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Sigma KEE - RadioactiveWeapon

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint RadioactiveWeapon BiochemicalWeapon) WMD.kif 118-118 放射性武器 和 % 2 是 disjoint
(documentation RadioactiveWeapon EnglishLanguage "A WeaponOfMassDestruction which achieves its effect through radioactivity, either by an explosion resulting from nuclear fission or by a conventional explosive device that scatters radioactive debris.") WMD.kif 119-122
(partition RadioactiveWeapon NuclearWeapon RadiologicalWeapon) WMD.kif 648-648 放射性武器 详尽无遗地 partition核武器放射性武器
(subclass RadioactiveWeapon WeaponOfMassDestruction) WMD.kif 117-117 放射性武器大规模杀伤性武器subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint BiochemicalWeapon RadioactiveWeapon) WMD.kif 107-107 生化武器 和 % 2 是 disjoint
(partition WeaponOfMassDestruction RadioactiveWeapon BiochemicalWeapon) WMD.kif 673-673 大规模杀伤性武器 详尽无遗地 partition放射性武器生化武器
(subclass NuclearWeapon RadioactiveWeapon) WMD.kif 134-134 核武器放射性武器subclass
(subclass RadiologicalWeapon RadioactiveWeapon) WMD.kif 128-128 放射性武器放射性武器subclass
(termFormat ChineseLanguage RadioactiveWeapon "放射性武器") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48490-48490
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage RadioactiveWeapon "放射性武器") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48489-48489
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RadioactiveWeapon "radioactive weapon") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48488-48488

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