Vehicle(车辆) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Vehicle ChineseLanguage "Vehicle 是 TransportationDevice 子类别,它通过自 身从一处移动往别处,同时也把乘客或货物和它一同从一处运载到另外一处,如:汽车、卡车、渡轮和飞机。它和通过移动 部件把东西从一处带到另外一处的设备如:导管、自动扶梯或超市用的结账运输带对比,而不需把设备从源处移到目的地。") | chinese_format.kif 3625-3627 | |
(documentation Vehicle EnglishLanguage "Vehicle is the subclass of TransportationDevices that transport passengers or goods from one place to another by moving from one place to the other with them, e.g., cars, trucks, ferries, and airplanes. Contrast with devices such as pipelines, escalators, or supermarket checkout belts, which carry items from one place to another by means of a moving part, without the device removing from the origin to the destination.") | Merge.kif 16057-16064 | |
(externalImage Vehicle "") | pictureList.kif 6956-6956 | |
(externalImage Vehicle "") | pictureList.kif 8213-8213 | |
(externalImage Vehicle "") | pictureList-ImageNet.kif 589-589 | |
(subclass Vehicle TransportationDevice) | Merge.kif 16056-16056 | 车辆 是 运输设备 的 subclass |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain TripFn 1 Vehicle) | Transportation.kif 1712-1712 | 旅 的 1 数量 是 车辆 的 instance |
(domain maximumPayloadCapacity 1 Vehicle) | MilitaryDevices.kif 81-81 | 最大载荷容量 的 1 数量 是 车辆 的 instance |
(domain maximumPayloadHeightWidth 1 Vehicle) | MilitaryDevices.kif 109-109 | 最大有效负载高度宽度 的 1 数量 是 车辆 的 instance |
(domain onboard 2 Vehicle) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 17692-17692 | 在船上 的 2 数量 是 车辆 的 instance |
(domain topSpeed 1 Vehicle) | Transportation.kif 1850-1850 | topSpeed 的 1 数量 是 车辆 的 instance |
antecedent |
consequent |
(<=> (instance ?DV DamagedVehicle) (and (instance ?DV Vehicle) (attribute ?DV DeviceDamaged))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30383-30387 | 客体 是 DamagedVehicle 的 instance 若且唯若 那个 客体 是 车辆 的 instance 和 DeviceDamaged 是 那个 客体 的 attribute |
(=> (and (instance ?B Boarding) (patient ?B ?V)) (instance ?V Vehicle)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17670-17674 | |
(=> (and (instance ?B Deboarding) (patient ?B ?VEHICLE)) (instance ?VEHICLE Vehicle)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17711-17715 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C CavalryUnit) (instance ?B Battle) (agent ?B ?C)) (exists (?P ?V ?T) (and (attribute ?P Soldier) (member ?P ?C) (instance ?T Transportation) (agent ?T ?P) (instance ?V Vehicle) (patient ?T ?V) (during ?T ?B)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8605-8618 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ITEM Object) (instance ?LISTING WebListing) (attribute ?LISTING ForSaleByOwner) (patient ?LISTING ?ITEM)) (instance ?ITEM Vehicle)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 373-379 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG Organization) (attribute ?ORG ScenicAndSightseeingTransportation)) (exists (?EV ?MEM) (and (member ?MEM ?ORG) (agent ?MEM ?EV) (exists (?P) (and (instance ?EV Selling) (instance ?P Human) (patient ?EV ?P) (confersRight (exists (?TRANS ?VEH) (and (instance ?TRANS Transportation) (instance ?TRANS RecreationOrExercise) (patient ?TRANS ?P) (possesses ?ORG ?VEH) (instance ?VEH Vehicle))) ?MEM ?P)))))) |
naics.kif 8528-8549 |
(=> (and (instance ?W Wagon) (instance ?T Transportation) (instrument ?T ?W)) (exists (?P) (and (instance ?T Pulling) (agent ?T ?P) (patient ?T ?W) (or (instance ?P DomesticAnimal) (instance ?P Vehicle))))) |
Transportation.kif 1992-2004 | |
(=> (attribute ?H Valet) (hasPurpose ?H (and (instance ?VEHICLE Vehicle) (instance ?PUT Putting) (destination ?PUT ?PARK) (instance ?PARK ParkingRegion) (patient ?PUT ?VEHICLE) (agent ?PUT ?H)))) |
TransportDetail.kif 136-145 | |
(=> (instance ?C Convoy) (exists (?V1 ?V2 ?TIME) (and (not (equal ?V1 ?V2)) (instance ?V1 Vehicle) (instance ?V2 Vehicle) (instance ?TIME TimeInterval) (temporalPart ?TIME (WhenFn ?C)) (holdsDuring ?TIME (and (member ?V1 ?C) (member ?V2 ?C)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22649-22661 | |
(=> (instance ?C VehicleController) (exists (?V) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (part ?C ?V)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3382-3387 | |
(=> (instance ?DRIVE Driving) (exists (?VEHICLE) (and (instance ?VEHICLE Vehicle) (patient ?DRIVE ?VEHICLE)))) |
Merge.kif 11679-11684 | |
(=> (instance ?FLEET Fleet) (memberType ?FLEET Vehicle)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3509-3511 | |
(=> (instance ?H Hijacking) (exists (?V) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (patient ?H ?V)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22205-22210 | |
(=> (instance ?L Headlight) (exists (?V) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (part ?L (FrontFn ?V))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3071-3076 | |
(=> (instance ?L Taillight) (exists (?V) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (part ?L (BackFn ?V))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3082-3087 | |
(=> (instance ?L VehicleLight) (exists (?V) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (part ?L ?V)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3060-3065 | |
(=> (instance ?S Speedometer) (hasPurpose ?S (exists (?V ?T ?SPEED ?DIST ?TIME ?M) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (part ?S ?V) (instance ?T Translocation) (instrument ?T ?V) (measure ?T ?SPEED) (equal ?SPEED (SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME)) (instance ?M Measuring) (instrument ?M ?S) (measurementReading ?M ?SPEED))))) |
Cars.kif 3017-3031 |
(=> (instance ?S VehicleSeat) (hasPurpose ?S (exists (?H ?T ?V) (and (instance ?H Human) (instance ?V Vehicle) (holdsDuring ?T (and (attribute ?H Sitting) (located ?H ?S) (located ?S ?V))))))) |
Cars.kif 5089-5100 | |
(=> (instance ?SHIP VehicleCarrierShip) (cargoType ?SHIP Vehicle)) |
Transportation.kif 2522-2524 | |
(=> (instance ?SVC TransportationService) (exists (?VEHICLE ?AGENT ?TRANS ?CUST) (and (agent ?SVC ?AGENT) (possesses ?AGENT ?VEHICLE) (customer ?CUST ?AGENT) (instance ?VEHICLE Vehicle) (instance ?TRANS Transportation) (agent ?TRANS ?AGENT) (patient ?TRANS ?CUST) (instrument ?TRANS ?VEHICLE) (subProcess ?TRANS ?SVC)))) |
Transportation.kif 4240-4252 |
(=> (instance ?VSD VehicleSafetyDevice) (hasPurpose ?VSD (exists (?V) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (part ?VSD ?V))))) |
Cars.kif 3441-3447 | |
(=> (instance ?W VehicleWindow) (exists (?V) (and (instance ?V Vehicle) (part ?W ?V)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3439-3444 | |
(=> (instance ?W Window) (exists (?A) (and (part ?W ?A) (or (instance ?A Building) (instance ?A Room) (instance ?A Vehicle))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15426-15434 | |
(=> (instance ?X SeatBelt) (hasPurpose ?X (exists (?PERSON ?STOP ?VEHICLE ?M) (and (instance ?VEHICLE Vehicle) (part ?X ?VEHICLE) (instance ?PERSON Human) (contains ?VEHICLE ?PERSON) (instance ?STOP Process) (prevents ?STOP (KappaFn ?M (and (instance ?M Translocation) (patient ?M ?PERSON) (exists (?COLLISION) (and (or (instance ?COLLISION Decelerating) (instance ?COLLISION Impacting)) (experiencer ?COLLISION ?VEHICLE) (causes ?COLLISION ?M))) (modalAttribute (exists (?INJ ?IMP) (and (instance ?INJ Injuring) (instance ?IMP Impacting) (causes ?M ?INJ) (patient ?INJ ?PERSON) (subProcess ?IMP ?INJ))) Possibility)))))))) |
Cars.kif 3735-3764 |