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Sigma KEE - serviceProvider

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation serviceProvider EnglishLanguage "(serviceProvider ?EVENT ?AGENT) means that ?AGENT is the supplier of the service provided in ?EVENT.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 23164-23166
(domain serviceProvider 1 ServiceProcess) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23160-23160 The number 1 argument of service provider is an instance of service
(domain serviceProvider 2 CognitiveAgent) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23161-23161 The number 2 argument of service provider is an instance of cognitive agent
(instance serviceProvider AsymmetricRelation) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23158-23158 service provider is an instance of asymmetric relation
(instance serviceProvider BinaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23157-23157 service provider is an instance of binary predicate
(instance serviceProvider CaseRole) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23163-23163 service provider is an instance of case role
(instance serviceProvider IntentionalRelation) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23159-23159 service provider is an instance of intentional relation
(subrelation serviceProvider agent) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23162-23162 service provider is a subrelation of agent

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage serviceProvider "%2 %n{doesn't} 在 %1 中提供服务") chinese_format.kif 233-233
(format EnglishLanguage serviceProvider "%2 %n{doesn't} provide%p{s} a service during %1") english_format.kif 234-234
(format JapaneseLanguage serviceProvider "%2 は %1 の間サービスを provide%p{s} %n{ない}") japanese_format.kif 1965-1965
(termFormat ChineseLanguage serviceProvider "服务供应者") chinese_format.kif 234-234
(termFormat ChineseLanguage serviceProvider "服务提供者") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52310-52310
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage serviceProvider "服務提供者") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52309-52309
(termFormat EnglishLanguage serviceProvider "service provider") domainEnglishFormat.kif 52308-52308


        (instance ?X PhotocopyingService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?AGENT))
    (exists (?DEVICE)
            (instance ?DEVICE Photocopier)
            (possesses ?AGENT ?DEVICE)
            (instrument ?X ?DEVICE))))
Hotel.kif 2138-2146
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y CoastalAndGreatLakesFreightTransportation))
    (exists (?FREIGHT ?SHIP ?WATER)
            (subProcess ?FREIGHT ?X)
            (instance ?FREIGHT WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?FREIGHT ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP CargoShip)
            (eventLocated ?FREIGHT ?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (geographicSubregion ?WATER UnitedStates))))
naics.kif 8184-8197
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y CoastalAndGreatLakesPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP ?WATER)
            (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X)
            (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
            (eventLocated ?CRUISE ?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (geographicSubregion ?WATER UnitedStates)
                (exists (?FERRY)
                        (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip)
                        (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY)))))))
naics.kif 8207-8225
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y DeepSeaFreightTransportation))
    (exists (?FREIGHT ?SHIP)
            (subProcess ?FREIGHT ?X)
            (instance ?FREIGHT WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?FREIGHT ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP CargoShip)
            (eventLocated ?FREIGHT WorldOcean))))
naics.kif 8139-8150
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y DeepSeaPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X)
            (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
            (eventLocated ?CRUISE WorldOcean)
                (exists (?FERRY)
                        (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip)
                        (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY)))))))
naics.kif 8159-8175


        (attribute ?X DeepSeaCoastalAndGreatLakesWaterTransportation)
        (instance ?X TransportationCompany))
    (exists (?SERVICE ?PLACE)
            (instance ?SERVICE WaterTransportationService)
            (serviceProvider ?SERVICE ?X)
            (eventLocated ?SERVICE ?PLACE)
            (instance ?PLACE WaterArea)
            (located ?X NorthAmerica))))
naics.kif 8120-8130
        (attribute ?X TravelerAccommodation)
        (capability RoomCleaningService agent ?X))
    (exists (?MAID ?HOTELROOM)
            (employs ?X ?MAID)
            (attribute ?MAID Maid)
            (instance ?HOTELROOM HotelUnit)
            (part ?HOTELROOM
                (PropertyFn ?X))
            (capability RoomCleaningService patient ?HOTELROOM)
            (capability RoomCleaningService serviceProvider ?MAID))))
Hotel.kif 1935-1946
        (instance ?AOC AOCnumber)
        (instance ?AIRLINE Airline)
        (possesses ?AIRLINE ?AOC))
        (exists (?AIR)
                (instance ?AIR AirTransportationService)
                (serviceProvider ?AIR ?AIRLINE))) FederalAviationAdministration ?AIRLINE))
Transportation.kif 4046-4056
        (instance ?X Nursery)
        (element ?X
            (PropertyFn ?HOTEL))
        (attribute ?HOTEL TravelerAccommodation))
    (exists (?NANNY ?CARE)
            (attribute ?X CommunalAttribute)
            (employs ?HOTEL ?NANNY)
            (hasPurpose ?NANNY
                    (instance ?CARE ChildCareService)
                    (serviceProvider ?CARE ?NANNY))))))
Hotel.kif 1902-1914
    (capability ChildCareService agent ?X)
    (exists (?SITTER)
            (employs ?X ?SITTER)
            (capability ChildCareService serviceProvider ?SITTER))))
Hotel.kif 1883-1888
    (instance ?AIRLINE Airline)
    (hasPurpose ?AIRLINE
        (exists (?AIR)
                (instance ?AIR AirTransportationService)
                (serviceProvider ?AIR ?AIRLINE)))))
Transportation.kif 4162-4168
    (instance ?CHECK CheckInService)
    (exists (?AGENT ?CUST ?GREET ?SERVICE)
            (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
            (serviceProvider ?CHECK ?AGENT)
            (instance ?GREET Greeting)
            (agent ?GREET ?CUST)
            (destination ?GREET ?AGENT)
            (subProcess ?GREET ?CHECK)
            (instance ?SERVICE Process)
            (agent ?SERVICE ?AGENT)
            (causes ?CHECK ?SERVICE))))
Hotel.kif 2154-2166
    (instance ?EVENT ServiceProcess)
    (exists (?PROVIDER)
            (instance ?PROVIDER CognitiveAgent)
            (serviceProvider ?EVENT ?PROVIDER))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23179-23184
    (instance ?MS MedicalService)
    (exists (?AGENT ?HUMAN ?PROC)
            (agent ?MS ?AGENT)
            (employs ?AGENT ?HUMAN)
            (attribute ?HUMAN MedicalDoctor)
            (serviceProvider ?MS ?HUMAN)
                (instance ?PROC TherapeuticProcess)
                (instance ?PROC DiagnosticProcess))
            (subProcess ?PROC ?MS))))
Hotel.kif 2281-2292
    (instance ?SVC ChildCareService)
    (exists (?CHILD ?SITTER)
                (instance ?CHILD HumanChild)
                (instance ?CHILD HumanBaby))
            (serviceProvider ?SVC ?SITTER)
            (patient ?SVC ?CHILD)
                (parent ?CHILD ?SITTER)))))
Hotel.kif 1872-1881
    (instance ?SVC SafetyDepositService)
    (exists (?SAFE ?KEEP ?OBJ ?AGENT)
            (serviceProvider ?SVC ?AGENT)
            (instance ?SAFE SafeContainer)
            (instance ?KEEP Keeping)
            (located ?KEEP ?SAFE)
            (possesses ?AGENT ?SAFE)
            (patient ?KEEP ?OBJ)
            (subProcess ?KEEP ?SVC)
                (possesses ?AGENT ?OBJ)))))
Hotel.kif 2262-2273
    (instance ?X RoomCleaningService)
    (exists (?MAID ?PLACE ?CLEAN)
            (attribute ?MAID Maid)
            (serviceProvider ?X ?MAID)
            (located ?X ?PLACE)
            (subProcess ?CLEAN ?X)
            (instance ?CLEAN Cleaning)
            (patient ?CLEAN ?PLACE)
            (agent ?CLEAN ?MAID))))
Hotel.kif 1923-1933
    (instance ?X SecretarialService)
    (exists (?SP ?SR ?SEC)
            (serviceProvider ?X ?SP)
            (serviceRecipient ?X ?SR)
            (employs ?SP ?SEC)
            (attribute ?SEC ClericalSecretary))))
Hotel.kif 2300-2307
    (instance ?X ServiceProcess)
    (exists (?AGENT ?CUST)
            (serviceProvider ?X ?AGENT)
            (serviceRecipient ?X ?CUST)
                (equal ?AGENT ?CUST)))))
Hotel.kif 1772-1778
    (property ?C ServiceContract)
    (exists (?SP ?SERVICE ?CUST)
            (instance ?SP ServiceProcess)
            (realization ?SP ?C)
            (serviceProvider ?SP ?SERVICE)
            (serviceRecipient ?SP ?CUST)
            (partyToAgreement ?C ?SERVICE)
            (partyToAgreement ?C ?CUST))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14416-14425
    (providesDestination ?TC ?REG)
        (exists (?SVC)
                (instance ?SVC TransportationService)
                (serviceProvider ?SVC ?TC)
                (destination ?SVC ?REG))) Possibility))
Transportation.kif 4259-4266

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