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Sigma KEE - Decoding
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appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint Decoding Encoding) Merge.kif 12756-12756 解码 和 % 2 是 disjoint
(documentation Decoding ChineseLanguage "这是把一个之前被转成编码 (见 Encoding)的文件或信息, 转换成相对来说大部分人都能理解的 Language。") chinese_format.kif 3207-3208
(documentation Decoding EnglishLanguage "Converting a document or message that has previously been encoded (see Encoding) into a Language that can be understood by a relatively large number of speakers.") Merge.kif 12757-12759
(externalImage Decoding " 13/ Barcode-scanner.jpg") pictureList.kif 10811-10811
(externalImage Decoding " 6a/ Noia_64_mimetypes_real.png") pictureList.kif 10805-10805
(externalImage Decoding " ae/ Enigma.jpg") pictureList.kif 10807-10807
(externalImage Decoding " b3/ Codering_EAN-13.gif") pictureList.kif 10813-10813
(externalImage Decoding " d9/ Semapedia.jpg") pictureList.kif 10814-10814
(externalImage Decoding " ea/ CirrusLogicCS4282-AB.jpg") pictureList.kif 10808-10808
(externalImage Decoding " f8/ Neck_barcode_tattoo.jpg") pictureList.kif 10816-10816
(externalImage Decoding "") pictureList.kif 10809-10809
(externalImage Decoding "") pictureList.kif 10810-10810
(externalImage Decoding "") pictureList.kif 10806-10806
(subclass Decoding Writing) Merge.kif 12755-12755 解码写作subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Decoding "解码") chinese_format.kif 1181-1181
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Decoding "decoding") english_format.kif 1579-1579
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Decoding "decoder") french_format.kif 859-859
(termFormat Hindi Decoding "kuta vyaakhyaayana") terms-hindi.txt 391-391
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Decoding "Decodificare") terms-it.txt 394-394
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Decoding "復号化") japanese_format.kif 2543-2543
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Decoding "Decodificar") portuguese_format.kif 811-811
(termFormat cz Decoding "decoding") terms-cz.txt 430-430
(termFormat ro Decoding "decodificare") relations-ro.kif 880-880
(termFormat tg Decoding "") terms-tg.txt 395-395


        (instance ?DECODE Decoding)
        (patient ?DECODE ?DOC1))
    (exists (?ENCODE ?DOC2 ?TIME ?PROP)
            (containsInformation ?DOC2 ?PROP)
            (containsInformation ?DOC1 ?PROP)
            (temporalPart ?TIME
                    (WhenFn ?DECODE)))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                    (instance ?ENCODE Encoding)
                    (patient ?ENCODE ?DOC2))))))
Merge.kif 12761-12774
        (instance ?P Decoding)
        (agent ?P ?A))
    (exists (?CODE)
            (knows ?A ?CODE)
            (exists (?OBJ)
                    (instrument ?P ?OBJ)
                    (containsInformation ?OBJ ?CODE))))))
QoSontology.kif 2181-2191
        (instance ?X BluRayDisc)
        (instance ?READ Decoding)
        (patient ?READ ?X))
    (exists (?LASER)
            (instance ?LASER RadiatingLight)
            (instrument ?READ ?LASER)
            (wavelength ?LASER
                (MeasureFn 405 Nanometer)))))
Media.kif 1192-1202
        (instance ?X CompactDisc)
        (instance ?READ Decoding)
        (patient ?READ ?X))
    (exists (?LASER)
            (instance ?LASER RadiatingLight)
            (instrument ?READ ?LASER)
            (wavelength ?LASER
                (MeasureFn 780 Nanometer)))))
Media.kif 1156-1166
        (instance ?X DVD)
        (instance ?READ Decoding)
        (patient ?READ ?X))
    (exists (?LASER)
            (instance ?LASER RadiatingLight)
            (instrument ?READ ?LASER)
            (wavelength ?LASER
                (MeasureFn 650 Nanometer)))))
Media.kif 1257-1267


        (instance ?Check VerifyingCardCode)
        (patient ?Check ?Code)
        (cardCode ?Code ?Card))
    (exists (?Decode)
            (instance ?Decode Decoding)
            (subProcess ?Decode ?Check)
            (patient ?Decode ?Code))))
FinancialOntology.kif 3572-3581

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