AppraisalOfPleasantness |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AppraisalOfPleasantness EnglishLanguage "An appraisal that represents an evaluation of the pleasantness of an object or event.") | emotion.kif 492-493 | |
(documentation AppraisalOfPleasantness EnglishLanguage "GRID questionnaire distinguishes between appraisal of pleasantness FOR SELF and appraisal of pleasantness FOR SOME OTHER. So far we have defined appraisal as evaluation of relevance FOR SELF, thus, we only include one appraisal of pleasantness (for the time being), although we may expand this later -- although I suspect that all or most of the appraisal types would have to be so qualified.") | emotion.kif 485-491 | |
(exhaustiveAttribute AppraisalOfPleasantness AppraisalAsPleasant AppraisalAsUnpleasant) | emotion.kif 495-496 | AppraisalAsPleasant 是所有的 AppraisalOfPleasantness 的 attributes |
(subclass AppraisalOfPleasantness Appraisal) | emotion.kif 494-494 | AppraisalOfPleasantness 是 Appraisal 的 subclass |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(instance AppraisalAsPleasant AppraisalOfPleasantness) | emotion.kif 501-501 | AppraisalAsPleasant 是 AppraisalOfPleasantness 的 instance |
(instance AppraisalAsUnpleasant AppraisalOfPleasantness) | emotion.kif 507-507 | AppraisalAsUnpleasant 是 AppraisalOfPleasantness 的 instance |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AppraisalOfPleasantness "appraisal of pleasantness") | emotion.kif 483-484 |