(contraryAttribute Embryonic Larval) Merge.kif 18212-18212 胚胎幼虫 的相反
(contraryAttribute False True) Merge.kif 17007-17007 真正 的相反
(contraryAttribute FederalGovernment AuthoritarianRegime) Government.kif 285-285 联邦政府威权政权 的相反
(contraryAttribute FederalGovernment UnitaryRule) Government.kif 284-284 联邦政府统一规则 的相反
(contraryAttribute FeelingAlert FeelingTired) emotion.kif 1849-1849 FeelingAlertFeelingTired 的相反
(contraryAttribute FeelingAtEase FeelingRestless) emotion.kif 1782-1782 FeelingAtEaseFeelingRestless 的相反

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