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Sigma KEE - Crankshaft

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Crankshaft EnglishLanguage "The output of the effort of a Engine. It is a rotating rod that transfers power to other Devices.") Cars.kif 336-337
(subclass Crankshaft Shaft) Cars.kif 335-335 Crankshaftsubclass
(typicalPart Crankshaft Crankcase) Cars.kif 341-341 Crankshaft typicallyCrankcasepart
(typicalPart Crankshaft IntermittentCombustionEngine) Cars.kif 338-338 Crankshaft typicallyIntermittentCombustionEnginepart
(typicallyContainsPart Crankshaft Crankcase) Cars.kif 342-342 Crankcase typicallypart Crankshaft
(typicallyContainsPart Crankshaft IntermittentCombustionEngine) Cars.kif 339-339 IntermittentCombustionEngine typicallypart Crankshaft

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Crankshaft "crankshaft") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64714-64714


        (engineIdleSpeed ?E
                (MeasureFn ?N1 MilesPerHour) ?M))
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?P GasPedal)
        (instance ?P Pushing)
        (destination ?P ?GP)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (part ?GP ?A)
        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
        (part ?C ?E)
            (WhenFn ?P)
            (measure ?C
                    (MeasureFn ?N2 MilesPerHour) ?M))))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1) Likely))
Cars.kif 2591-2609
        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
        (instance ?I IntermittentCombustionEngine)
        (part ?I ?C))
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?E ?R)
                (instance ?E Explosion)
                (instance ?R Rotating)
                (patient ?R ?C)
                (eventLocated ?R ?I)
                (causes ?E ?R)))))
Cars.kif 349-361


    (instance ?AT AutomobileTransmission)
    (hasPurpose ?AT
        (exists (?C ?D ?A ?R1 ?N1 ?R2 ?R3 ?R4 ?N2 ?N3)
                (instance ?C Crankshaft)
                (instance ?D Driveshaft)
                (instance ?A Automobile)
                (part ?D ?A)
                (part ?AT ?A)
                (part ?C ?A)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?C ?AT)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?D ?AT)
                (instance ?R1 Rotating)
                (instance ?R2 Rotating)
                (instance ?R3 Rotating)
                (instance ?R4 Rotating)
                (patient ?R1 ?C)
                (patient ?R2 ?C)
                (patient ?R3 ?D)
                (patient ?R4 ?D)
                (causes ?R1 ?R3)
                (causes ?R2 ?R4)
                    (equal ?R1 ?R2))
                (holdsDuring ?R1
                    (measure ?C
                        (RotationFn ?N1 MinuteDuration)))
                (holdsDuring ?R2
                    (measure ?C
                        (RotationFn ?N1 MinuteDuration)))
                (holdsDuring ?R3
                    (measure ?D
                        (RotationFn ?N2 MinuteDuration)))
                (holdsDuring ?R4
                    (measure ?D
                        (RotationFn ?N3 MinuteDuration)))
                    (equal ?N2 ?N3))))))
Cars.kif 2352-2386
    (instance ?EC EngineCranking)
    (exists (?EM ?E ?S ?R1 ?C ?R2)
            (instance ?EM ElectricalMotor)
            (instance ?E InternalCombustionEngine)
            (instance ?S Shaft)
            (instance ?C Crankshaft)
            (part ?S ?EM)
            (subProcess ?R1 ?EC)
            (instance ?R1 Rotating)
            (patient ?R1 ?S)
            (instance ?R2 Rotating)
            (patient ?R2 ?C)
            (part ?C ?E)
            (causes ?R1 ?R2))))
Cars.kif 2221-2236
    (instance ?ECR EngineConnectingRod)
    (hasPurpose ?ECR
        (exists (?P ?C)
                (instance ?P Piston)
                (instance ?C Crankshaft)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?P ?ECR)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?C ?ECR)))))
Cars.kif 1978-1986
    (instance ?FB FanBelt)
    (hasPurpose ?FB
        (exists (?P1 ?P2 ?C ?A)
                (instance ?P1 Pulley)
                (instance ?P2 Pulley)
                    (equal ?P1 ?P2))
                (instance ?C Crankshaft)
                (instance ?A Automobile)
                (part ?P1 ?A)
                (part ?P2 ?A)
                (part ?C ?A)
                (part ?FB ?A)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?C ?P1)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?P1 ?FB)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?FB ?P2)))))
Cars.kif 2717-2734
    (instance ?FWD FourWheelDriveVehicle)
    (hasPurpose ?FWD
        (forall (?W)
                (part ?W ?FWD)
                (exists (?E ?C ?R1 ?R2)
                        (instance ?E Engine)
                        (part ?E ?FWD)
                        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
                        (part ?C ?E)
                        (instance ?R1 Rotating)
                        (patient ?R1 ?C)
                        (instance ?R2 Rotating)
                        (patient ?R2 ?W)
                        (causes ?R1 ?R2)))))))
Cars.kif 4596-4612
    (instance ?TWD TwoWheelDriveVehicle)
    (hasPurpose ?TWD
        (exists (?W1 ?W2)
                (part ?W1 ?TWD)
                (part ?W2 ?TWD)
                    (equal ?W1 ?W2))
                (exists (?E ?C ?R1 ?R2 ?R3)
                        (instance ?E Engine)
                        (part ?E ?TWD)
                        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
                        (part ?C ?E)
                        (instance ?R1 Rotating)
                        (patient ?R1 ?C)
                        (instance ?R2 Rotating)
                        (patient ?R2 ?W1)
                        (causes ?R1 ?R2)
                        (patient ?R3 ?W2)
                        (causes ?R1 ?R3)
                            (exists (?W3 ?R4)
                                        (equal ?W1 ?W3))
                                        (equal ?W2 ?W3))
                                    (part ?W3 ?TWD)
                                    (instance ?R4 Rotating)
                                    (patient ?R4 ?W3)
                                    (causes ?R1 ?R4))))))))))
Cars.kif 4619-4651

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