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Sigma KEE - Likely

appearance as argument number 1

(contraryAttribute Likely Unlikely) Merge.kif 17606-17606 容易较不可能 的相反
(documentation Likely ChineseLanguage "这是表示有可能发生的 ProbabilityAttribute,即是有可能是 True 的机会比不可能的大。") chinese_format.kif 3917-3918 容易较不可能 的相反
(documentation Likely EnglishLanguage "The ProbabilityAttribute of being probable, i.e. more likely than not to be True.") Merge.kif 17607-17608 容易较不可能 的相反
(instance Likely ProbabilityAttribute) Merge.kif 17605-17605 容易概率属性instance

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Likely "容易") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34426-34426
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Likely "容易") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34425-34425
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Likely "likely") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34424-34424


        (instance ?B Bleeding)
        (instance ?D Death)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (instance ?P Human)
        (experiencer ?B ?P)
        (orientation ?H ?P Near)
            (causes ?B ?D) Likely))
    (holdsObligation ?H
        (exists (?A)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (agent ?A ?H)
                (destination ?A ?P)))))
Medicine.kif 44-59
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Likely)
            (truth ?FORMULA True))
            (truth ?FORMULA False))))
Merge.kif 17610-17616


        (agreementClause ?PROP ?ATTR ?AGREEMENT ?AGENT)
            (equal ?ATTR Obligation)
            (equal ?ATTR Promise)))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (realization ?PROC ?PROP)
                (agent ?PROC ?AGENT))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14329-14339
        (albumCoverImage ?A ?I)
        (instance ?CD
            (AlbumCopiesFn ?A ?DS))
        (contains ?C ?CD))
        (part ?I
            (FrontFn ?C)) Likely))
Music.kif 316-322
        (allergic ?H ?S)
        (instance ?SUB ?S)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (meetsSpatially ?SUB ?H)))
        (exists (?AR)
                (instance ?AR AllergicReaction)
                (experiencer ?AR ?H)
                (overlapsTemporally ?T
                    (WhenFn ?AR))
                    (BeginFn ?T)
                        (WhenFn ?AR))))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6225-6238
        (attribute ?H1 ADHD)
            (attribute ?H2 ADHD))
            (equal ?H1 ?H2))
        (instance ?I1 ?IC)
        (instance ?I2 ?IC)
        (subclass ?IC IntentionalPsychologicalProcess)
        (agent ?I1 ?H1)
        (agent ?I2 ?H2)
            (WhenFn ?I1) ?D1)
            (WhenFn ?I2) ?D2))
        (greaterThan ?D2 ?D1) Likely))
Medicine.kif 3984-4004
        (defaultMaxValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?N ?VAL) Likely))
Merge.kif 18535-18540
        (defaultMinValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?VAL ?N) Likely))
Merge.kif 18518-18523
        (defaultValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (equal ?N ?VAL) Likely))
Merge.kif 18552-18557
        (employs ?ORG ?P)
        (employs ?ORG ?CO)
        (instance ?D DoNetworkMessaging)
        (result ?D ?MSG)
        (attribute ?MSG NSFW)
        (agent ?D ?P)
        (instance ?S Seeing)
        (patient ?S ?MSG)
        (agent ?S ?CO))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (causes ?D ?PROC)
                (suffers ?PROC ?P))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 3022-3038
        (engineIdleSpeed ?E
                (MeasureFn ?N1 MilesPerHour) ?M))
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?P GasPedal)
        (instance ?P Pushing)
        (destination ?P ?GP)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (part ?GP ?A)
        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
        (part ?C ?E)
            (WhenFn ?P)
            (measure ?C
                    (MeasureFn ?N2 MilesPerHour) ?M))))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1) Likely))
Cars.kif 2568-2586
        (equal ?W
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?W Hardwood)
        (subclass ?S PlantStem))
        (initialPart ?S DeciduousTree) Likely))
Economy.kif 5399-5406
        (equal ?W
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?W Softwood)
        (subclass ?S PlantStem))
        (initialPart ?S Conifers) Likely))
Economy.kif 5524-5531
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?A ?ES))
        (actionTendency ?ES ?PI))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P ?PI)
                    (WhenFn ?P) ?T)
                (experiencer ?P ?A))) Likely))
emotion.kif 161-172
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?F Menopausal))
        (birthdate ?F ?B)
        (instance ?B
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (equal ?A1
            (AdditionFn 49 ?Y))
        (equal ?A2
            (AdditionFn 52 ?Y))
        (equal ?START
            (BeginFn ?T)))
            (greaterThan ?START ?A1)
            (greaterThan ?A2 ?START)) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24236-24252
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H
                (ImpairedBodyPartFn ?P)))
        (instance ?PI ?P)
        (part ?PI ?H)
        (hasPurpose ?PI ?F))
        (not ?F) Likely))
Merge.kif 18314-18324
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H ChronicFatigueSyndrome))
        (instance ?R RecreationOrExercise)
        (agent ?R ?H)
            (WhenFn ?R) ?T))
            (holdsDuring ?T2
                (attribute ?H PostExertionalMalaise))
                (WhenFn ?R) ?T2)) Likely))
Medicine.kif 1500-1512
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?X Booting))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
            (attribute ?X HostReady))
        (equal ?T2
                (WhenFn ?T)))
        (instance ?DIS ComputerDisplay)
        (connectedEngineeringComponents ?DIS ?X))
        (exists (?HS)
                (instance ?HS HomeScreen)
                (displayedUpon ?HS ?DIS))) Likely))
ComputingBrands.kif 3231-3245
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (measure ?C ?S))
        (engineIdleSpeed ?E ?S)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (part ?C ?E))
            (exists (?P ?GP)
                    (during ?P ?T)
                    (instance ?P Pushing)
                    (destination ?P ?GP)
                    (part ?GP ?A)))) Likely))
Cars.kif 2550-2566
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?H Dieting))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
                (attribute ?H Dieting)))
        (instance ?M1 Meal)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?H)
        (resource ?E1 ?M1)
            (WhenFn ?E1) ?T1)
        (measure ?M1
            (MeasureFn ?C1 Calorie))
        (instance ?M2 Meal)
        (instance ?E2 Eating)
        (agent ?E2 ?H)
        (resource ?E2 ?M2)
            (WhenFn ?E2) ?T2)
        (measure ?M2
            (MeasureFn ?C2 Calorie)))
        (greaterThan ?C2 ?C1) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30951-30972
        (instance ?A AntibodyCOVIDTest)
        (instrument ?M ?A)
        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (patient ?M ?H)
        (instance ?CA COVIDAntibody)
        (part ?CA ?H))
        (knows ?H
            (exists (?CA)
                    (instance ?CA COVIDAntibody)
                    (part ?CA ?H)))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 2763-2777
        (instance ?A Biped)
        (instance ?W Ambulating)
        (agent ?W ?A))
        (exists (?L1 ?L2)
                (instance ?L1 Leg)
                (instance ?L2 Leg)
                    (equal ?L1 ?L2))
                (part ?L1 ?A)
                (part ?L2 ?A)
                (instrument ?W ?L1)
                (instrument ?W ?L2))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4404-4420
        (instance ?A RheumatoidArthritis)
        (experiencer ?A ?H))
        (exists (?JP)
                (instance ?JP JointPain)
                (causes ?A ?JP))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 2230-2239
        (instance ?AVU AngryVoiceUtterance)
        (agent ?AVU ?A))
            (exists (?ANG)
                    (instance ?ANG Anger)
                    (experiencer ?ANG ?A)))
                (instance ?AVU AngryVoiceUtterance)
                (agent ?AVU ?A))) Likely))
emotion.kif 1945-1958
        (instance ?B Buying)
        (patient ?B ?ITEM)
        (origin ?B ?AGENT)
            (publishedPrice ?ENT ?PRICE ?AGENT ?PS)
            (unitPrice ?ENT ?QUANT ?AGENT ?PS))
        (subclass ?ENT Physical)
        (immediateInstance ?ITEM ?ENT)
        (validPaymentType ?PS ?PAY))
        (exists (?PAYMENT)
                (instance ?PAYMENT ?PAY)
                (subProcess ?PAYMENT ?B))) Likely))
Catalog.kif 337-352
        (instance ?D Antidiuretic)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (agent ?I ?H)
        (moves ?I ?D)
        (instance ?U1 Urination)
        (result ?U1 ?P1)
        (agent ?U1 ?H)
        (instance ?U2 Urination)
            (equal ?U1 ?U2))
        (result ?U2 ?P2)
        (agent ?U2 ?H)
        (earlier ?U1 ?I)
        (earlier ?I ?U2)
        (instance ?V UnitOfVolume)
        (measure ?U1
            (MeasureFn ?N1 ?V))
        (measure ?U2
            (MeasureFn ?N2 ?V)))
        (greaterThan ?N1 ?N2) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10273-10296
        (instance ?D Diuretic)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (agent ?I ?H)
        (moves ?I ?D)
        (instance ?U1 Urination)
        (result ?U1 ?P1)
        (agent ?U1 ?H)
        (instance ?U2 Urination)
        (result ?U2 ?P2)
        (agent ?U2 ?H)
        (earlier ?U1 ?I)
        (earlier ?I ?U2)
        (instance ?V UnitOfVolume)
        (measure ?U1
            (MeasureFn ?N1 ?V))
        (measure ?U2
            (MeasureFn ?N2 ?V)))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10243-10264

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