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Sigma KEE - stringConcatenation

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation stringConcatenation EnglishLanguage "(stringConcatenation ?SymbolicString-1 ?SymbolicString-2 ?SymbolicString-3) means that ?SymbolicString-3 can be formed by appending ?SymbolicString-1 and ?SymbolicString-2, in order. Example: (stringConcatenation "Charles " "Darwin" "Charles Darwin") is a True Sentence.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 24776-24782
(domain stringConcatenation 1 SymbolicString) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24773-24773 The number 1 argument of string concatenation is an instance of symbolic string
(domain stringConcatenation 2 SymbolicString) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24774-24774 The number 2 argument of string concatenation is an instance of symbolic string
(domain stringConcatenation 3 SymbolicString) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24775-24775 The number 3 argument of string concatenation is an instance of symbolic string
(instance stringConcatenation SingleValuedRelation) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24772-24772 string concatenation is an instance of single valued relation
(instance stringConcatenation TernaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24770-24770 string concatenation is an instance of ternary predicate
(instance stringConcatenation TotalValuedRelation) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24771-24771 string concatenation is an instance of total valued relation
(subrelation stringConcatenation precedesInString) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24800-24800 string concatenation is a subrelation of precedes in string

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage stringConcatenation "%1 和 %2 的 concatenation 是 %3 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4666-4666
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage stringConcatenation "%1 和 %2 的 concatenation 是 %3 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4665-4665
(format EnglishLanguage stringConcatenation "the concatenation of %1 and %2 is %3") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4664-4664
(termFormat EnglishLanguage stringConcatenation "string concatenation") domainEnglishFormat.kif 66002-66002


    (stringConcatenation ?S1 ?S2 ?S3)
    (equal ?S3
        (StringConcatenateFn ?S1 ?S2)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24784-24786 The concatenation of a symbolic string and another symbolic string is a third symbolic string if and only if the third symbolic string is equal to the concatenation of the symbolic string and the other symbolic string
        (fullName ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
    (fullNameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING))
Media.kif 3294-3299
        (names ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
    (nameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING))
Media.kif 3321-3326


        (fullNameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (equal ?START
            (StringLengthFn ?FIRST))
        (equal ?END
            (StringLengthFn ?NAMESTRING))
        (equal ?REST
            (SubstringFn ?NAMESTRING ?START ?END)))
    (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3301-3308
        (nameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (equal ?START
            (StringLengthFn ?FIRST))
        (equal ?END
            (StringLengthFn ?NAMESTRING))
        (equal ?REST
            (SubstringFn ?NAMESTRING ?START ?END)))
    (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3328-3335

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