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Sigma KEE - Pulmonologist

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Pulmonologist EnglishLanguage "A MedicalDoctor who deals with diseases and disorders of the respiratory tract.") Medicine.kif 4477-4478
(instance Pulmonologist Position) Medicine.kif 4476-4476 Pulmonologist地位instance
(subAttribute Pulmonologist MedicalDoctor) Medicine.kif 4475-4475 Pulmonologist医生subAttribute

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Pulmonologist "pulmonologist") Medicine.kif 4479-4479


    (attribute ?H Pulmonologist)
    (exists (?P1 ?P2 ?PAT ?L)
            (subclass ?PROCESS1 DiagnosticProcess)
            (subclass ?PROCESS2 TherapeuticProcess)
            (patient ?P1 ?PAT)
            (patient ?P2 ?PAT)
            (instance ?L Lung)
            (part ?L ?PAT)
            (located ?P1 Lung)
            (located ?P2 Lung))))
Medicine.kif 4481-4492

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