Classifying(分类) | ![]() |
appearance as argument number 1 |
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(documentation Classifying ChineseLanguage "这是 IntentionalPsychologicalProcess 的 Class,它涉及对一件东西或一类东西进行分类或命名。注:Classifying 和 Learning 的分别在于后者包括 由 CognitiveAgent 所获得的任何 Proposition,而前者涉及给物件编派标签或类别。") | chinese_format.kif 3114-3116 | |
(documentation Classifying EnglishLanguage "The Class of IntentionalPsychologicalProcesses which involve attaching a name or category to a thing or set of things. Note that Classifying is distinguished from Learning by the fact that the latter covers the acquisition by a CognitiveAgent of any Proposition, while the former involves the assignment of a label or category.") | Merge.kif 12033-12038 | |
(subclass Classifying IntentionalPsychologicalProcess) | Merge.kif 12032-12032 | 分类 是 有意图的心理过程 的 subclass |
appearance as argument number 2 |
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(subclass OrderingParts Classifying) | Economy.kif 1960-1960 | OrderingParts 是 分类 的 subclass |
(subclass TerminalAttackControl Classifying) | MilitaryProcesses.kif 449-449 | 终端攻击控制 是 分类 的 subclass |
(subclass TerminalGuidance Classifying) | MilitaryProcesses.kif 501-501 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Classifying "分类") | chinese_format.kif 1145-1145 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Classifying "classifying") | english_format.kif 1507-1507 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Classifying "classifier") | french_format.kif 823-823 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat Hindi Classifying "vargiikarana") | terms-hindi.txt 355-355 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Classifying "Classificare") | terms-it.txt 358-358 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Classifying "分類") | japanese_format.kif 2507-2507 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Classifying "Classificar") | portuguese_format.kif 775-775 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat cb Classifying "pag-ila") | terms-cb.txt 360-360 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat cz Classifying "classifying") | terms-cz.txt 394-394 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat de Classifying "Klassifizieren") | terms-de.txt 653-653 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat ro Classifying "clasificare") | relations-ro.kif 844-844 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
(termFormat tg Classifying "pag-uri-uriin") | terms-tg.txt 359-359 | 终端指导 是 分类 的 subclass |
consequent |
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(=> (and (instance ?EV Evacuation) (agent ?EV ?A) (experiencer ?EV ?P)) (exists (?C ?CA) (and (instance ?C Classifying) (subProcess ?C ?EV) (experiencer ?C ?P) (or (subOrganization ?CA ?A) (member ?CA ?A) (equal ?CA ?A)) (agent ?C ?CA)))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2641-2655 | |
(=> (and (instance ?RO RecoveryOperation) (patient ?RO ?TARGET)) (hasPurpose ?RO (exists (?PROCESS) (and (patient ?PROCESS ?TARGET) (instance ?PROCESS (UnionFn Classifying (UnionFn Pursuing (UnionFn Discovering (UnionFn Locating Returning))))))))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 558-570 | |
(=> (and (subjectiveAttribute ?ENTITY ?ATTR ?AGENT) (instance ?ATTR FoodRating) (instance ?ENTITY AutonomousAgent)) (exists (?FOOD ?COOK ?CLASSIFY) (and (instance ?COOK Cooking) (agent ?COOK ?ENTITY) (result ?COOK ?FOOD) (instance ?CLASSIFY Classifying) (agent ?CLASSIFY ?AGENT) (destination ?CLASSIFY ?FOOD) (patient ?CLASSIFY ?ATTR)))) |
Hotel.kif 3062-3075 |
(=> (and (subjectiveAttribute ?ENTITY ?ATTR ?AGENT) (instance ?ATTR ServiceRating) (instance ?ENTITY AutonomousAgent)) (exists (?SVC ?CLASSIFY) (and (instance ?SVC ServiceProcess) (agent ?SVC ?ENTITY) (instance ?CLASSIFY Classifying) (agent ?CLASSIFY ?AGENT) (destination ?CLASSIFY ?SVC) (patient ?CLASSIFY ?ATTR)))) |
Hotel.kif 3091-3103 | |
(=> (instance ?P Proliferation) (exists (?C ?A ?I) (and (instance ?C Classifying) (agent ?C ?A) (instance ?I Increasing) (destination ?C ?I) (subjectiveAttribute ?I Quick ?A)))) |
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1437-1445 | |
(=> (instance ?RATING FoodRating) (hasPurpose ?RATING (exists (?C ?FOOD) (and (instance ?C Classifying) (destination ?C ?FOOD) (patient ?C ?RATING) (instance ?FOOD PreparedFood))))) |
Hotel.kif 3052-3060 | |
(=> (instance ?RATING ServiceRating) (hasPurpose ?RATING (exists (?C ?S) (and (instance ?C Classifying) (destination ?C ?S) (patient ?C ?RATING) (instance ?S ServiceProcess))))) |
Hotel.kif 3081-3089 | |
(=> (instance ?TT TriageTag) (hasPurpose ?TT (exists (?C) (and (instance ?C Classifying) (instrument ?C ?TT))))) |
Medicine.kif 6100-6106 | |
(=> (ratingsAgent ?RATING ?AGENT) (exists (?PROCESS ?OBJ) (and (instance ?PROCESS Classifying) (agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT) (destination ?PROCESS ?OBJ) (result ?PROCESS ?RATING)))) |
Hotel.kif 3017-3024 | |
(=> (subjectiveAttribute ?ENTITY ?ATTR ?AGENT) (exists (?RATE) (and (instance ?RATE Classifying) (agent ?RATE ?AGENT) (patient ?RATE ?ATTR) (destination ?RATE ?ENTITY)))) |
Dining.kif 318-325 |
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