SpecialComputerKeyboardKey |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(disjoint SpecialComputerKeyboardKey CharacterKey) | ComputerInput.kif 278-278 | SpecialComputerKeyboardKey 和 % 2 是 disjoint |
(documentation SpecialComputerKeyboardKey EnglishLanguage "A SpecialComputerKeyboardKey is a type of ComputerKeyboardKey on a ComputerKeyboard that does not simply send a single visible character to a computer to which it is attached. This includes the Enter/ Return key, backspace, delete, function, control, shift, and other non-character keys.") | ComputerInput.kif 274-277 | |
(subclass SpecialComputerKeyboardKey ComputerKeyboardKey) | ComputerInput.kif 273-273 | SpecialComputerKeyboardKey 是 ComputerKeyboardKey 的 subclass |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass ArrowKey SpecialComputerKeyboardKey) | ComputerInput.kif 292-292 | ArrowKey 是 SpecialComputerKeyboardKey 的 subclass |
(subclass EnterKey SpecialComputerKeyboardKey) | ComputerInput.kif 287-287 | EnterKey 是 SpecialComputerKeyboardKey 的 subclass |
(subclass MultiKeypressKey SpecialComputerKeyboardKey) | ComputerInput.kif 327-327 | MultiKeypressKey 是 SpecialComputerKeyboardKey 的 subclass |
(subclass NumberedFunctionKey SpecialComputerKeyboardKey) | ComputerInput.kif 319-319 | NumberedFunctionKey 是 SpecialComputerKeyboardKey 的 subclass |
(subclass TabKey SpecialComputerKeyboardKey) | ComputerInput.kif 280-280 | TabKey 是 SpecialComputerKeyboardKey 的 subclass |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SpecialComputerKeyboardKey "special computer keyboard key") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 65528-65528 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?ACT SpecialCharacterPress) (patient ?ACT ?KEY) (instance ?KEY ComputerKeyboardKey)) (instance ?KEY SpecialComputerKeyboardKey)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1402-1407 |
(=> (instance ?ACT SpecialCharacterPress) (exists (?KEY) (and (instance ?KEY SpecialComputerKeyboardKey) (patient ?ACT ?KEY)))) |
ComputerInput.kif 1395-1400 |