(birthdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
(instance ?Y1
(YearFn -6))
(instance ?Y2
(YearFn 4)))
(temporalPart ?DAY
(BeginFn ?Y1)
(EndFn ?Y2)))) |
Media.kif 1936-1941 |
(deathdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
(instance ?Y1
(YearFn 29))
(instance ?Y2
(YearFn 36)))
(temporalPart ?DAY
(BeginFn ?Y1)
(EndFn ?Y2)))) |
Media.kif 1943-1948 |
(equal ?FY
(FiscalYearStartingFn ?PLACE ?YEAR))
(fiscalYearPeriod ?PLACE ?PERIOD)
(instance ?FY ?PERIOD))
(exists (?DAY ?INST)
(instance ?DAY Day)
(starts ?DAY ?FY)
(instance ?INST ?YEAR)
(temporalPart ?DAY ?INST)))) |
Economy.kif 3869-3879 |
(holdsDuring ?T1
(attribute ?P Expellee)
(citizen ?P ?HOME-NATION)))
(instance ?T1 TimeInterval))
(exists (?TRANS ?NATION)
(instance ?NATION Nation)
(instance ?TRANS Translocation)
(origin ?TRANS ?NATION)
(patient ?TRANS ?P)
(destination ?TRANS ?HOME-NATION)
(temporalPart ?T1
(WhenFn ?TRANS))))) |
MilitaryPersons.kif 151-167 |
(instance ?DECODE Decoding)
(patient ?DECODE ?DOC1))
(exists (?ENCODE ?DOC2 ?TIME ?PROP)
(containsInformation ?DOC2 ?PROP)
(containsInformation ?DOC1 ?PROP)
(temporalPart ?TIME
(WhenFn ?DECODE)))
(holdsDuring ?TIME
(instance ?ENCODE Encoding)
(patient ?ENCODE ?DOC2)))))) |
Merge.kif 12761-12774 |
(instance ?GOAL GameGoal)
(instrument ?GAME ?GOAL)
(instance ?GAME Game)
(subProcess ?SCORE ?GAME)
(instance ?SCORE Score))
(exists (?PIECE ?TIME)
(instance ?PIECE GamePiece)
(patient ?SCORE ?PIECE)
(temporalPart ?TIME
(WhenFn ?SCORE))
(holdsDuring ?TIME
(located ?PIECE ?GOAL))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17269-17281 |
(instance ?H Hanukkah)
(equal ?B
(BeginFn ?H)))
(exists (?M)
(temporalPart ?B ?M)
(instance ?M Month)
(instance ?M November)
(instance ?M December))))) |
Media.kif 587-597 |
(instance ?KEEP Keeping)
(patient ?KEEP ?OBJ))
(exists (?PLACE)
(forall (?TIME)
(temporalPart ?TIME
(WhenFn ?KEEP))
(holdsDuring ?TIME
(located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))))) |
Merge.kif 12236-12244 |
(instance ?O OccupationalRole)
(typicalAction ?PCLASS
(AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?O)))
(exists (?X ?T ?P ?PT)
(instance ?X CognitiveAgent)
(holdsDuring ?T
(attribute ?X ?O))
(instance ?P ?PCLASS)
(agent ?X ?P)
(time ?P ?PT)
(temporalPart ?PT ?T)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22543-22556 |
(instance ?POINT1 TimePoint)
(instance ?POINT2 TimePoint)
(instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
(TimeIntervalFn ?POINT1 ?POINT2) ?INTERVAL))
(forall (?POINT)
(temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT ?POINT2)
(temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL)))) |
Merge.kif 8466-8475 |
(instance ?SAW Saw)
(instance ?CUT Cutting)
(instrument ?CUT ?SAW)
(instance ?OBJ Object)
(patient ?CUT ?OBJ))
(exists (?MOTION ?DIR1 ?DIR2 ?TIME ?T1 ?T2 ?PART)
(instance ?MOTION Motion)
(subProcess ?MOTION ?CUT)
(instance ?PART CuttingDevice)
(part ?PART ?SAW)
(meetsSpatially ?PART ?OBJ)
(patient ?MOTION ?PART)
(instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
(instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
(temporalPart ?TIME ?T1)
(temporalPart ?TIME ?T2)
(instance ?DIR1 DirectionalAttribute)
(instance ?DIR2 DirectionalAttribute)
(holdsDuring ?T1
(direction ?MOTION ?DIR1))
(holdsDuring ?T2
(direction ?MOTION ?DIR2)
(equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
(oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2))
(equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
(oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2))))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18408-18442 |
- If an object is an instance of saw and a process is an instance of cutting and the object is an instrument for the process and another object is an instance of object and the other object is a patient of the process,
- then there exist another process, an entity,, , another entity,, , a time interval,, , a time position,, , another time position and a third object such that the other process is an instance of motion and the other process is a subprocess of the process and the third object is an instance of cutting device and the third object is a part of the object and the third object meets the other object and the third object is a patient of the other process and the other time position is an instance of time interval and the other time position is an instance of time interval and the time of existence of the other process is equal to the time interval and the time interval is a part of the time position and the time interval is a part of the other time position and the entity is an instance of directional attribute and the other entity is an instance of directional attribute and
(instance ?T1
(YearFn 26))
(instance ?T2
(YearFn 100)))
(WhenFn TwelveApostles)
(BeginFn ?T1)
(EndFn ?T2)))) |
Media.kif 1959-1963 |
(property ?Option EuropeanStyleOption)
(agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date))
(exists (?Period ?Time ?Exercise)
(instance ?Period TimeInterval)
(EndFn ?Period) ?Date)
(instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption)
(WhenFn ?Exercise) ?Time))
(temporalPart ?Time ?Period))))) |
FinancialOntology.kif 2808-2820 |
(subclass ?PAPER Newspaper)
(instance ?WEEK Week))
(instance ?PUBLICATION Publication)
(instance ?ISSUE ?PAPER)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15007-15016 |
(classmate ?A1 ?A2 ?COURSE)
(exists (?CLASS ?EDU ?TIME)
(instance ?CLASS GroupOfPeople)
(instance ?EDU EducationalProcess)
(realization ?EDU ?COURSE)
(patient ?EDU ?CLASS)
(temporalPart ?TIME
(WhenFn ?EDU))
(memberAtTime ?A1 ?CLASS ?TIME)
(memberAtTime ?A1 ?CLASS ?TIME)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17034-17045 |
(climateTypeInArea ?AREA ColdClimateZone)
(exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
(instance ?MO Month)
(temporalPart ?MO WinterSeason)
(averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
(MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
(lessThan ?AMOUNT -3.0)))) |
Geography.kif 1533-1541 |
(holdsDuring ?TIME
(attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE))
(instance ?PROC ?PROCESS)
(WhenFn ?PROC) ?TIME)
(experiencer ?PROC ?ORGANISM)
(patient ?PROC ?SAMPLE)
(instance ?SAMPLE ?SUBSTANCE))
(ImmediateFutureFn ?TIME)
(attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE))))))) |
WMD.kif 941-955 |
(during ?SMALL ?BIG)
(temporalPart ?SMALL ?BIG)) |
Merge.kif 8294-8296 |
(forall (?OTHERPOINT)
(before ?POINT ?OTHERPOINT)))) |
Merge.kif 8034-8041 |
(forall (?OTHERPOINT)
(before ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT)))) |
Merge.kif 8052-8059 |
(forall (?TIME)
(instance ?TIME TimePoint)
(temporalPart ?TIME ?INTERVAL))
(exists (?INSTANCE)
(instance ?INSTANCE ?CLASS)
(temporalPart ?TIME ?INSTANCE)))))) |
Merge.kif 9483-9493 |
(frequency ?PROC ?TIME1)
(forall (?TIME2)
(duration ?TIME2 ?TIME1)
(exists (?POSITION)
(temporalPart ?POSITION ?TIME2)
(holdsDuring ?POSITION
(exists (?INST)
(instance ?INST ?PROC)))))))) |
Merge.kif 7953-7963 |
(holdsDuring ?T1
(attribute ?H Veteran))
(exists (?T2)
(temporalPart ?T2
(WhenFn ?T1)))
(holdsDuring ?T2
(attribute ?H Soldier))
(holdsDuring ?T1
(attribute ?H Soldier)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22486-22497 |
(holdsDuring ?T1
(inhabits ?ORGANISM ?OBJ))
(exists (?TIME)
(instance ?TIME TimeInterval)
(temporalPart ?TIME ?T1)
(holdsDuring ?TIME
(located ?ORGANISM ?OBJ))))) |
Merge.kif 14422-14428 |
(holdsDuring ?T1
(states ?AGENT ?SENTENCE))
(exists (?COMM)
(instance ?COMM LinguisticCommunication)
(agent ?COMM ?AGENT)
(patient ?COMM ?SENTENCE)
(temporalPart ?T1
(WhenFn ?COMM))))) |
Media.kif 1844-1851 |
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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |