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Sigma KEE - Reading

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Reading ChineseLanguage "这属于 ContentDevelopmentsubclass,当中内容 由书面形式转成口述。注:若默读 Text 的话,则应作 Interpreting 类别处理。") chinese_format.kif 3201-3202
(documentation Reading EnglishLanguage "A subclass of ContentDevelopment in which content is converted from a written form into a spoken representation. Note that the class Interpreting should be used in cases where a Text is read silently.") Merge.kif 12730-12733
(relatedInternalConcept Reading Interpreting) Merge.kif 12729-12729 朗读解读 是 内部相关
(subclass Reading ContentDevelopment) Merge.kif 12728-12728 朗读内容制作subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Reading "朗读") chinese_format.kif 1178-1178
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Reading "reading") english_format.kif 1573-1573
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Reading "lire") french_format.kif 856-856
(termFormat Hindi Reading "padhaaii") terms-hindi.txt 388-388
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Reading "Leggere") terms-it.txt 391-391
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Reading "読み") japanese_format.kif 2540-2540
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Reading "Ler") portuguese_format.kif 808-808
(termFormat cb Reading "pagbasa") terms-cb.txt 393-393
(termFormat cz Reading "reading") terms-cz.txt 427-427
(termFormat ro Reading "citire") relations-ro.kif 877-877
(termFormat tg Reading "bumabasa") terms-tg.txt 392-392


    (instance ?READ Reading)
    (exists (?TEXT ?PROP)
            (instance ?TEXT Text)
            (containsInformation ?TEXT ?PROP)
            (realization ?READ ?PROP))))
Merge.kif 12735-12741


    (attribute ?H LiteracyAttribute)
        (hasSkill Reading ?H)
        (hasSkill Writing ?H)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15027-15031 识字属性 施事体attribute 若且唯若 那个 施事体 hasSkill 去做 朗读那个 施事体 hasSkill 去做 写作

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