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Sigma KEE - PartnershipForPeace

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished PartnershipForPeace
    (DayFn 11
        (MonthFn January
            (YearFn 1994))))
Government.kif 3772-3772 11 Day和平伙伴关系 的成立 date
(instance PartnershipForPeace OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 3769-3769 和平伙伴关系国际组织instance
(organizationalObjective PartnershipForPeace MilitaryCooperation) Government.kif 3774-3774 军事合作和平伙伴关系organizational 目标
(organizationalObjective PartnershipForPeace PoliticalCooperation) Government.kif 3773-3773 政治合作和平伙伴关系organizational 目标
(organizationalObjective PartnershipForPeace PromoteRegionalStability) Government.kif 3775-3775 促进地区稳定和平伙伴关系organizational 目标
(relatedInternalConcept PartnershipForPeace NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization) Government.kif 3776-3776 和平伙伴关系北大西洋条约组织 是 内部相关

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "PFP" PartnershipForPeace) Government.kif 3771-3771 和平伙伴关系 是 "PFP" 的简称
(conventionalLongName "Partnership for Peace" PartnershipForPeace) Government.kif 3770-3770 和平伙伴关系 是 "Partnership for Peace" 的 conventional 全名
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PartnershipForPeace "和平伙伴关系") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44636-44636 和平伙伴关系 是 "Partnership for Peace" 的 conventional 全名
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PartnershipForPeace "和平夥伴關係") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44635-44635 和平伙伴关系 是 "Partnership for Peace" 的 conventional 全名
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PartnershipForPeace "partnership for peace") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44634-44634 和平伙伴关系 是 "Partnership for Peace" 的 conventional 全名

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