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Sigma KEE - AfricanDevelopmentBank

appearance as argument number 1

(dateEstablished AfricanDevelopmentBank
    (DayFn 4
        (MonthFn August
            (YearFn 1963))))
Government.kif 2721-2721 4 Day非洲开发银行 的成立 date
(instance AfricanDevelopmentBank OrganizationOfNations) Government.kif 2717-2717 非洲开发银行国际组织instance
(organizationalObjective AfricanDevelopmentBank EconomicDevelopment) Government.kif 2722-2722 经济发展非洲开发银行organizational 目标
(organizationalObjective AfricanDevelopmentBank SocialDevelopment) Government.kif 2723-2723 社会发展非洲开发银行organizational 目标

appearance as argument number 2

(abbreviation "AfDB" AfricanDevelopmentBank) Government.kif 2718-2718 非洲开发银行 是 "AfDB" 的简称
(localLongName "Banque Africaine de Developpement" AfricanDevelopmentBank) Government.kif 2719-2719 非洲开发银行 是 "Banque Africaine de Developpement" 的 local 全名
(localShortName "BAD" AfricanDevelopmentBank) Government.kif 2720-2720 非洲开发银行 是 "BAD" 的 local 简称
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AfricanDevelopmentBank "非洲开发银行") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5736-5736
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage AfricanDevelopmentBank "非洲開發銀行") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5735-5735
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AfricanDevelopmentBank "african development bank") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5734-5734

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