TimePoint(时点) | ![]() |
appearance as argument number 1 |
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(documentation TimePoint ChineseLanguage "这是通用时间轴上无法延伸的的一点。 我们在不同程度的准确 和近似值上,可以知道 Process 发生的 TimePoint,但是 TimePoint 在概念上是成点状而非间隔状, 也就是说, 说 TimePoint 持续了多长是没有意义的。") | chinese_format.kif 1787-1789 | |
(documentation TimePoint EnglishLanguage "An extensionless point on the universal timeline. The TimePoints at which Processes occur can be known with various degrees of precision and approximation, but conceptually TimePoints are point_like and not interval_like. That is, it doesn't make sense to talk about how long a TimePoint lasts.") | Merge.kif 2093-2098 | |
(documentation TimePoint JapaneseLanguage "ユニバーサルタイムライン上の拡張のないポイント。 Process が発生する TimePoint は、さまざまな精度と近似で知ることができるが、概念的には TimePoint はポイントに似ており、インターバルのようなものではない。 つまり、TimePoint がどれ くらい長く続くかについて話すのは意味がない。") | japanese_format.kif 402-405 | |
(subclass TimePoint TimePosition) | Merge.kif 2091-2091 | 时点 是 时间位置 的 subclass |
appearance as argument number 2 |
![]() |
(instance NegativeInfinity TimePoint) | Merge.kif 7928-7928 | 负无穷大 是 时点 的 instance |
(instance PositiveInfinity TimePoint) | Merge.kif 7910-7910 | 正无穷大 是 时点 的 instance |
(range BeginFn TimePoint) | Merge.kif 8029-8029 | 开始函数 的 range 是 时点 的实例 |
(range EndFn TimePoint) | Merge.kif 8057-8057 | 结束函数 的 range 是 时点 的实例 |
(subclass Epoch TimePoint) | QoSontology.kif 2241-2241 | 时代 是 时点 的 subclass |
(subclass Midnight TimePoint) | Merge.kif 8826-8826 | Midnight 是 时点 的 subclass |
(subclass Noon TimePoint) | Merge.kif 8900-8900 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TimePoint "时点") | chinese_format.kif 881-881 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TimePoint "time point") | english_format.kif 964-964 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage TimePoint "point temporel") | french_format.kif 557-557 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat Hindi TimePoint "samaya biMdu") | terms-hindi.txt 87-87 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage TimePoint "PuntoTemporale") | terms-it.txt 90-90 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage TimePoint "時点") | japanese_format.kif 2242-2242 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage TimePoint "Ponto no tempo") | portuguese_format.kif 509-509 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat cb TimePoint "talinisang oras") | terms-cb.txt 92-92 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat cz TimePoint "time point") | terms-cz.txt 124-124 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat ro TimePoint "punct temporal") | relations-ro.kif 578-578 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
(termFormat tg TimePoint "lugar ng panahon") | terms-tg.txt 91-91 | Noon 是 时点 的 subclass |
appearance as argument number 3 |
![]() |
antecedent |
![]() |
(=> (and (earlier ?TI1 ?TI2) (instance ?P1 TimePoint) (instance ?P2 TimePoint) (temporalPart ?P1 ?TI1) (temporalPart ?P2 ?TI2)) (before ?P1 ?P2)) |
Merge.kif 8327-8334 | |
(=> (and (instance ?COLL Collection) (instance ?SITE WebSite) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?LISTING WebListing) (instance ?TIME TimePoint) (listingSeller ?LISTING ?AGENT) (not (member ?LISTING ?COLL)) (forall (?ITEM ?MEMBER) (and (=> (and (instance ?ITEM WebListing) (member ?ITEM (SellersItemsFn ?AGENT ?SITE)) (temporalPart ?TIME (WhenFn ?ITEM)) (not (equal ?ITEM ?LISTING))) (member ?ITEM ?COLL)) (=> (member ?MEMBER ?COLL) (and (temporalPart ?TIME (WhenFn ?ITEM)) (instance ?MEMBER WebListing)))))) (equal (SellersOtherItemsFn ?AGENT ?SITE ?LISTING ?TIME) ?COLL)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1033-1060 |
(=> (and (instance ?F Flooding) (instance ?L LandArea) (eventLocated ?F ?L) (instance ?T TimePoint) (before ?T (WhenFn ?F))) (modalAttribute (holdsDuring ?T (instance ?L SubmergedLandArea)) Unlikely)) |
Weather.kif 1581-1591 | |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (not (equal ?POINT NegativeInfinity))) (before NegativeInfinity ?POINT)) |
Merge.kif 7933-7937 | |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (not (equal ?POINT NegativeInfinity))) (exists (?OTHERPOINT) (temporallyBetween NegativeInfinity ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT))) |
Merge.kif 7939-7944 | |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (not (equal ?POINT PositiveInfinity))) (before ?POINT PositiveInfinity)) |
Merge.kif 7915-7919 | |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (not (equal ?POINT PositiveInfinity))) (exists (?OTHERPOINT) (temporallyBetween ?POINT ?OTHERPOINT PositiveInfinity))) |
Merge.kif 7921-7926 | |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT1 TimePoint) (instance ?POINT2 TimePoint) (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (equal (TimeIntervalFn ?POINT1 ?POINT2) ?INTERVAL)) (and (equal (BeginFn ?INTERVAL) ?POINT1) (equal (EndFn ?INTERVAL) ?POINT2))) |
Merge.kif 8466-8474 | |
(=> (and (instance ?POINT1 TimePoint) (instance ?POINT2 TimePoint) (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (equal (TimeIntervalFn ?POINT1 ?POINT2) ?INTERVAL)) (forall (?POINT) (<=> (temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT ?POINT2) (temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 8476-8485 | |
(=> (and (instance ?T1 TimePoint) (instance ?T2 TimePoint) (equal ?INTERVAL (TimeIntervalFn ?T1 ?T2)) (duration ?INTERVAL ?PERIOD)) (equal ?INTERVAL (TimePeriodFn ?T1 ?PERIOD))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14290-14296 | |
(=> (and (instance ?TIME TimePoint) (holdsDuring ?TIME (age ?OBJ ?DURATION))) (duration (TimeIntervalFn (BeginFn (WhenFn ?OBJ)) ?TIME) ?DURATION)) |
Merge.kif 7538-7542 | |
(=> (and (time ?PHYS ?TIME) (instance ?TIME TimePoint)) (temporallyBetweenOrEqual (BeginFn (WhenFn ?PHYS)) ?TIME (EndFn (WhenFn ?PHYS)))) |
Merge.kif 8252-8256 | |
(=> (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (exists (?INTERVAL) (and (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 7986-7991 |
consequent |
![]() |
(=> (and (instance ?X BreakingRecord) (agent ?X ?A1)) (exists (?AC ?PC ?P1 ?TP ?ROLE ?L ?Q) (and (instance ?AC Set) (element ?A1 ?AC) (subclass ?PC Process) (instance ?L Region) (instance ?TP TimePoint) (instance ?Q Quantity) (instance ?P1 ?PC) (refers ?X ?Q) (refers ?Q ?P1) (playsRoleInEvent ?A1 ?ROLE ?P1) (eventLocated ?P1 ?L) (not (exists (?A2 ?P2) (and (instance ?A2 ?AC) (not (equal ?A2 ?A1)) (instance ?P2 ?PC) (holdsDuring (TimeIntervalFn ?TP (EndFn (WhenFn ?X))) (and (playsRoleInEvent ?A2 ?ROLE ?P2) (eventLocated ?P2 ?L))))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30319-30349 |
(=> (equal (TemporalCompositionFn ?INTERVAL ?INTERVALTYPE) ?CLASS) (forall (?TIME) (=> (and (instance ?TIME TimePoint) (temporalPart ?TIME ?INTERVAL)) (exists (?INSTANCE) (and (instance ?INSTANCE ?CLASS) (temporalPart ?TIME ?INSTANCE)))))) |
Merge.kif 9493-9503 | |
(=> (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (exists (?POINT) (and (instance ?POINT TimePoint) (temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 7993-7998 |
(=> (instance ?OBJ Object) (exists (?TIME1 ?TIME2) (and (instance ?TIME1 TimePoint) (instance ?TIME2 TimePoint) (before ?TIME1 ?TIME2) (forall (?TIME) (=> (and (beforeOrEqual ?TIME1 ?TIME) (beforeOrEqual ?TIME ?TIME2)) (time ?OBJ ?TIME)))))) |
Merge.kif 8156-8168 | |
(=> (temporallyBetweenOrEqual (BeginFn (WhenFn ?PHYS)) ?TIME (EndFn (WhenFn ?PHYS))) (and (time ?PHYS ?TIME) (instance ?TIME TimePoint))) |
Merge.kif 8258-8267 |
![]() |
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