resource |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(disjointRelation resource instrument) | Merge.kif 2514-2514 | resource and instrument are disjoint |
(disjointRelation resource result) | Merge.kif 2513-2513 | resource and result are disjoint |
(documentation resource ChineseLanguage "(resource ?PROCESS ?RESOURCE) 的意思是 ?RESOURCE 在 ?PROCESS 开始时存在、?PROCESS 利用了他、结果它受到 ?PROCESS 的改变。例如: 在以下'这枪是用肥皂雕刻出来的'这命题,肥皂是个 resource。注: resource 和 patient 的另外一个自关系 instrument 不同的地方在于,资源的内在或物理特性在某方面 收到了 Process 的改变。") | chinese_format.kif 1887-1891 | resource and result are disjoint |
(documentation resource EnglishLanguage "(resource ?PROCESS ?RESOURCE) means that ?RESOURCE is present at the beginning of ?PROCESS, is used by ?PROCESS, and as a consequence is changed by ?PROCESS. For example, soap is a resource in the following proposition: the gun was carved out of soap. Note that resource differs from instrument, another subrelation of patient, in that its internal or physical properties are altered in some way by the Process.") | Merge.kif 2517-2523 | resource and result are disjoint |
(documentation resource JapaneseLanguage "(resource ?PROCESS ?RESOURCE) とは、?RESOURCE が PR の開始時に存在し、?PROCESS によって使用され、その結果として ?PROCESSによって変更されたこと を意味する。 例:石鹸は、次の命題の resource である: 銃は石鹸から彫り出された。 注: resource は、patient のもう 1 つのサブリレーションである instrument とは異なり、内部プロ パティまたは物理プロパティが Process によって何らかの方法で変更される。") | japanese_format.kif 512-516 | resource and result are disjoint |
(domain resource 1 Process) | Merge.kif 2511-2511 | The number 1 argument of resource is an instance of process |
(domain resource 2 Object) | Merge.kif 2512-2512 | The number 2 argument of resource is an instance of object |
(instance resource CaseRole) | Merge.kif 2509-2509 | resource is an instance of case role |
(instance resource PartialValuedRelation) | Merge.kif 2510-2510 | resource is an instance of partial valued relation |
(subrelation resource patient) | Merge.kif 2508-2508 | resource is a subrelation of patient |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage resource "%2 %n 是 %1 的 resource") | chinese_format.kif 181-181 | |
(format EnglishLanguage resource "%2 is %n a resource for %1") | english_format.kif 182-182 | |
(format FrenchLanguage resource "%2 est %n une resource pour %1") | french_format.kif 110-110 | |
(format ItalianLanguage resource "%2 è %n una risorsa per %1") | relations-it.txt 256-256 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage resource "%2 は %1 の resource では %n") | japanese_format.kif 1939-1939 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage resource "%2 e' %n um recurso para %1") | portuguese_format.kif 62-62 | |
(format cz resource "%2 %p{je} %n{nen�} n�strojem pro %1") | relations-cz.txt 86-86 | |
(format de resource "%2 ist ein hilfmittel fuer %1 %n{nicht}") | relations-de.txt 229-229 | |
(format hi resource "%2 %1 kaa saadhana %n hai") | relations-hindi.txt 293-293 | |
(format ro resource "%2 %n{nu} este o resource%t{resursã} pentru %1") | relations-ro.kif 129-129 | |
(format sv resource "%2 är %n{inte} en resurs för %1") | relations-sv.txt 115-115 | |
(format tg resource "%2 %n ay ang kakayahan ng %1") | relations-tg.txt 448-448 | |
(subrelation reactant resource) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 9016-9016 | reactant is a subrelation of resource |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage resource "资源") | chinese_format.kif 182-182 | reactant is a subrelation of resource |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage resource "資源") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 49758-49758 | reactant is a subrelation of resource |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage resource "resource") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 49757-49757 | reactant is a subrelation of resource |
(termFormat de resource "hilfsmittel") | terms-de.txt 72-72 | reactant is a subrelation of resource |
antecedent |
consequent |